Activity: 1036
Merit: 1001
June 18, 2015, 10:34:01 PM |
I was their customer - for 66 minutes. and I also lost 499$  ohh.. A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave. You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations. delete client ID: 1543 - I changed my mind and don't want to be part of this SCAM.(
Activity: 1932
Merit: 1737
"Common rogue from Russia with a bare ass."
June 19, 2015, 03:09:02 PM |
Can't give it away......nearly 24 hours after their $10,000 bonanza was announced We have 9 free packages remaining.
......out of 20. I am going to close the signature campaign on Monday....the community didn't react well to our company so we think it would be best to wait until the community trusts us.
Don't hold your breath Mr.junka......
Extraordinary Claims require Extraordinary Evidence
Activity: 1764
Merit: 1000
June 19, 2015, 03:12:02 PM |
Can't give it away......nearly 24 hour after their $10,000 bonanza was announced We have 9 free packages remaining.
......out of 20. I am going to close the signature campaign on Monday....the community didn't react well to our company so we think it would be best to wait until the community trusts us.
Don't hold your breath Mr.junka...... 
Activity: 924
Merit: 1006
June 19, 2015, 03:15:09 PM |
I am going to close the signature campaign on Monday....the community didn't react well to our company so we think it would be best to wait until the community trusts us.
Don't hold your breath Mr.junka...... I think he spend his advertising for nothing..just like giving free money for everybody. But glad that he end the campaign eventually
Activity: 1932
Merit: 1737
"Common rogue from Russia with a bare ass."
June 19, 2015, 03:32:13 PM |
I see 12 x 0.00397 BTC and 1 x 0.08309 BTC paid out today (investor group #65). Of course there are at least 64 other 'investor groups' lol, but that looks like 9 freebies + 3 small mugs and one BIG mug in this round of payments.
Extraordinary Claims require Extraordinary Evidence
Activity: 1036
Merit: 1001
June 19, 2015, 03:59:58 PM |
my crystal ball just whispered me: 0.83$ = 0,003309 BTC for post in their thread
https://blockchain.info/tx/4058b24d55a5b6fbead8241ed769558d9414a587cbf4ef3167ccc48b7e34cafeok, but I was too damn close.) anyway, we had new way of whoring here...now those stupids will post every fucking single day "payment received" and because they are many, this cloudthink ann. thread will remain on top of Service Announcements section for next 7 days.. from other side, they are running out of resources (declined sig. campaign, lowered payouts for avatars..) and this is one of their last moves... 
Activity: 1036
Merit: 1000
June 19, 2015, 04:14:01 PM |
Just got a spam email from cloudthink.io...I have never registered there (probably they bought a shiton of BCT email addresses from somewhere).Soo they are advertising everywhere they can. 
Activity: 1876
Merit: 1303
DiceSites.com owner
June 19, 2015, 04:16:14 PM |
anyway, we had new way of whoring here...now those stupids will post every fucking single day "payment received" and because they are many, this cloudthink ann. thread will remain on top of Service Announcements section for next 7 days..
This generally isn't allowed, should have separate "give-away" topic in Games and Rounds: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=71.0 This counts for "Gambling" forum, but I am pretty sure it's the same for "Services" forum. To be specific, I'm referring to "Post in this thread for free x". That belongs in Games and Rounds. Though it isn't limited to that, in general you shouldn't be giving people incentives to post in your thread, it's disruptive to actual discussion.
Forcing 20 users to bump your thread daily obviously counts for that. So who will report it? I am not sure who to PM.
Muhammed Zakir
June 19, 2015, 04:24:12 PM |
-snip- So who will report it? I am not sure who to PM.
I did. Let's wait and see...
Activity: 1036
Merit: 1001
June 20, 2015, 11:05:17 AM |
-snip- So who will report it? I am not sure who to PM.
I did. Let's wait and see... I did also. I just hope that mods are smart enough to understand, that purpose of this thread is to BUMP for 1USD by sen/hero members and nothing else..(because is self moderated, you can't even ask or share any thoughts)
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1016
June 20, 2015, 12:12:16 PM |
I see 12 x 0.00397 BTC and 1 x 0.08309 BTC paid out today (investor group #65). Of course there are at least 64 other 'investor groups' lol, but that looks like 9 freebies + 3 small mugs and one BIG mug in this round of payments. Well , I was one of those groups there. Anyway whatever I will be just taking whatever they give it to my address without posting about it in their thread. Perhaps I will donate what I got from their silly packages anyway Also if anyone interested, Ajaraselde seems to be the new escrow or campaign manager for Cloudthink Sorry guys! I have been really really busy with meetings and travels. Is there someone (Sr or Hero with at least 5 green trust) who could receive a payment from me and issue the remaining payments? I can send 0.2-0.3 to cover them all and a bonus of ..0.05B to handle the payments. I can send more if needed. Please post your agreement here if you accept the terms. There's like 20-30 payments to be made.
If you find me trusted enough, i can do it, but for one time deal to help users in this thread that are left unpaid. e.g. You send funds i take over counting from the last full payout, and process payments take 0,05 BTC fee return the rest (if there is some) to address you sent it from. If you agree, you can send funds to my address: 1MZvjgQFQdAUUx5n6Prxw4oGuRycVmaZYR cheers Thank you! I am very happy to see your offer. I have sent you 0.25B, I think payments shouldn't pass 0.2 but I will send the difference if needed. Payments have to be made to all eligible participants starting with message #687 (page 35) and a few users may not have received 1 or 2 payments for the last days before June 16. Thank you for your service! Please let me know if you need anything
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1001
June 20, 2015, 12:17:42 PM |
... Also if anyone interested, Ajaraselde seems to be the new escrow or campaign manager for Cloudthink
I thought that he will not involve anything regarding cloudthink. Although he was only escrow, he also risking received red-ve just like BTCblogger escrowing CRYPTO-MMM
Activity: 1036
Merit: 1001
June 20, 2015, 03:08:32 PM |
Although he was only escrow, he also risking received red-ve just like BTCblogger escrowing CRYPTO-MMM
he is not risking anything. majority of guys here (me included) are scared to use this sick trusted system even if they are right in order to not receive negative rating back "for nothing"..
Muhammed Zakir
June 20, 2015, 03:28:50 PM |
Although he was only escrow, he also risking received red-ve just like BTCblogger escrowing CRYPTO-MMM
he is not risking anything. majority of guys here (me included) are scared to use this sick trusted system even if they are right in order to not receive negative rating back "for nothing".. If you get a feedback for nothing from a default trust user, you can easily get him removed by contacting the user who trusts this user. Feedbacks without reference left by users who are not in default trust don't do any harm.
June 22, 2015, 09:25:34 AM |
... Also if anyone interested, Ajaraselde seems to be the new escrow or campaign manager for Cloudthink
I thought that he will not involve anything regarding cloudthink. Although he was only escrow, he also risking received red-ve just like BTCblogger escrowing CRYPTO-MMM I see no harm in him being campaign manager, as without him probabilty of no payout is high. Atleast with him the scam from this company will be reduced and payouts will happen.
Activity: 1036
Merit: 1001
June 22, 2015, 11:09:32 AM |
I see no harm in him being campaign manager
basically, he is just supporting obvious scam be distributing dirty money to others. It is not direct harm, but he is now somehow part of this shit..
June 22, 2015, 11:38:40 AM |
I see no harm in him being campaign manager
basically, he is just supporting obvious scam be distributing dirty money to others. It is not direct harm, but he is now somehow part of this shit.. I feel there is a good side and a bad side to it. Good side is that knowing that it has all the signs of a scam , it is likely they will default on the payment, therefore having an escrow can prevent that. Bad side is that, now that an escrow is available more people might join the campaign and would advertise more for the scam. But since its a scam ,it is better to make people aware of it, and tell them not to join the campaign and if they do so thenn do it at their own risk and not complain if they do not receive the payments.
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000
June 22, 2015, 09:58:16 PM |
... Also if anyone interested, Ajaraselde seems to be the new escrow or campaign manager for Cloudthink
I thought that he will not involve anything regarding cloudthink. Although he was only escrow, he also risking received red-ve just like BTCblogger escrowing CRYPTO-MMM I see no harm in him being campaign manager, as without him probabilty of no payout is high. Atleast with him the scam from this company will be reduced and payouts will happen. I do. Guarantee you there would be fewer members joining that campaign if escrow wasn't used. For those that do, they deserve to be scammed for promoting a scam. Fewer members would mean less sig spam so at the end of the day there would be fewer members getting scammed in the long run. That being said, I see it as ajareselde promoting this scam as well and I'll consider leaving feedback if he continues to escrow.