Is the a chronological list anywhere for alts as they were released. Some of the first 100 coins must have tiny mintings. Some were disregarded almost at launch.
There's a website dedicated to this...
Sort of yes ... and no.
I have data, some of it is inaccurate. There is a website ( that presents some serialisations of altcoin metadata but atm there's no chronological listing.
More specifically; I maintain DOACC, a collection of metadata about released/mooted altcoins: The metadata is maintained as an RDF graph with a couple of associated OWL ontologies in support.
Every altcoin recorded in DOACC has an “incept date” (a YYYY-MM value), name, symbol, distribution scheme, protection scheme, algo and block time.
A minimalist SPARQL query would be:
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX doacc: <>
SELECT ?label ?d WHERE
?node skos:prefLabel ?label .
?node doacc:incept ?d .
which produces the result (lightly edited for readability) :
Bitcoin | 2009-01 |
Freicoin | 2011-02 |
Namecoin | 2011-04 |
iXcoin | 2011-05 |
SolidCoin | 2011-08 |
Tenebrix | 2011-09 |
GeistGeld | 2011-09 |
I0Coin | 2011-09 |
RuCoin | 2011-09 |
Fairbrix | 2011-10 |
SolidCoin2 | 2011-10 |
Litecoin | 2011-10 |
BitChips | 2011-11 |
CoiledCoin | 2012-01 |
Realpay | 2012-02 |
Microcash | 2012-04 |
Timekoin | 2012-06 |
BBQCoin | 2012-07 |
Bytecoin | 2012-07 |
Starcoin | 2012-07 |
ZcCoin | 2012-08 |
Peercoin | 2012-08 |
TerraCoin | 2012-10 |
Vertcoin | 2013-01 |
Novacoin | 2013-02 |
SmallChange | 2013-04 |
Bytecoin | 2013-04 |
Feathercoin | 2013-04 |
Sexcoin | 2013-05 |
SunRiseCoin | 2013-05 |
EZCoin | 2013-05 |
Powercoin | 2013-05 |
barcoin | 2013-05 |
Porncoin | 2013-05 |
DragonCoin | 2013-05 |
Weedcoin | 2013-05 |
Hypercoin | 2013-05 |
Mincoin | 2013-05 |
Bitgem | 2013-05 |
GameCoin | 2013-05 |
Fastcoin | 2013-05 |
Elacoin | 2013-05 |
SuperCoin | 2013-05 |
RoyalCoin | 2013-05 |
UScoin | 2013-05 |
Vaginacoin | 2013-05 |
AmericanCoin | 2013-05 |
Digitalcoin | 2013-05 |
Fastcoin2 | 2013-05 |
Franko | 2013-05 |
Luckycoin | 2013-05 |
Phoenixcoin | 2013-05 |
Ripple | 2013-05 |
Memecoin | 2013-05 |
Phenixcoin | 2013-05 |
Doubloon | 2013-05 |
Molecule | 2013-05 |
OneCoin | 2013-05 |
Megacoin | 2013-05 |
BitBar | 2013-05 |
Yacoin | 2013-05 |
JunkCoin | 2013-05 |
WorldCoin | 2013-05 |
Nibble | 2013-05 |
SkyCoin | 2013-05 |
Nanotoken | 2013-06 |
ZenithCoin | 2013-06 |
Quantumcoin | 2013-06 |
FlorinCoin | 2013-06 |
Anoncoin | 2013-06 |
YbCoin | 2013-06 |
Emerald | 2013-06 |
OnelastCoin | 2013-06 |
Krugercoin | 2013-06 |
6Coin | 2013-06 |
RedCoin | 2013-06 |
GlobalCoin | 2013-06 |
Noirbits | 2013-06 |
Richcoin | 2013-06 |
LiquidCoin | 2013-06 |
XenCoin | 2013-06 |
Cryptogenic Bullion | 2013-06 |
Copperlark | 2013-06 |
Orbitcoin | 2013-06 |
Sifcoin | 2013-06 |
Flashcoin | 2013-06 |
Cryptobits | 2013-06 |
Quickcoin | 2013-06 |
IceCoin | 2013-06 |
Nucoin | 2013-06 |
Diamond | 2013-06 |
MasterCoin | 2013-06 |
ValueCoin | 2013-06 |
Infinitecoin | 2013-06 |
Cosmoscoin | 2013-06 |
Curecoin | 2013-06 |
RealCoin | 2013-06 |
Bottlecaps | 2013-06 |
TradeCoin | 2013-06 |
Primecoin | 2013-07 |
It is theoretically possible to establish a precise datetime for each altcoin's incept by consulting the datestamp of the coin's genesis block. This is, ofc, left as an exercise for the reader.As a courtesy to clients, Minkiz offers a SPARQL endpoint: (please don't abuse the endpoint, feel free to
run your own Fuseki instance).
a canned version of the SPARQL query that takes you straight to the unedited SPARQL results.
Good news/Bad news Dept: There is documentation for DOACC ... unfortunately it's impenetrable (I suspect).
My original wheeze to use the Github project's “Git pages” to host the docs was scuppered by the js demands introduced by animating the examples and so I've parked the docs in a corner of Minkiz for the time being:
(No apologies for the self-signed CA, get our CA root cert from ---
DYR courtesy The Internet Archive.)
Edit: added note about documentation