philipma1957 (OP)
Activity: 4410
Merit: 9503
'The right to privacy matters'
February 07, 2016, 01:08:33 AM Last edit: February 07, 2016, 01:19:47 AM by philipma1957 |
Aaarg just as you thought it could not get much worse, someone has plugged up some more Miners and we have ended the Day at +38.89% & 200 Blocks... Run rate this period at +19.56% so unless things back off a bit we will end up even higher than that.....
Its a sign that this isn't the worse to come. Most likely next diff increase will be at least another +10% yeah that jump to 200 is a bad sign before that one we were at 189 for a high this jump. but if the 200 is the true number and not the 189 we are in for +10 next time. right now with 21 blocks to go look like skuser may win contest.. I set a top cut off 1 higher and I think he picker 20.9 I do not think we can get over 21.9 so he is in good shape. if we slow a little it still could go low enough for the others +18.7 = lanfeusst +18.8 = radiumsoup +19.0 = RichBC +19.5 = mavericklm +19.9 = Kexkey +20.9 = skuser
philipma1957 (OP)
Activity: 4410
Merit: 9503
'The right to privacy matters'
February 07, 2016, 04:13:02 AM |
Kexkey looks like the lock of the century to win .
IT WOULD TAKE A 2 hour block for him to lose.
I think.
Hero Member
Activity: 668
Merit: 500
February 07, 2016, 04:14:19 AM |
Haha, 20.06%, pipped 20%.
philipma1957 (OP)
Activity: 4410
Merit: 9503
'The right to privacy matters'
February 07, 2016, 04:15:36 AM |
Haha, 20.06%
That makes Kexkey a winner as this was a no rollover . and he is closest. @ Kexkey please give a btc addy for payment. we are now down to .8 btc to give away in the following adjustments.
Hero Member
Activity: 668
Merit: 500
February 07, 2016, 04:17:10 AM |
Haha, 20.06%
That makes Kexkey a wiiner Can we go back to exact only wins? Nearest winning makes people game where they place their bets to cut others off and grab ranges.
philipma1957 (OP)
Activity: 4410
Merit: 9503
'The right to privacy matters'
February 07, 2016, 04:22:19 AM |
Haha, 20.06%
That makes Kexkey a wiiner Can we go back to exact only wins? Nearest winning makes people game where they place their bets to cut others off and grab ranges. we are at that rule for 1 rollover. Once we go to .2 no rollovers . the only rollover at .2 is lowest pick and highest pick can not be off by 1 say 21 is top pick he tops out at 22 say -2 is low pick he bottoms out at -3 as we had a lot of issues when we were at .3 and .4 rewards. I caught at least 3 or 4 fake entries when prize got high
Hero Member
Activity: 668
Merit: 500
February 07, 2016, 06:27:53 AM |
Haha, 20.06%
That makes Kexkey a wiiner Can we go back to exact only wins? Nearest winning makes people game where they place their bets to cut others off and grab ranges. we are at that rule for 1 rollover. Once we go to .2 no rollovers . the only rollover at .2 is lowest pick and highest pick can not be off by 1 say 21 is top pick he tops out at 22 say -2 is low pick he bottoms out at -3 as we had a lot of issues when we were at .3 and .4 rewards. I caught at least 3 or 4 fake entries when prize got high If its only purpose is to keep the reward from getting to big, just cap it at 0.2; no-one wins that period and the pot stays the same. Better than nearest wins IMO
February 07, 2016, 06:48:39 AM |
I think the nature of this betting game has so high level of probability (or variance if you want) that sticking to exact number to win a prize could cause to have no winner for unwanted amount of periods. I think it's better fun if there is always some winner.
February 07, 2016, 06:58:42 AM Last edit: February 07, 2016, 04:05:45 PM by mavericklm |
Congratz Kexkey! Feeling like a baby with a tit dangling all day in front of him, but no luck 
February 07, 2016, 07:45:21 AM |
Well done to kexkey. Thought I was going to be close but saw it drifting ever higher over the last 24 Hrs.
Last of the V8s
Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393
Be a bank
February 07, 2016, 10:14:15 AM |
20% bleeeah  . two thirds of my miners now mothballed  remaining third only economic for heat
February 07, 2016, 10:48:04 AM |
 incomiiiiiiiiiing! Hash Rate 1,311,024,348.94 GH/s just a spike? or not.....
philipma1957 (OP)
Activity: 4410
Merit: 9503
'The right to privacy matters'
February 07, 2016, 01:47:58 PM |
I think the nature of this betting game has so high level of probability (or variance if you want) that sticking to exact number to win a prize could cause to have no winner for unwanted amount of periods. I think it's better fun if there is always some winner.
We did allow endless rollovers and it attracted a lot of scamming at the .3btc and the .4 btc levels. I think 1 rollover and the lowball highball limits once the rollover stops is the best I can do. And WTF its a free shot at coin. Plus a place to BS. @ Kexkey I need your btc addy to pay youNew thread here
Activity: 1456
Merit: 1000
February 07, 2016, 04:04:55 PM |
Congratz Kexkey on win. And ouch this one did not go the way I was hoping it would. +20 is higher then I like to see.
Hopefully next week will be easier, but it's starting pretty strong it looks like.
Activity: 1638
Merit: 1005
February 07, 2016, 04:43:18 PM |
Congratz Kexkey on win. And ouch this one did not go the way I was hoping it would. +20 is higher then I like to see.
Hopefully next week will be easier, but it's starting pretty strong it looks like.
doesn't look great, looks like we have another 100PH push
Activity: 4620
Merit: 4419
what is this "brake pedal" you speak of?
February 07, 2016, 07:04:35 PM |
congrats! and i initially thought a 20+ percent guess was nuts...
philipma1957 (OP)
Activity: 4410
Merit: 9503
'The right to privacy matters'
February 07, 2016, 08:03:41 PM |
congrats! and i initially thought a 20+ percent guess was nuts...
looks to be 20% again which will kill off some s-5's if we do 20% to 175 a 6 cent price for power and s-5's are about dead
Full Member
Activity: 237
Merit: 100
Smile while thinking.
February 07, 2016, 08:40:08 PM |
lol hey thanks! As a miner, I was hoping not to win.
Let's hope next jump will be nicer on us.
Phil, here's the address: 1BKJjXgKgUsKEsct5gUnaNXnEc6C3nqXhn
See you in next thread!
This digital signature is not a digital signature.
February 08, 2016, 03:57:31 AM |
Today is looking bad also, its only 75% of the day so far and we have achieved +31% so far. Doesn't look like it will stop at +20%, this will go on for the next few weeks before stabalizing.
Well this is the best jump of all the ones we had. It is a really flat jump. by this i mean every day is up and around 168-175 My guess is we do 20% and then 3-5% on the next one. doubtful.. seems i've been talking about deployed hardware on deaf ears.. said this diff would be highest increase and next 3 or so diffs at the minimum will all be in the 20% range, if not higher.. who knows.
philipma1957 (OP)
Activity: 4410
Merit: 9503
'The right to privacy matters'
February 08, 2016, 04:37:22 AM Last edit: February 09, 2016, 12:46:26 AM by philipma1957 |
lol hey thanks! As a miner, I was hoping not to win.
Let's hope next jump will be nicer on us.
Phil, here's the address: 1BKJjXgKgUsKEsct5gUnaNXnEc6C3nqXhn
See you in next thread!
I will pay it in the morning . Too much food and beer watching the game. btc sent from my coinbase just now 7:44 pm monday sorry for delay