this has been kicked around for ages (crypto ages)
but yes, it still is a mighty bright idea.
if UNO captures just one small town (pop. 5000-10000 humanZ)
then it is a raging success ... really.
top that off with the localUNO being global, still have interest in how Square turns out,
top that all off with the FACT that UNO floats on the big distributed worldwideweb market
and at tip top is 'D-L-Ex' providing p2p otc
1. localUNO = a microeconomy project = needs another name
2. localUNOcoins.com = square = localbitcoins = localUNO
3. basepairUNO = i think c_cex lists a ETH/UNO pair
4. 'D-L-Ex' = OTC = this place