You don't need to send a micro-transaction.
Just sign a message with your byteball adress with all of your BTC private keys.
I would suggest to do that on an offline computer (virtual machine) in a memory only operating system.
One more question before I drag out my 3 paper wallets from safety deposit box, before
I figure out how to private msg them as proof.
IF I go back to just leaving my 100 btc paper wallets back to the safety deposit box,
and again DON'T move any btc or spend ever. Do I still need to prove with a private msg before
each monthly round of air drops? (That would suck).
Thanks. Too much money not to do this, but kinda a pain, air gap machine, get priv keys,
move bitcoin qt (still have to sync it on inet, so still unsure if that is any safer)
I hope this is not a monthly slog. My whole reason for paper wallets in bank is that I am
clueless, clumsy and weak willed. So hope this is not a monthly proof of ownership.