Your posts always turn into interviews but I'll share a little you can add to the bits you've received over the years.
Fair enough.
That's possibly part of the reason that I have been accused of attempting to break the Opsec of peeps or requesting too much private information...
I deny those truth of the substance of those accusations, even though for sure peeps have a right to accuse whatever they like, up to a point.
Might not hurt for me to repeat my disclaimer to assert that there are ways that forum members can respond to information without giving too much personal information or revealing too much of their own OPsec.. so of course, responses are within the discretion of the forum member who shares information herein...
For sure, each of us has to attempt to find balances in the information sharing arena (if we decide to share at all) that are comfortable for us, whether we show a lot of information and then later deny it or we might purposefully provide contradictory information or we might provide some kinds of ballpark categories of information that may or may not be true but even with such ballpark information there still can be ways that such forum member are able to help to contribute to the forum and even brainstorm about ideas that are accurate in the sense of helping self/or others to learn, teach or consider if personal BTC related strategies might change whether there are goals to accumulate BTC, maintain stash or even when folks might get into liquidation stages (or even those who might gamble or trade with their bitcoin.. those degenerates... hahahahaha)
Your only goal is to be in profits? That does not seem very ambitious.
My only ambition in life is to be free and I have accomplished that from a very early age, especially considering I was born with nothing.
There are many variations of free, of course, and surely accumulating m ore bitcoin has been one of the ways that we have discussed in this thread in terms of attempting to provide more options. None of us are likely to be completely free.. in terms of even our timeline on this planet presuming that we consider our corporeal freedoms as having some concreteness to them.
Aren't you at least trying to build your portfolio with the passage of time, too?
I have been
all in for many years and do not risk gambling my holdings as I seem to have a penchant for getting fucked from shit that comes right out of left field.
"All in" is also a very ambiguous term, and I tend to advise against "all in" when it comes to something like bitcoin, yet you may well be using the term "all in" in a way that you consider to be "all in" yet other peeps (perhaps including yours truly) might consider that to either be crazy or not to quite fit the definition of "all in"
Everyone giving up on reaching fuck you status?
As I've stated repeatedly fuck you status is different to everyone,
You are not going to get any argument for me on that point, and part of the reason that I attempt to define what I mean by fuck you status is to give some kinds of potentially "everyman" reference point, even though the particular reference point (or set of numbers) that I have been giving for illustrative purposes may well not fit my individual circumstances with any kind of exactness, either...
So, for example, if I am talking about getting to or having $2 million in value, but at the same time suggesting that I might well be aiming towards getting up to 0.21BTC, then there might be some questions regarding how close that I might personally be towards personally getting to or exceeding fuck you status.
mine has never been dependent on a cushion, those that need that live in fear as far as I'm concerned and that was beat out of me at a very early age.
Well, if there is some kind of a desire to be able to maintain a certain standard of living, then there can be some use that comes from attempting to measure how much you have historically needed on a monthly basis and then to determine if your future expenditures might stay the same, go up or go down, based on such personally measurable practices (and expected practices). If you do not measure your particulars, then having a cushion could still save you in terms of preserving your freedom - whether that is the freedom to NOT have to go back to work or the freedom to not be forced into living below your expected standard of living based on finances, psychology or both.
Need some more details regarding why being in profits is merely enough.
Because I am not a greedy person,
Greed? another very relative word.
I have been happy for the last few decades just being able to be free to do as I choose and spend the bulk of my time in casinos.
Your description sounds to me as if uie-pooie have some kind of a "cushion" whether you refer to it as a cushion or not.
Being able to wake up when I want and do as I wish is a state many born into that life take for granted and those people are generally the worst humanity has to offer IMO.
Of course, each of us has starting points, and surely some people have objectively better starting points than others, and it may well be difficult to generally proclaim (as you seem to be doing) that people who have been born with way more financial security are less worthy people or that they end up not being as good of a person as someone who had to struggle more from the beginning as you likely were fighting ratts out of your crib just to get something to eat, no?
Look you have been here around the same amount of time as me... so let's go with
{lots of conjecture}
You know by now only a moron or a plant would divulge that info especially in an open forum and I like to think I don't fall into that either of those categories.
I doubt it.
If I gave you a general measurement, and you could proclaim that you are meeting or exceeding the performance of the DCA or that you have your own various ways of measuring without necessarily giving up too many personal details.
but, whatever do what you want.
At least we are not rebutting some kind of claim that you might have made. There are some folks that proclaim that they have systems that are objectively better, so sometimes we can compare those systems to a DCA approach in order to attempt to figure out how they might be proclaiming their system is better and perhaps if they believe that their system is preferable to a basic DCA approach.
You, on the other hand, Hueristic seemed to have had been proclaiming that having some kind of a goal to vaguely be "in profits" would have any kind of meaning for regular peeps.
For example, I could have bought 10 satoshis 7.5 years ago, and for sure I would be in profits, but it hardly has any meaning in terms of really attempting to grapple with real dilemmas that a lot of guys might have in terms of being in bitcoin a long time, and maybe even being in profits, so bitcoin has rescued their lame asses (not saying that you have a lame ass situation), so there are lot of ways to be in profits even though a lot of fuck ups had been made along the way.
I hate to be picking on mindrust, but so many peeps know a decent amount of the parameters of his scenario, so sure he can proclaim to be in profits, and even to have profited stupendously in bitcoin, but gawd those are some pretty damned awful facts, once you get into overviewing a lot of the opportunity costs that came from such an approach and the whole approach seemed to greatly deviate from preferable practices - even though I am not even saying that guys should not be forgiven based on fucking up pretty damned badly, but some of the moral righteousness that some of us regular WO members feel in terms of bringing up that situation was because there was some times that mindrust seemed to be arguing that he was engaging in the better approach (even if it might have been actually better from the pickle that he ended up putting himself into)... ... so there can be some sad cases in bitcoin, but bitcoin has still rescued some of those folks, even when they fucked up pretty god damned BIGGEDly, and I am not even saying that you, Hueristic, necessarily fall into such a category, but when you are really vague about your own situation, we could end up imagining a real large range of circumstances that would still fit the vagueness, so the vague references ends up NOT being very helpful (even if you do end up achieving some of your goals of preserving a decent amount of OPsec).
You must get this alot!
Whatever. I do believe that there are ways to still preserve OPsec and to be vague while still actually saying something .. rather than just being so vague that whatever you had said has hardly any meaning at all, except for perhaps fitting in the category of "gobbledy gook."
No problem.. if you want to speak gobbledy gook, then that is your choice.. it has some attractiveness to some peeps, I suppose - in theory.
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