I woud not be suprised if the trend change directory afer news to uptrend . China people for this period of time have last chance to buy in mainland, up to now they bought for reasons, one of the them was that it gives profit in long term. Why they have to change they mind now.
I was actually thinking the same right after the first rumors regarding the possibility of shutting down the bank accounts of BTC exchanges.
The shutting down of capital flow to BTC is understandable for the Chinese government.
China is maintaining a quasi-fixed exchange rate with the USD. But with people being able to freely exchange YUAN to BTC and than BTC to USD, basically makes the Chinese yuan a convertible currency. Which is exactly what the Chinese government doesn't want.
BTC was a gateway for capital flow from China, especially for rich Chinese who wanted to get their money out of the country.
This did push the price of BTC higher than usual, but the effect is not that great, because BTC was just a medium of transfer, not an end result.
Eventually that BTC got sold, in US, EU, Australia for fiat.
So, for most of these Chinese who want to get their money out of the country, these days may be the last in which they may be able to easily do this.
I have full confidence that eventually the Chinese will find some other way to buy BTC, after all, unlike fiat which can be controlled at boarders, BTC cannot.
So it will still remain the best and easiest way to get capital out of China.
In a recent speach by a deputy-direct of PBC, he stated very clearly that the PBC views bitcoin as a currency, not a commodity. It is very likely that the PBC will try to regulate it, but definitely not ban it.