Prepair for a possible $5000 - $10.000 dump.
I'm ready... and my bank account, too
So you are ready if it dumps $5k to $10k from here?
What would that be? $32k to $37k?
or alternatively you are prepared if it pump from here? what would that be? $48k to $53k? how could it be? How could you be prepared for both?
It's a simple question, but the answer is a little more complicated.
My most beloved insurance company decided to fight again, against all odds, but that is what they do, probably hoping that their opponents... uhm, sorry, "customers" give up or can't pay the lawyer bills. My lucky ass got an insurance for this from a different company as well, btw. As far as i heard from my lawyer, the health insurance company seems to flood the court/"customers" with trials, to decrease the effectiveness of the free service offered by the chamber of labor, which happens to exist in my country, and they have a limited amount of lawyers, which results in a situation that they can't take care of even half the cases. Instead most members get advised on how to do the paperwork and defense at the court themselves. An ugly truth. More and more victims of this flooding give up their rights, because they can't or think they won't make it.
Usual timeframe for the trial is 9-12 months (at best, because of the insurance's court flooding).
Now, i am prepared for that by keeping a fiat reserve for living and extra cost, because i have to live on less income than usual, (part time job in the electronics industry included, which generates about half of my needed income).
Another thing to consider is annual tax refund, which i profit from as a partially disabled person having children, too. I will get the money after declaration in a few months, probably a few weeks after the halvening. In between is the time where i plan to invest in Bitcoin, by DCA (which i limited a bit, recently), and by lump sum investments.
So, if i "risk" my bank account money by buying the down, i could sell pre-2021 corn (tax-free) later on the up, and i get my bank account filled up again by the tax refund. Very little risk, if you ask me. And then there is the fact that if the insurance will lose the trial against me (which is about certain), they have to subsequently pay me all the suspended money. But that is the amount that i do not take into consideration a 100%.
Also, i plan to buy some things to make my astronomical life easier, and more hi-res, which i just delay a bit after tax refund and post-halvening, when i grab a little cash from old corn, so i can buy moar if Bitcoin drops (said $5-$10k).
If there is no such drop, i just continue the DCA-ing and increase the monthyl amount, buy a newer car sooner, something else that makes my life "nicer", or just increase my fiat reserves a little more, there will be a bear market again, and this will be the time when this reserve will shrink again.
This cycle i also plan to sell on the (projected) 2025 up, so a quarter of my tax-free corn can be converted into more (but taxable) corn about two years later. When these amounts are to be sold later, tax will cut less than 5-10% from the total net. gains, given that tax law stays as-is.