Nice try but clearly you are the kid here.. i can tell by the way you act.
You are acting stupid.
You failed to read the topic.
Maybe learn to read ?
You said this retarded bullshit..
A lot of people are making threads where they accuse different coins.I dont know the real reason but I believe that they accuse them because they didnt knew hot to do trading.If all the people listen to you the altcoins would be dead!
So first off learn English kid.
Second of all read.
I posted because you claim ".I dont know the real reason"
So i said scroll up
Plenty of people have posted an articulate and well thought out reason for Ripple criticism.
If you are not smart enough to understand what is posted then i advise asking questions..
vs posting silly bullshit.Don't forget kid.. it would be YOU who is the fucking NOOB here ..not me
I've been here for years dealing with retarded mush-mouth foreigners posting shill gibberish all along.
The blunt reality is a huge percentage of you all here are in fact fucking retarded.
Many of you barely grasp even the simplest or shortest English comment.
Yet you all seem to have a rather large mouth and love to spout off about your infinite trade wisdom
..the same day you get here.
Maybe act your age ?
Acting like a bloody baby is not going to prove anything.
I get it guys.. random teens from around the planet come here and they want to defend the bags they bought at Poloniex for ROI'z
But.. look at it my point of view.. your type are exhausting with your stupid shill bullshit.
So what ? Show up here.. create account.. go to Poloniex then buy Shitcoins..
Then run here and try your best stab at English with comments "Liek OMG Ripple is teh bestest"
And.. "They just FUD'in mah coin'z" ?
What you think you're the first that did that here ?
Look around son.. there is tons of these clowns.
I couldn't care less if you all like me or my rating.
I also don't care much about money either.