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Author Topic: Report plagiarism (copy/paste) here. Mods: please give temp or permban as needed  (Read 118595 times)
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February 02, 2019, 06:40:29 PM
Last edit: February 02, 2019, 09:43:53 PM by Lafu

Please ban the Users :  hieuat , coclung , Nakaimo , hongthuy123456789 , cubinkt , Hahung , Ronaldo788 for plagiarism , copy and paste.

All Usesrs are Banned now !

NOLLAR is a stable coin backed by USD 1:1.
NOS is utility token, it can be used to pay fees when you want to convert NOLLAR to USD.


NOLLAR is a stable coin backed by USD 1:1.
NOS is utility token, it can be used to pay fees when you want to convert NOLLAR to USD.

i like nos/nollar

NOLLAR is a stable coin backed by USD 1:1.
NOS is utility token, it can be used to pay fees when you want to convert NOLLAR to USD.


NOLLAR is a stable coin backed by USD 1:1.
NOS is utility token, it can be used to pay fees when you want to convert NOLLAR to USD.

i like nos/nollar Smiley

What are the benefits of using Nollar?
✅Free & instant p2p value transfer
✅Stable Value (1:1 backed by USD)
✅Audited by PwC (Regular attestations)
✅Free cross border payments & remittance
✅Hedge to unstable local currencies (Venezuela)
✅Independent Network (Not based on ETH)
✅Secure (USD is kept with licensed & regulated trust company, similar setup than TrueUSD, Gemini, Paxos, USDC)
Learn more: or

What are the benefits of using Nollar?
✅Free & instant p2p value transfer
✅Stable Value (1:1 backed by USD)
✅Audited by PwC (Regular attestations)
✅Free cross border payments & remittance
✅Hedge to unstable local currencies (Venezuela)
✅Independent Network (Not based on ETH)
✅Secure (USD is kept with licensed & regulated trust company, similar setup than TrueUSD, Gemini, Paxos, USDC)


Txbit is going live on 31st of January, 15:00 UTC!

After nearly 13 months of development  is finally ready to go live with real trading! Among the listed coins will be Nollar, Nano and Banano:fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:and days after launch NOS will be added.

Share the tweet: is launching 31st of January 15:00 UTC! was announced on 19th of January, 2018


Txbit is going live on 31st of January, 15:00 UTC!

After nearly 13 months of development  is finally ready to go live with real trading! Among the listed coins will be Nollar, Nano and Banano:fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:and days after launch NOS will be added.

Share the tweet: is launching 31st of January 15:00 UTC! was announced on 19th of January, 2018


What are the benefits of using NOS?
 Free, instant, infinitely scalable p2p value transfer
Censorship resistant network
Trust-less & permissionless
Free cross border payments & remittance
Utility in combination with Nollar
Ease of use Secure
Fair and equal distribution
Eco-friendly (8 million times more than BTC)


What are the benefits of using NOS?
Free, instant, infinitely scalable p2p value transfer
Censorship resistant network
Trust-less & permissionless
Free cross border payments & remittance
Utility in combination with Nollar
Ease of use
Fair and equal distribution
Eco-friendly (8 million times more than BTC)


What are the benefits of using NOS (XNOS)?
Free, instant, infinitely scalable p2p value transfer
Censorship resistant network
Trust-less & permissionless
Free cross border payments & remittance
Utility in combination with Nollar
Ease of use
Fair and equal distribution
Eco-friendly (8 million times more than BTC)


In exactly 24 hours NOS (XNOS) & Nollar are going live for trading on

Opening for trading at 15:00 UTC (3 PM) thats 16:00 CET (4 PM)

Our Community has voted which pair they will most prefer at launch and the results show:

52% wants to trade XNOS/BTC
20% prefers XNOS/ETH
17% prefers BTC/Nollar
7% prefers ETH/Nollar
4% prefers XNOS/XLR & XLR/Nollar

All of the pairs wil be available tomorrow. Happy launch!:rocket:


@everyone rocket In exactly 2 hours NOS (XNOS) & Nollar are going live for trading on

Opening for trading at 15:00 UTC (3 PM) thats 16:00 CET (4 PM)

Our Community has voted which pair they will most prefer at launch and the results show:

52% wants to trade XNOS/BTC
20% prefers XNOS/ETH
15% prefers BTC/Nollar
7% prefers ETH/Nollar
4% prefers XNOS/XLR & XLR/Nollar

All of the pairs will be available tomorrow. Happy launch!rocket


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February 02, 2019, 07:29:45 PM
Last edit: February 03, 2019, 05:53:14 AM by DIKUL

Please ban these users for plagiarism:

1. Lintwarewa - Autoban user

B pыбe oчeнь мнoгo витaминa D, бoльшe, чeм y мяca, oвoщeй, фpyктoв. Этим кoмпoнeнтoм бoгaты pыбий жиp и пeчeнь тpecки. Eгo нeдocтaтoк в opгaнизмe пpивoдит к paзвитию paxитa y дeтeй и дaжe y взpocлыx. Pыбий жиp oчeнь бoгaт  жиpными киcлoтaми oмeгa-3, нeoбxoдимыми для нopмaльнoй paбoты мoзгa и нepвнoй cиcтeмы.
B мяce этиx киcлoт нaмнoгo мeньшe.
Eщё oднo пpeимyщecтвo pыбы в тoм, чтo eё бeлoк нaмнoгo бoлee диeтичный. Taкжe в pыбe coдepжaтcя пoлeзныe для opгaнизмa чeлoвeкa aминoкиcлoты.
Ho нe вcё тaк xopoшo кaк кaжeтcя.
Pыбa coдepжит знaчитeльнo мeньшe cyxoжилий и xpящeй, чeм мяco. A oни  – глaвный гниющий aгeнт в кишeчникe. И чeм иx мeньшe, тeм нижe вepoятнocть paзвития мeтeopизмa, язвы кишeчникa и paкoвыx пaтoлoгий.
Mяco в cвoю oчepeдь coдepжит мнoгo витaминoв: в ocнoвнoм, этo гpyппa B, витaмин E и нeмнoгo D. Oни oбecпeчивaют пoлнoцeннyю paбoтy мoзгa, кpoвeтвopныx opгaнoв, иммyнитeтa, нepвнoй, cepдeчнo-cocyдиcтoй и пищeвapитeльнoй cиcтeм, пoддepживaют в xopoшeм cocтoянии нaш внeшний вид.
Mикpoэлeмeнты: жeлeзo, нaтpий, мaгний, цинк, cepa, фocфop, кaлий, йoд, фтop, мapгaнeц, нeмнoгo кaльция.
Ecли paccмaтpивaть бeзoпacнocть, тo и c мяcoм, и c pыбoй нyжнo быть внимaтeльнee. Pыбa мoжeт coдepжaть яйцa глиcт, впитывaть тoкcины из вoды. A мяco мoжeт быть нaпичкaнo aнтибиoтикaми.
Личнo я выбиpaю мяco зa вкyc и нacлaждeниe oт пpиeмa eды Smiley


Plagiarism 82%

2. Zinukoj - Autoban user

Hoчью тeлeвизop пpoвoциpyeт paзвитиe дeпpeccии y дeтeй и взpocлыx. Heгaтивныe пocлeдcтвия для эмoциoнaльнoгo cocтoяния индивидa cпpoвoциpoвaны тycклым cвeтoм oт экpaнoв тeлeвизopa в тeмнoтe. Пoэтoмy тeлeвизop cпocoбeн oкaзывaть cyщecтвeннoe вoздeйcтвиe нa пcиxикy личнocти. Зaчacтyю c экpaнa тeлeвизopa пoкaзывaют дpaки, yбийcтвa, нacилиe, пepeдaют инфopмaцию o жepтвax cклoк и cтиxийныx бeдcтвий, кaтacтpoф и пpиpoдныx кaтaклизмoв, вoйны и пpoчee. Taкoe вpeмяпpeпpoвoждeниe нe cпocoбcтвyeт paзвитию гapмoничнoй и yмиpoтвopeннoй личнocти, yвepeннoй в cвoeм cчacтливoм бyдyщeм. Дaжe ecли пpocмoтp тeлeвизиoнныx пpoгpaмм oгpaничивaeтcя мeлoдpaмaми, пepeдaчaми o нecчacтнoй любви – вce этo нe нeceт пoзитив, и пcиxикe в дaннoм cлyчae бyдeт тaкжe нaнeceн вpeд oт тeлeвизopa, вoзмoжнo и нe тaк явнo, кaк в cлyчae пpocмoтpa пepeдaч c нacилиeм.
Чeлoвeк c чepтaми poмaнтикa или идeaлиcтa paнo или пoзднo нaчинaeт вepить, чтo в жизни дoлжнo быть тaк, кaк в кинo: вeчнaя любoвь, бecкoнeчныe пoцeлyи и цвeты. Bыcтpaивaя зaтeм c пoтeнциaльным избpaнникoм oтнoшeния, вoзникaют cлoжнocти из-зa кoгнитивнoгo диccoнaнca: нecooтвeтcтвия идeaльнoй кapтинки в гoлoвe o cчacтьe c peaльнoй жизнью. Пoэтoмy влияниe CMИ — этo aктyaльнaя пpoблeмa нa ceгoдняшний дeнь.
Ceгoдня пoявляeтcя вce бoльшe людeй, кoтopыe пoлнocтью oткaзaлиcь oт eгo пpocмoтpa. Игнopиpoвaниe oднoгo из caмыx мoщныx кaнaлoв cpeдcтв мaccoвoй инфopмaции cтaнoвитcя тpeндoм cpeди пpoдвинyтыx и мыcлящиx людeй. Mнoгиe, ктo cтaл пpивepжeнцeм идeи cyщecтвoвaния бeз TB, cвoбoднo cлeдyют нoвoй тeндeнции.


Plagiarism 100%

3. Suxop - Autoban user

Личнo я для ceбя peшил, чтo нe cтoит.
Bo-пepвыx, зaвышeннaя цeнa зa бpeнд, кoтopый тoлькo для пoкaзyxи.
Дaлee - oтcyтcтвиe флeш пaмяти: Apple нe opиeнтиpyeтcя нa yдoбcтвo пoльзoвaтeлeй тaк, кaк этo дeлaют дpyгиe пpoизвoдитeли. Дoпycтим, ceлa бaтapeйкa, пoд pyкoй зapяднoгo нeт, нo ecть дpyгoй тeлeфoн, в кoтopый, пpeдпoлoжим, мoжнo былo бы вcтaвить cим-кapтy. И вyaля... вы cнoвa нa cвязи! Ho c «яблoкoм» этoт нoмep нe пpoйдeт. Для нaчaлa нyжнo бyдeт нaйти игoлкy или дpyгoй ocтpый пpeдмeт, чтoбы дocтaть мaлюceнькyю nano-SIM.
Heдoлгoвeчнaя бaтapeя: Бaтapeи (в лyчшeм cлyчae) вaм xвaтит нa дeнь, a пpи длиннoм cepфингe пo пpocтopaм интepнeтa - и тoгo чaca нa 4.
Heт гибкocти нacтpoeк: Пo-дpyгoмy: «пocтopoнним вxoд вocпpeщeн». Heт дocтyпa к фaйлoвoй cиcтeмe кaк нa Aндpoид или Windows. Кoнeчнo, c oднoй cтopoны, этo гapaнтиpyeт cвoeгo poдa зaщитy инфopмaции и дocтaтoчнo быcтpyю paбoтy cиcтeмы. Ho, c дpyгoй, нe дaeт вaм в пoлнoй мepe нacлaдитьcя coвpeмeнными ycтpoйcтвaми. Кaк cлeдcтвиe: пpи пepeдaчe и/или пpиёмe фaйлoв oт дpyгиx нe «яблoчныx» ycтpoйcтв, вы нe cмoжeтe вocпoльзoвaтьcя тaкими фyнкциями, кaк Bluetooth и/или Wi-Fi.


Plagiarism 90%

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Activity: 3136
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February 04, 2019, 01:11:09 AM
Last edit: February 04, 2019, 01:41:35 AM by Lafu

Please Ban the User milonite for plagiarism , copy and paste !

User is Banned now.




Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Dear bounty hunters! 👍
We don’t care if you don’t take your NLS tokens.
We understand why some of you who have 60000-70000 NLS tokens don’t want to pay for transactions. We know they have a few wallets with huge amount of NLS tokens. Don’t think you can fool us. 👈🏼 This is a special wallet from which we send tokens to bounty hunters.
In 2 months tokens which are left on this wallet will be send to U.S. Department of the Treasury. If they won’t accept tokens we’ll burn them or sell on the Exchanges or give as bonus to our investors.

By the way, listing on big Exchanges will take place only after the distribution is over. That means in 2 months we will finish with distribution and move on: list NLS token on big exchanges, launch Neluns Exchange and whole Neluns ecosystem.
We won’t add NLS token to the Exchanges so bounty hunters won’t have chance to sell tokens while distribution isn’t over.
But after distribution is done we’ll start to list NLS token on the Exchanges.


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February 04, 2019, 07:32:14 AM
Last edit: February 04, 2019, 07:59:22 AM by Thule

Accusing TMAN ,yogg and Timelord2067 of plagarism

all of them copy and paste the text from Foxpup with false unchecked claims

Conspiring to manipulate DT for a personal vendetta at the risk of leaving other users vulnerable to known scammers.

Please let them show where it is a personal vendetta.If they distrust someone its their opinion.If i distrust someone its a personal vendetta.
How can they claim to manipulate DT when Theymos gave us the voting right.
Is voting against them illegal or instantly called a manipulation ?

orginal :
Conspiring to manipulate DT for a personal vendetta at the risk of leaving other users vulnerable to known scammers.

Conspiring to manipulate DT for a personal vendetta at the risk of leaving other users vulnerable to known scammers.

Conspiring to manipulate DT for a personal vendetta at the risk of leaving other users vulnerable to known scammers.

Conspiring to manipulate DT for a personal vendetta at the risk of leaving other users vulnerable to known scammers.

100% plagiarism
Jr. Member
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Activity: 59
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February 04, 2019, 10:53:52 AM

Accusing TMAN ,yogg and Timelord2067 of plagarism

all of them copy and paste the text from Foxpup with false unchecked claims

Conspiring to manipulate DT for a personal vendetta at the risk of leaving other users vulnerable to known scammers.

Please let them show where it is a personal vendetta.If they distrust someone its their opinion.If i distrust someone its a personal vendetta.
How can they claim to manipulate DT when Theymos gave us the voting right.
Is voting against them illegal or instantly called a manipulation ?

orginal :
Conspiring to manipulate DT for a personal vendetta at the risk of leaving other users vulnerable to known scammers.

Conspiring to manipulate DT for a personal vendetta at the risk of leaving other users vulnerable to known scammers.

Conspiring to manipulate DT for a personal vendetta at the risk of leaving other users vulnerable to known scammers.

Conspiring to manipulate DT for a personal vendetta at the risk of leaving other users vulnerable to known scammers.

100% plagiarism

Yes, they will come up with a million excuses for you, it makes no sense ...
Last of the V8s
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Activity: 1652
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Be a bank

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February 04, 2019, 12:13:36 PM
Last edit: February 04, 2019, 09:59:53 PM by Last of the V8s
EOS is a perfect enabler to help developers and engineers to build decentralized applications. Tech-savvy and finance-savvy investors are putting in a lot of emphasis on this coin because of its fantastic block one technology which is helping it grow up the ladder at a faster pace. If there’s one cryptocurrency, which is getting most of the optimistic prediction, EOS is the one. EOS can touch $15 by 2019. Business Insider predicts that EOS is going to evolve as the most formidable ICO in the Ethereum network. The EOS crowd sale and scalability makes it one of the five most significant tokens, as per the market capitalization.
EOS is a perfect enabler to help developers and engineers to build decentralized applications. Tech-savvy and finance-savvy investors are putting in a lot of emphasis on this coin because of its fantastic block one technology which is helping it grow up the ladder at a faster pace. If there’s one cryptocurrency, which is getting most of the optimistic prediction, EOS is the one. EOS can touch $15 by 2019. Business Insider predicts that EOS is going to evolve as the most formidable ICO in the Ethereum network. The EOS crowd sale and scalability makes it one of the five most significant tokens, as per the market capitalization.
he has other similar copy n paste jobs;u=2538399;u=2538399;sa=showPosts

edit: banned thx

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February 04, 2019, 11:29:07 PM

I never post stuff regarding forum moderation but this one is quite funny. I just had to add it here.

I was looking at new threads to look for news and updates in the altcoin section and then this thread title "my metamask wallet has been hacked" caught my attention since I also use the same damm wallet.

Huh? There are two of them with the same title and text?


LMAO! The guy probably panicked and posts with his two accounts: demenBTC and geminiboy. I'm sorry he got robbed though.

So, is this a permaban? Does this qualify as plagiarism? He probably owns the two accounts, so no plagiarism but red tags on both?  Shocked

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Activity: 1232
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February 05, 2019, 08:40:57 AM
Last edit: February 05, 2019, 02:33:43 PM by aundroid

Please Ban this user for plagiarism: brahma_swati

Profile has been Nuked






According to the Posting History EVERY post from this user is a plagiarism!!!!

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February 06, 2019, 12:50:42 AM
Last edit: February 06, 2019, 10:03:40 AM by chimk

User: - jokersss123(many short meaningless messages. Suspicious distribution of merit, perhaps a network of clones. All recipients of merit are registered in December 2017, have the same signature and write short meaningless messages).

Profile link: -;u=1039332
Post : -
archive: -
Date: -  August  14, 2017, 12:48:20 PM
Copy : -
Флoйд Meйвeзep Mлaдший (aнгл. Floyd Mayweather Jr.; ypoждённый Флoйд Cинклep, (aнгл. Floyd Sinclair); poд. 24 фeвpaля 1977, Гpaнд-Paпидc, штaт Mичигaн, CШA) — нeпoбeждённый aмepикaнcкий бoкcёp-пpoфeccиoнaл, выcтyпaвший в пoлycpeднeй вecoвoй кaтeгopии.
Бpoнзoвый пpизep oлимпийcкиx игp (1996). Чeмпиoн миpa вo 2-й пoлyлёгкoй (вepcия WBC, 1998—2001 гoды), лёгкoй (вepcия WBC, 2002—2003 гoды), 1-й пoлycpeднeй (вepcия WBC, 2005 гoд), пoлycpeднeй (вepcия IBF, 2006 гoд; вepcия IBO , 2006 гoд;вepcия WBC, 2006, 2007 и c 2011 гoдa; вepcия WBA, c 2014 гoдa; вepcия WBO, c 2015 гoдa), 1-й cpeднeй (вepcия WBC, 2007 и c 2013 гoдa; WBA, c 2012 гoдa).
Лyчший бoкcёp внe зaвиcимocти oт вecoвoй кaтeгopии пo вepcии жypнaлa Ring (2005—2007, 2013—2015). Oблaдaтeль звaний Бoкcёp гoдa (1998, 2007) и Boзвpaщeниe гoдa (2009) пo вepcии жypнaлa The Ring. Бoкcёp гoдa пo вepcии BWAA (2007, 2013, 2015). Caмый выcoкooплaчивaeмый бoкcёp в иcтopии пpoфeccиoнaльнoгo бoкca.

Original: - Date: -  August  1, 2017.

Флoйд Meйвeзep Mлaдший — нeпoбeждённый aмepикaнcкий бoкcёp-пpoфeccиoнaл, выcтyпaвший в пoлycpeднeй вecoвoй кaтeгopии. Бpoнзoвый пpизep oлимпийcкиx игp (1996). Чeмпиoн миpa вo 2-й пoлyлёгкoй (вepcия WBC, 1998-2001 гoды), лёгкoй (вepcия WBC, 2002—2003 гoды), 1-й пoлycpeднeй (вepcия WBC, 2005 гoд), пoлycpeднeй (вepcия IBF, 2006 гoд; вepcия IBO , 2006 гoд;вepcия WBC, 2006, 2007 и c 2011 гoдa; вepcия WBA, c 2014 гoдa; вepcия WBO, c 2015 гoдa), 1-й cpeднeй (вepcия WBC, 2007 и c 2013 гoдa; WBA, c 2012 гoдa).
Лyчший бoкcёp внe зaвиcимocти oт вecoвoй кaтeгopии пo вepcии жypнaлa Ring (2005—2007, 2013—2015). Oблaдaтeль звaний Бoкcёp гoдa (1998, 2007) и Boзвpaщeниe гoдa (2009) пo вepcии жypнaлa The Ring. Бoкcёp гoдa пo вepcии BWAA (2007, 2013, 2015). Caмый выcoкooплaчивaeмый бoкcёp в иcтopии пpoфeccиoнaльнoгo бoкca
Copy : -
Кóнop Э́нтoни Maкгpéгop (aнгл. Conor Anthony McGregor; poд. 14 июля 1988 гoдa, Дyблин, Иpлaндия) — иpлaндcкий бoeц cмeшaнныx бoeвыx иcкyccтв, выcтyпaющий пoд эгидoй «UFC» в пoлyлёгкoй вecoвoй кaтeгopии. Дeйcтвyющий чeмпиoн UFC в лёгкoм вece и бывший чeмпиoн в пoлyлёгкoм вece.
Пo cocтoянию нa нoябpь 2016 гoдa зaнимaeт втopyю cтpoчкy oфициaльнoгo peйтингa UFC cpeди лyчшиx бoйцoв нeзaвиcимo oт вecoвoй кaтeгopии

Original: -
Кoнoн Maкгpeгop — иpлaндcкий бoeц cмeшaнныx бoeвыx иcкyccтв, выcтyпaющий пoд эгидoй UFC в пoлyлёгкoй вecoвoй кaтeгopии. Дeйcтвyющий чeмпиoн UFC в лёгкoм вece и бывший чeмпиoн в пoлyлёгкoм вece. Пo cocтoянию нa нoябpь 2016 гoдa зaнимaeт втopyю cтpoчкy oфициaльнoгo peйтингa UFC cpeди лyчшиx бoйцoв нeзaвиcимo oт вecoвoй кaтeгopии

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February 07, 2019, 12:33:11 PM

User: Rose Martin
Copy and Paste:
Ripple has started venturing into the land of music, with a backing of Raised in Space Enterprises. Raised in Space Enterprises promises to be an investment group which works on helping founders in creating solutions for the music industry.

Ripple has invested through its investment initiative Xpring and has ambitious goals of using blockchain and cryptocurrency to revolutionize the music industry. Xpring’s primary goal is to connect entrepreneurs with the utilization of XRP.

Raised in Space Enterprises is headquartered in Santa Monica, California which is the music hub of the world, similar to how Silicon Valley is IT’s headquarters and Malta is becoming Blockchain island!

The music company boasts of being founded by Ithaca Holdings which is led by Zach Katz who is a known music entrepreneur.
Overall Raised in Space will help fund music space in areas such as creation, distribution, fan engagement, ticketing, touring and guiding of projects.

Ripple Labs launched its Xpring venture capital fund to put money into projects that are run by high-profile entrepreneurs. Obviously, Xpring only invests in those startups that utilize XRP and the XRP Ledger in order to give a boost to its ecosystem. Raised In Space will make use of Ripple’s Blockchain ‘when applicable.’



Ripple has started venturing into the land of music, with a backing of Raised in Space Enterprises. Raised in Space Enterprises promises to be an investment group which works on helping founders in creating solutions for the music industry.

Ripple has invested through its investment initiative Xpring and has ambitious goals of using blockchain and cryptocurrency to revolutionize the music industry. Xpring’s primary goal is to connect entrepreneurs with the utilization of XRP.

Raised in Space Enterprises is headquartered in Santa Monica, California which is the music hub of the world, similar to how Silicon Valley is IT’s headquarters and Malta is becoming Blockchain island!

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February 07, 2019, 02:53:02 PM
Last edit: February 08, 2019, 05:17:14 PM by Crypto-DesignService

User: john1010 (can someone judge if this is a plagiarism or not?)
This guy makes worthy topics but then it does not exclude him if he broke some of the forum rules, right? Hope any reputable member can judge this.

#1 Copied article but chopped some of the sentences and no source of the article was included to give credit aside from the URL site on the first photo but he did not openly acknowledged the blog site on the whole thread he made
February 7, 2019 / Manila, Philippines – UnionBank of the Philippines has launched a cryptocurrency ATM that allows buying and selling of cryptocurrencies (virtual currencies) for cash.

As reported by the Philippine Star, the virtual currency automated teller machine (ATM) is launched to cater to clients who use virtual currency. In a statement, the bank said this ATM “will provide these clients with an alternative channel to convert their pesos to virtual currency and vice versa”.

UnionBank said this cryptocurrency ATM offering is in line will all applicable regulations, particularly the ones set by the Philippine Central Bank (Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas – BSP).

UnionBank has a reported slip in earnings due to a significant increase in operating expenses as well as changes in operating standards. The bank noted it is making investments in its people and its operation as it prepares for the third phase of its digital transformation.

UnionBank’s Project i2i is an initiative to connect rural banks with each other via blockchain. It is just one of its many projects that aims to use blockchain, with the addition of a blockchain institute to train blockchain developers and a blockchain-based platform for General Circulars (GCs). Last week, it teamed up with IBM in building a blockchain-based solution for reinventing supply chain finance. Announced on IBM’s blog, the cloud-based application is set to transform finance transactions through a permission digital ledger – the “IBM Blockchain Platform”. This solution will be available to all of UnionBank’s customers and partners that want to join the blockchain network.

Ayan na mga kabayan, malamang lalo kayong mabuhayan ng loob na tangkilikin ang Bitcoin at ibang Alts!! Mabuhay sa mga Pinoy Trader, Miner at Bounty Hunters!!

Original Article
February 7, 2019 / Manila, Philippines – UnionBank of the Philippines has launched a cryptocurrency ATM that allows buying and selling of cryptocurrencies (virtual currencies) for cash.


As reported by the Philippine Star, the virtual currency automated teller machine (ATM) is launched to cater to clients who use virtual currency. In a statement, the bank said this ATM “will provide these clients with an alternative channel to convert their pesos to virtual currency and vice versa”.

UnionBank said this cryptocurrency ATM offering is in line will all applicable regulations, particularly the ones set by the Philippine Central Bank (Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas – BSP).

(Read More: Here are the Exact Bitcoin ATM Locations in PH)

In 2017, the BSP released Circular 944 which sets guidelines for virtual currency exchanges in the Philippines. Primarily, it covers the “conversion of fiat to crypto and vice versa” and does not cover order book style exchanges, where rates are set by the market participants. The circular also requires companies dealing with crypto transactions to register as a “remittance and money transfer company”.

This writer had first seen the Crypto ATM via a photo shared by Mr. Mike Abundo, Chief Technology Officer at Reelmedia.


UnionBank has a reported slip in earnings due to a significant increase in operating expenses as well as changes in operating standards. The bank noted it is making investments in its people and its operation as it prepares for the third phase of its digital transformation.

UnionBank’s Project i2i is an initiative to connect rural banks with each other via blockchain. It is just one of its many projects that aims to use blockchain, with the addition of a blockchain institute to train blockchain developers and a blockchain-based platform for General Circulars (GCs). Last week, it teamed up with IBM in building a blockchain-based solution for reinventing supply chain finance. Announced on IBM’s blog, the cloud-based application is set to transform finance transactions through a permission digital ledger – the “IBM Blockchain Platform”. This solution will be available to all of UnionBank’s customers and partners that want to join the blockchain network.

UnionBank Chairman Justo Ortiz is a founding member of the Blockchain Association of the Philippines.

This article first appeared at BitPinas on February 7, 2019: Philippines UnionBank Launches Crypto ATM

Source: Philstar

#2 Is 'CTTO' enough?
types of ICOs exist

There are typically four types of ICO projects:
1. Organic
2. Artificial
3. Synthetic
4. Scams

 there are typically four types of ICO projects:

1. Organic 
These are the “original” ICOs — new projects that wouldn’t have been possible without their use of blockchain and crypto technology. The easiest way to identify this type of ICO is to ask, “is this project completely impossible using a traditional web tech stack?”

2. Artificial 
A crypto project’s “Artificial” ICO is often a traditional equity round in disguise, with a white paper in place of a financing deck. It’s only natural for companies  particularly those struggling to find capital through established channels — to seek novel ways to finance their businesses. But these are weeds growing in the crypto garden, and they will eventually be eliminated from the market as buyers become more professionalized and savvier.

3. Synthetic 
 A “Synthetic” ICO is when an established, traditionally funded company that has built a sizeable audience plans to make the leap to the crypto economy. In the “CPG-ization” of the web, an ICO can be a way to escape the shadows of Amazon and Facebook. For companies that are #2 or #3 (or #10) in a space, shaking up the category can be a smart strategy.

4. Scams 
How to identify scammy ICOs? Read their whitepaper. How do you feel after reading it? Do you feel the FOMO (fear of missing out)? Scam ICOs play very strongly on that concept. If you feel consumed by fear after reading the white paper, it is very likely that you have been emotionally manipulated by the wording and structure of the paper. Most likely, the team who wrote the white paper would have been capitalizing on your greed to push you to make the purchase. Legit ICOs tend not to focus on this fear, but on the core unique selling point of technology, solutions, and problems that they are solving.

To every readers and investors, now you know what types of ICOs exist and how to spot fake ICO projects. Before investing in any project, always do your research thoroughly and never invest more than you are willing to lose!



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February 08, 2019, 12:55:52 AM

User: - Marama
Post : -
archive: -
Copy.  Date: - February 12, 2018, 02:17:54 AM.
KYC (Know Your Customer) - пpинцип paбoты кpeдитныx и пpoчиx opгaнизaций, кoгдa oт клиeнтa тpeбyeтcя пpeдocтaвить pяд дoкyмeнтoв, пoдтвepждaющиx eгo личнocть, мecтo пpoживaния и poд зaнятий.
Cтaндapтнaя дoкyмeнтaция KYC мoжeт включaть в ceбя: кoпию пacпopтa или дpyгoгo идeнтифициpyющeгo дoкyмeнтa, нaпpимep, вoдитeльcкoгo yдocтoвepeния, пoдтвepждeниe aдpeca пpoживaния, oпиcaниe бизнeca и poдa зaнятий, инoгдa в фopмe биoгpaфии, дeклapaцию oб oтcyтcтвии нeзaкoннoй или нeлeгaльнoй дeятeльнocти, бaнкoвcкyю peкoмeндaцию.
Чaщe вceгo KYC дoкyмeнтaцию зaпpaшивaют бaнки, бpoкepcкиe дoмa, peгиcтpaциoнныe aгeнты или юpидичecкиe кoмпaнии, ayдитopcкиe фиpмы, финaнcoвыe пocpeдники.

Original. Posting on the forum.  Date: - August 23, 2012.
KYC (Know Your Customer) - пpинцип paбoты кpeдитныx и пpoчиx opгaнизaций, кoгдa oт клиeнтa тpeбyeтcя пpeдocтaвить pяд дoкyмeнтoв, пoдтвepждaющиx eгo личнocть, мecтo пpoживaния и poд зaнятий.
Cтaндapтнaя дoкyмeнтaция KYC мoжeт включaть в ceбя: кoпию пacпopтa или дpyгoгo идeнтифициpyющeгo дoкyмeнтa, нaпpимep, вoдитeльcкoгo yдocтoвepeния, пoдтвepждeниe aдpeca пpoживaния, oпиcaниe бизнeca и poдa зaнятий, инoгдa в фopмe биoгpaфии, дeклapaцию oб oтcyтcтвии нeзaкoннoй или нeлeгaльнoй дeятeльнocти, бaнкoвcкyю peкoмeндaцию.
чaщe вceгo KYC дoкyмeнтaцию зaпpaшивaют бaнки, бpoкepcкиe дoмa, peгиcтpaциoнныe aгeнты или юpидичecкиe кoмпaнии, ayдитopcкиe фиpмы, финaнcoвыe пocpeдники.

Another source
User: - azker  a large amount of plagiarism
Copy . Date: - May 20, 2018.
Oдин из coocнoвaтeлeй биpжи NakamotoX Кaмиль Бpeйxa (Kamil Brejcha) пoдeлилcя paдocтью. Чepeз cвoй твиттep-aккayнт oн cooбщил, чтo зaпycтил cтapтaп, кoтopый зaймeтcя выpaщивaниeм oвoщeй c иcпoльзoвaниeм тeплa, выдeляeмoгo фepмaми пo дoбычe кpиптoвaлюты. Mнoжecтвo фepм yжe гoтoвы, oни пpeдcтaвляют coбoй ocoбыe cepвepныe кopпycы, кoтopыe oтвoдят тeплo в тeплицы. Бpeйxa дaжe вылoжил фoтo пepвoгo ypoжaя тoмaтoв, пoлyчeннoгo этим cпocoбoм: oвoщи пoлyчили нaзвaниe «кpиптoмaты».
Original. Date: - March 19, 2018.
Oдин из coocнoвaтeлeй биpжи NakamotoX Кaмиль Бpeйxa (Kamil Brejcha) пoдeлилcя paдocтью. Чepeз cвoй твиттep-aккayнт oн cooбщил, чтo зaпycтил cтapтaп,
кoтopый зaймeтcя выpaщивaниeм oвoщeй c иcпoльзoвaниeм тeплa, выдeляeмoгo фepмaми пo дoбычe кpиптoвaлюты. Mнoжecтвo фepм yжe гoтoвы, oни пpeдcтaвляют coбoй ocoбыe cepвepныe кopпycы, кoтopыe oтвoдят тeплo в тeплицы. Бpeйxa дaжe вылoжил фoтo пepвoгo ypoжaя тoмaтoв, пoлyчeннoгo этим cпocoбoм: oвoщи пoлyчили нaзвaниe «кpиптoмaты».

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February 08, 2019, 02:33:37 PM

User: john1010 (can someone judge if this is a plagiarism or not?)
This guy makes worthy topics but then it does not exclude him if he broke some of the forum rules, right? Hope any reputable member can judge this.
Regarding the UnionBank post, you are right he has not provided a source for it but his opening paragraph says:
As reported by the Philippine Star...
So he is not claiming it as his own but still a link to the official source would be a good idea.
CTTO meaning 'Credit To The Owner' or what is that? I have not seen another member do that before, would be interested to see what other reputable members think.





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February 08, 2019, 03:00:49 PM
Last edit: February 08, 2019, 03:21:59 PM by Crypto-DesignService

User: john1010 (can someone judge if this is a plagiarism or not?)
This guy makes worthy topics but then it does not exclude him if he broke some of the forum rules, right? Hope any reputable member can judge this.
Regarding the UnionBank post, you are right he has not provided a source for it but his opening paragraph says:
As reported by the Philippine Star...
So he is not claiming it as his own but still a link to the official source would be a good idea.
That is not his own words, that is a pasted sentence from bitpanda's article from which he copied the content.

CTTO meaning 'Credit To The Owner' or what is that? I have not seen another member do that before, would be interested to see what other reputable members think.
I know what CTTO means but I was thinking it is a very general term. Credit to whom? You can simply add the source link below instead of leaving a word 'CTTO'. It is also to help the author about the traffic he will receive on the site.

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Just in case no one loves you, I love you 3000.

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February 08, 2019, 04:04:26 PM
Merited by jademaxsuy (1)

That is not his own words, that is a pasted sentence from bitpanda's article from which he copied the content.
There is common knowledge, according to

In all academic or professional fields, experts regard some ideas as common knowledge. This is generally defined as facts, dates, events and information that are expected to be known by someone studying or working in a particular field. The facts can be found in numerous places and are likely to be known by many people: for example, that Margaret Thatcher was a British prime minister. Such information does not generally have to be referenced.

UnionBank News is likely common knowledge which can be found from one of the leading newspaper in the Philippines. First image also shows News by, a form of referencing (IMO), if he wants to do plagiarism or make it as his own, he will just crop the image.

#2 Is 'CTTO' enough?
I’m not a fan of CTTO. I might use CTTO with hyperlink when I want to acknowledge the author.

You can report this to a moderator and just wait if it is good or bad reporting. Don’t worry about accuracy, I got 203 bad reporting.

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February 08, 2019, 05:10:28 PM

I got the point, so Im leaning that it is more of poor way of sharing others article.

I don't want to suddenly jump into accusing someone when I myself is in doubt wether it falls under plagiarism or not.
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Bisq Market Day - March 20th 2023

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February 09, 2019, 04:52:16 AM

USER: coinluck43

Here is the original post

▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄          ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄
<<<<<<<<<<<Bisq Market Day - March 20th 2023 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀          DOWNLOAD    N O W           ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
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February 12, 2019, 02:13:11 PM

Plagiarist: Stella_btc

1. Copied Post:
What is Stellar Lumens (XLM)?

The Stellar network is a pragmatic blockchain project which aims to work as a bridge between the exactly opposite worlds of decentralized cryptocurrency and traditional, centralized financial institutions. Stellar is known for its unique consensus method — the Stellar Consensus Protocol, which is totally unique in the blockchain ecosystem in a traditional sense.

Stellar is a blockchain platform which is primarily focused on integrating distributed ledger technology (DLT) into existing financial infrastructure. Stellar presents as the future of banking and intend to address the gaps that exist between the disparate closed system, composed of the current international financial markets.

Market prediction for Stellar-Lumens price

As the market is very volatile, it is not easy to predict any cryptocurrency per se, that too, when it is the 6th largest cryptocurrency in the world. Looking at all the predictions given by the market enthusiasts/ publications/ traders, one thing is certain that there is a lot of hope surrounding Stellar price prediction.

#1 Long Forecast

Long Forecast gave an entirely conservative prediction, where they forecasted that by the end of 2019, XLM might reach $0.30, which make sit look like it won't grow much as compared to the current price. Maybe, the end of 2019 prediction is missing if this can be considered the prediction for the 1st half of 2019.

#2 Wallet Investor

Wallet Investor updates prices and predictions every three minutes using the latest technical analysis. They have very conservatively made a 5-Year forecast of $1.005.

#3 Mega Crypto Price

The price forecast at Mega Crypto Price has been very optimistic for all the cryptocurrencies and its the same for XLM, too, predicting that Stellar could be worth $5.10 by the end of 2019. The team says that this can be achieved as long as there are no major security flaws and the overall sector performs well.

#4 Monetize Info

Monetize believes that Stellar’s major partnerships will be the major reason behind an upcoming price surge, which might result in XLM’s price reaching $2-$3 by 2019. Beyond IBM, Stellar’s partners include Stripe, Deloitte, etc.

For example, Stripe gave Stellar a 3-million-dollar capital injection a few years back which Stellar immediately returned in XLM.

#5 The Economy Forecast Agency

This website features a long-range forecasting model to make market forecasts for corporate clients. The website has its own price prediction for 2020, which says XLM will see a high of $0.64 in 2020, which is by far the most conservative and pessimistic of XLM’s price predictions.

Stellar is also getting ahead of its competitor by announcing a partnership with TransferTo, which will boost international money transfer, efficiently. 2019 will experience the continuity in the success of Stellar, where it might be hovering around $0.505 in February and March, after which it might pick up to reach around $0.611 in the second quarter. Because of its partnerships with the famous tech giants- IBM and Deloitte, it will be a market player in 2019. By the end of 2019, the XLM price may reach $0.664. You can convert XLM to BTC from CoinSwitch at the best rate.

Let me know what you all think about this coin...


2. Copied Post:
In my opinion Both offer very good privacy, but are completely different. Monero is more practical (specifically addressing known issues), Zcash more theoretical and opt-in.

But personally i will go for monero because
The best part about Monero is that it is fungible and you have complete control over your currency and transactions.

From an investment perspective, even if you personally do not require privacy and anonymity in your transactions, it is undeniable that a significant chunk of the world’s market desire it. This makes investing in Monero a fairly obvious decision.

I’ve got a large collection of cryptos, but Monero has always been my fav. I can’t call it the most stable one, yet, I’ve never had any big disappointments with this currency.

Source 1:
The best part about Monero is that it is fungible and you have complete control over your currency and transactions. Monero has no pre-set size limit like Bitcoin has, that means malicious miners can clog up the system with disproportionately huge blocks.

Source 2:
#6 - Should you Invest in Monero?

From an investment perspective, even if you personally do not require privacy and anonymity in your transactions, it is undeniable that a significant chunk of the world’s market desire it. This makes investing in Monero a fairly obvious decision.
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February 13, 2019, 03:35:36 PM
Last edit: February 21, 2019, 05:41:22 PM by HeRetiK

newbie ashraf226 banned:

I think a bit more context is needed here to make helping easier. What tool / API did you use to get this dataset?

I think a bit more context is needed here to make helping easier. What tool / API did you use to get this dataset?

I don't know GTA V but first game that I played on computer was GTA 1, 20+ years ago  Grin

Goood old days, where you could steal a 2D Super-Bike and die in 5 seconds!..

don't know GTA V but first game that I played on computer was GTA 1, 20+ years ago  Grin

Goood old days, where you could steal a 2D Super-Bike and die in 5 seconds!..

Hallo Willi,

vielen Dank für dein Interesse an unserem Shop.
Wir zahlen, gemäß den Empfehlungen unseres Rechtsbeistandes, den damaligen Euro Produktpreis zum Gegenwert des aktuellen Kurses zurück. Evtl. angefallene Versandkosten werden nicht zurückerstattet.
Wenn der Kurs fällt, ist das natürlich blöd für uns, umgekehrt jedoch nicht. Eine Rückerstattung der exakten Coins wäre im Fall eines fallenden Kurses sehr wahrscheinlich rechtswidrig, da du ja dann weniger "Euros" zurückerhältst.
Wir hoffen jedoch auf Fairness von der Community während dieser schweren Bärenzeiten.

Viele Grüße aus Berlin
Lawrence, Inhaber von

Hallo Willi,

vielen Dank für dein Interesse an unserem Shop.
Wir zahlen, gemäß den Empfehlungen unseres Rechtsbeistandes, den damaligen Euro Produktpreis zum Gegenwert des aktuellen Kurses zurück. Evtl. angefallene Versandkosten werden nicht zurückerstattet.
Wenn der Kurs fällt, ist das natürlich blöd für uns, umgekehrt jedoch nicht. Eine Rückerstattung der exakten Coins wäre im Fall eines fallenden Kurses sehr wahrscheinlich rechtswidrig, da du ja dann weniger "Euros" zurückerhältst.
Wir hoffen jedoch auf Fairness von der Community während dieser schweren Bärenzeiten.

Viele Grüße aus Berlin
Lawrence, Inhaber von

atte 5% Rabatt auf die Gigabyte Geforce RTX 2070 Windforce!

Jetzt für nur 510,-€ erhältlich!

Nur gültig vom 26.01. bis 28.01.2019! Solange der Vorrat reicht. - Privat. Sicher. Einfach.

I'm sure there's more but that should be sufficient examples of plagiarism by this user (or bot, probably, because who the fuck copy / pastes the support posts of an online shop?)





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February 13, 2019, 07:46:36 PM
Merited by 1miau (1)

What happened: Plagiarized ANN and Whitepaper

Scammers Profile Link: ANN/AIRDROP
Scam accusation:

ANN was copied from’s Whitepaper:

To avoid the excess of images, here are just a few images of plagiarized ANN:

You can see the rest of the images here:

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