Tried to do like you say but it won't helped, it demand a password for enter. So is there any options more to unlock my account?
And yes, I never setting passwords to my wallets and PGS wasn't exception, just skipped when it was asking to enter a password. Its strange that there is no option to enter wallet if person do not want to set the password on, its a serious miscalculation.
Maybe you did something wrong. I tried to do it and everything turned out.
You was informed that you need to enter password when created an account.
Anyway if you create account without password in walet v1.0 (only) you can send coin. Just hit ok without any in field pass. (it only work with v1.0)
I was test it and it work. But if you just forgot your password you can`t unlock account.
I can't see what something wrong can be done here, point UTC file, type space, delete space, unlock... and nothing. Yes, I have 1.0 ver of wallet but it still cant send coins anywhere.
And yes, I saw proposal to enter password, that I skipped like an always do, except cases when it's necessary like at simplewallet of cryptonight, and in that cases Im always making backup of password, always, but no one told me that entering password in PGC wallet is a
necessary thing that cant be skipped.
So Im very dissaponted now, have 10k PGC that I was mined about a week, and if there is no way to unlock possibility to send coins so I'm out.