Don't know wether scammer are still causing harm to the world, and don't know wether good people will receive good rewards.
Ten years have passed, am I the only one still concerned about this matter?
ru0chen@qq.comI've reread everything and I understand why you're still here. I'm sorry that you lost a lot of money, I hope that he will be rewarded for it.
This post makes me think perhaps there is a chance that some of the lenders could receive SOMETHING.
I believe there is no money to be had at this time - but if the mtgox administrators actually return some percentage of the BTC - there may be enough to warrant chasing him through legal channels.
If/when the mtgox insolvency is wound up - I'd be interested in pursing this by pushing Graeme Tee to either reach an agreement - or declare bankruptcy.
Is there more information on how much money Jon had in mtgox? Now that distribution is soon to be on the way, this is something that should be looked at again. So much money was scammed through these fundraising sites early on. It would be absolutely amazing to get something back. It's been so long though, does anyone even have the owner's list of who is still owed money? I think it might even be public somewhere, but it's been years... As an investor in this project at one point in time, I'm curious to know if anyone is still investigating this. With all the heat my project gets for continuing on after the collapse of these sites, it amazes me how those who just scammed and ran got away clean.