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Author Topic: LUXCoin — PHI1612 PoW/PoS Hybrid — new topic in last page  (Read 147119 times)
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November 02, 2017, 07:57:52 AM

So i first pm'd Peripheral and this is the response i got.

Wow, such a big claim... Mercedes, Porsche and Ford... Wowzer! So i pm'd the great CryptoShokunin. He claims he created this logo from scratch! He designed this masterpiece. Soon as i exposed him he went quiet for hours... Typing then stopping... typing then stopping... He didn't know what to do.

This is the image i found.

Then he announces this too everyone on discord.. Notice he cuts out the conversation where i exposed him? And tells everyone they HIRED someone else to the design when he clearly states he did the design. Nice fuckup bud.  Grin Grin Grin

I expect the noob devs to delete this and once he does i will created a new thread too make it even more well known.

And why do you think that designers of original logo cant be inspired some books with geometric logos that similar that Shokunin was inspired from? And after it was found dev team tried to contact with original logo designers, and due to many years past since original logo creation and no trademark was found, they decided to take this logo. This is all comes from your PMs with dev team. So whoever hide from this newbie account or "Bravo" account from discord you are simple try to spreading the FUD here and, by looking to your last screenshot, you are a blackmailer, that makes you in my eyes just vile scammer, not less not more.

Inspired? It's the exact same logo with blue lines.

Lol, don't fall for this people he gets paid by LUX dev team hes a Moderator.

I've already contacted the original company and they sent a DCMA takedown notice too Cryptopia.
And why we need to trust the person that tried to blackmailed lux developers? And scrathing your name from this senseless letter is very "trustworthy".

Oh you don't need to trust me.
It doesn't benefit me anymore. I would of kept my mouth shut for money, but of course he didn't pay me. So i exposed it to the world now.

Take it how u want, but we all know u get paid so u must shill the coin... Like a sheep hehehhe. Also ur a Sigt supporter so its obviously u like to scam ppl also.

I just finally got the point, you tried to blackmail lux dev team by all this nonsense above, and when you failed you decided to write this senseless message that you allegedly sent to original company that allegedly sent some notice to Cryptopia. So now I can say for sure, you are not ridiculous boy that I was thought about you a half-hour ago, you are just disgusting person that won't be wellcomed any project that involved/will be involved in.

Why don't you guys actually UNDERSTAND what Blackmailing is?

I'm no newbie and I can assure you I do not comment on these things lightly. But there are EXACT logo copies, with NO PROOF that the developers contacted the original artist of the logo, with nothing but hearsay FROM the 'dev' of this coin, with FACTS coming from the 'newbie'.

Regardless of what you might think, there are inconsistencies with what is said, and rightly so, questions need to be raised.

Blackmailed? No blackamiling here - he just THREATENED them to go public. That is NOT blackmail.

Oh, and before you start claiming falsities about me, or the company I keep (long term people who are respected developers in this industry), or the actually company I work for and run, remember that this is NOT about the coin or the 'devs', or the fact that you are arguing a moot point. It is about the fact that the logo is a copyrighted logo, is being used in it's EXACT format as the original (ie - a copy of, NOT inspiration from) and the inconsistencies that the 'devs' have proven in print on various forums and texts.

If the 'devs' want to attribute the logo to being the result of an 'inspiration' from somewhere, surely there would be some differences and not an exact copy? If the 'dev's want to debunk the claim, then why are their stories inconsistent with what they were claiming initially? That they had their designer come up with an EXACT replica of a copyrighted logo from some geometric inspiration? REALLY?

If the 'devs' REALLY want to push this out of the public eye, then come clean with the facts. Otherwise, this is looking like a crapfight and bringing doubt into the 'devs' honourable standing by performing a circus stunt that cannot be backed by facts, only excuses.

I hope this blows over, as it does get messy. I know - I'm in a court case this month for something along these lines.


they won't.

they will just call u a fudder or ignore u..

Notice how he already did that? Lmao....

They are too busy making fake alt accounts too make there coin seem popular.

 Grin Grin Grin Grin
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November 02, 2017, 08:05:29 AM

It looks like that some unexpected signals occured recently. I will follow the project, good luck to everyone.
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--- ChainWorks Industries ---

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November 02, 2017, 08:20:27 AM

So i first pm'd Peripheral and this is the response i got.

Wow, such a big claim... Mercedes, Porsche and Ford... Wowzer! So i pm'd the great CryptoShokunin. He claims he created this logo from scratch! He designed this masterpiece. Soon as i exposed him he went quiet for hours... Typing then stopping... typing then stopping... He didn't know what to do.

This is the image i found.

Then he announces this too everyone on discord.. Notice he cuts out the conversation where i exposed him? And tells everyone they HIRED someone else to the design when he clearly states he did the design. Nice fuckup bud.  Grin Grin Grin

I expect the noob devs to delete this and once he does i will created a new thread too make it even more well known.

And why do you think that designers of original logo cant be inspired some books with geometric logos that similar that Shokunin was inspired from? And after it was found dev team tried to contact with original logo designers, and due to many years past since original logo creation and no trademark was found, they decided to take this logo. This is all comes from your PMs with dev team. So whoever hide from this newbie account or "Bravo" account from discord you are simple try to spreading the FUD here and, by looking to your last screenshot, you are a blackmailer, that makes you in my eyes just vile scammer, not less not more.

Inspired? It's the exact same logo with blue lines.

Lol, don't fall for this people he gets paid by LUX dev team hes a Moderator.

I've already contacted the original company and they sent a DCMA takedown notice too Cryptopia.
And why we need to trust the person that tried to blackmailed lux developers? And scrathing your name from this senseless letter is very "trustworthy".

Oh you don't need to trust me.
It doesn't benefit me anymore. I would of kept my mouth shut for money, but of course he didn't pay me. So i exposed it to the world now.

Take it how u want, but we all know u get paid so u must shill the coin... Like a sheep hehehhe. Also ur a Sigt supporter so its obviously u like to scam ppl also.

I just finally got the point, you tried to blackmail lux dev team by all this nonsense above, and when you failed you decided to write this senseless message that you allegedly sent to original company that allegedly sent some notice to Cryptopia. So now I can say for sure, you are not ridiculous boy that I was thought about you a half-hour ago, you are just disgusting person that won't be wellcomed any project that involved/will be involved in.

Why don't you guys actually UNDERSTAND what Blackmailing is?

I'm no newbie and I can assure you I do not comment on these things lightly. But there are EXACT logo copies, with NO PROOF that the developers contacted the original artist of the logo, with nothing but hearsay FROM the 'dev' of this coin, with FACTS coming from the 'newbie'.

Regardless of what you might think, there are inconsistencies with what is said, and rightly so, questions need to be raised.

Blackmailed? No blackamiling here - he just THREATENED them to go public. That is NOT blackmail.

Oh, and before you start claiming falsities about me, or the company I keep (long term people who are respected developers in this industry), or the actually company I work for and run, remember that this is NOT about the coin or the 'devs', or the fact that you are arguing a moot point. It is about the fact that the logo is a copyrighted logo, is being used in it's EXACT format as the original (ie - a copy of, NOT inspiration from) and the inconsistencies that the 'devs' have proven in print on various forums and texts.

If the 'devs' want to attribute the logo to being the result of an 'inspiration' from somewhere, surely there would be some differences and not an exact copy? If the 'dev's want to debunk the claim, then why are their stories inconsistent with what they were claiming initially? That they had their designer come up with an EXACT replica of a copyrighted logo from some geometric inspiration? REALLY?

If the 'devs' REALLY want to push this out of the public eye, then come clean with the facts. Otherwise, this is looking like a crapfight and bringing doubt into the 'devs' honourable standing by performing a circus stunt that cannot be backed by facts, only excuses.

I hope this blows over, as it does get messy. I know - I'm in a court case this month for something along these lines.


they won't.

they will just call u a fudder or ignore u..

Notice how he already did that? Lmao....

They are too busy making fake alt accounts too make there coin seem popular.

 Grin Grin Grin Grin

Of course.

The owner and delegator of 5coins of our own that we are currently in the process of redeveloping along with other projects that are NOT coins - who is a legendary status here in BCT - fudding!

Yet here we were going to support this coin with a highly optimized miner and be part of our pool system that we are currently rebuilding also. Damn!

What a damned imbecile this guy is.



anorganix (OP)
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November 02, 2017, 09:09:43 AM

Nobody is claiming crysx is Spreading FUD, now where did you get that idea? Hey, RandomAnon, i’m sorry that you’re upset that you didn’t get paid when you threatened the team but please refrain from insinuations.😉

On another note, given the fact that this softfork story was a mistake from the team’s side, I think it’s only fair that everyone can voice his oppinion. When there will be some official position/announcement or update on this matter I’ll post it ASAP.


It’s not called silence, it’s called waiting for official statement to avoid posting anything that can harm the coin and the community. Everyone is free to think what he wants tho.

I will never send private messages with payment requests for my auctions. I only communicate transparently via the forum (not Telegram, Discord, Skype & others). Please be wary of scammers.
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November 02, 2017, 09:20:26 AM

Nobody is claiming crysx is Spreading FUD, now where did you get that idea? Hey, RandomAnon, i’m sorry that you’re upset that you didn’t get paid when you threatened the team but please refrain from insinuations.😉

On another note, given the fact that this softfork story was a mistake from the team’s side, I think it’s only fair that everyone can voice his oppinion. When there will be some official position/announcement or update on this matter I’ll post it ASAP.


It’s not called silence, it’s called waiting for official statement to avoid posting anything that can harm the coin and the community. Everyone is free to think what he wants tho.

Do you have the excitement to say that community have screwed up the coin? That's  blandness. The Developers team has done their best to bury the coin, finally pull the heads off of your self-assured asses and accept the truth - you're a gang of incompetent pseudo-developers. Go back to your previous occupation, this is the best you can do for cryptoworld.
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--- ChainWorks Industries ---

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November 02, 2017, 09:25:04 AM

Nobody is claiming crysx is Spreading FUD, now where did you get that idea? Hey, RandomAnon, i’m sorry that you’re upset that you didn’t get paid when you threatened the team but please refrain from insinuations.😉

On another note, given the fact that this softfork story was a mistake from the team’s side, I think it’s only fair that everyone can voice his oppinion. When there will be some official position/announcement or update on this matter I’ll post it ASAP.


It’s not called silence, it’s called waiting for official statement to avoid posting anything that can harm the coin and the community. Everyone is free to think what he wants tho.

There seems to be quite a mess here.

Insinuations as opposed to statements are one thing, but we need to understand that when a person STATES one thing, and derives the need to change it later for whatever reason, there should be just cause for it. I was accused of 'fudding' irrespective of whether it was an insinuation based on 'get proof' or not. So whoever this guy is needs to state FACTS and not correlate fiction with fact.

The official statements made were confounding to say the least. It is understandable that a dev team would change their minds, as it is understandable that they would withdraw anything they deem to be non-progressive. It is NOT understandable, nor meaningful in anyway, to state one thing, do another, and try and excuse the actions as being part of the flow of conversation.

With all that is said and done though, it is commendable that there is at least strides in making some form of progress. There will ALWAYS be the naysayers, but when a point is valid, don;t just shun away from it because the person presenting may feel 'jilted' or ripped off. Sure, threats are not the norm these days, or are they? Which ever way this works out, I believe if the dev team get their act together, they will have a good chance at future of prosperity. Otherwise, they will fall by the wayside, and disappear into oblivion.

As for the community, they need to be heard in every sense. FUD should be deleted - agreed. But point's made in fact and not fiction should be considered and responded to in a reasonable manner. I swear and attack just like any one else would if the need is there, but such conversations as this are necessary to show the community what the devs 'are made of' when it comes to their responses.

So, what are they made of?


anorganix (OP)
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November 02, 2017, 09:26:35 AM

Shkembe, please read again, I don’t think you understood me.
Might be my poor english, not my native language.

And yup, I’ve made the initial ccminer implementation, coiniumserv support, maintaining the ANN and helping with what I can in Discord. Keep talking smack about me.


I will never send private messages with payment requests for my auctions. I only communicate transparently via the forum (not Telegram, Discord, Skype & others). Please be wary of scammers.
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November 02, 2017, 10:09:43 AM

Shkembe, please read again, I don’t think you understood me.
Might be my poor english, not my native language.

And yup, I’ve made the initial ccminer implementation, coiniumserv support, maintaining the ANN and helping with what I can in Discord. Keep talking smack about me.


Try to do theese things in legit coin next time  Cool I said to the team ppl will understand that LUX is scam in early days in discord. Im done as I see you have enough followers now  Cool

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November 02, 2017, 12:16:35 PM

Nobody is claiming crysx is Spreading FUD, now where did you get that idea? Hey, RandomAnon, i’m sorry that you’re upset that you didn’t get paid when you threatened the team but please refrain from insinuations.😉

On another note, given the fact that this softfork story was a mistake from the team’s side, I think it’s only fair that everyone can voice his oppinion. When there will be some official position/announcement or update on this matter I’ll post it ASAP.


It’s not called silence, it’s called waiting for official statement to avoid posting anything that can harm the coin and the community. Everyone is free to think what he wants tho.

There seems to be quite a mess here.

Insinuations as opposed to statements are one thing, but we need to understand that when a person STATES one thing, and derives the need to change it later for whatever reason, there should be just cause for it. I was accused of 'fudding' irrespective of whether it was an insinuation based on 'get proof' or not. So whoever this guy is needs to state FACTS and not correlate fiction with fact.

The official statements made were confounding to say the least. It is understandable that a dev team would change their minds, as it is understandable that they would withdraw anything they deem to be non-progressive. It is NOT understandable, nor meaningful in anyway, to state one thing, do another, and try and excuse the actions as being part of the flow of conversation.

With all that is said and done though, it is commendable that there is at least strides in making some form of progress. There will ALWAYS be the naysayers, but when a point is valid, don;t just shun away from it because the person presenting may feel 'jilted' or ripped off. Sure, threats are not the norm these days, or are they? Which ever way this works out, I believe if the dev team get their act together, they will have a good chance at future of prosperity. Otherwise, they will fall by the wayside, and disappear into oblivion.

As for the community, they need to be heard in every sense. FUD should be deleted - agreed. But point's made in fact and not fiction should be considered and responded to in a reasonable manner. I swear and attack just like any one else would if the need is there, but such conversations as this are necessary to show the community what the devs 'are made of' when it comes to their responses.

So, what are they made of?

Not sure that deleting every "FUD" or negative comments" is a good idea because it will create even more paranoia and fud as cause of it
People's opinions should be free, unless it's proven to be real thrash with intendencies to FUD ofc

What is happening here right now is a angry community who are coming straight from signatum coin, people lost trust and i can't disagree with them.
It will take a amount of time to recover trust, this project is still very young and for the moment there is no reason to think it's a scam
Price is low right now also bcause of low trust, not sure this project will succeed it will be hard to pull something off after signatum coin

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November 02, 2017, 12:22:53 PM

That feelin, when i still have my rig set to mine LUX but i am not sure if i am doing right thing.. I hope WP will come next week and thing wil get to it's places, in other case i will just have to admit that i have wasted 60€ on my electricity bill and lost like 6 weeks... I hope it will all turn in to something good.
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--- ChainWorks Industries ---

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November 02, 2017, 12:24:36 PM

Nobody is claiming crysx is Spreading FUD, now where did you get that idea? Hey, RandomAnon, i’m sorry that you’re upset that you didn’t get paid when you threatened the team but please refrain from insinuations.😉

On another note, given the fact that this softfork story was a mistake from the team’s side, I think it’s only fair that everyone can voice his oppinion. When there will be some official position/announcement or update on this matter I’ll post it ASAP.


It’s not called silence, it’s called waiting for official statement to avoid posting anything that can harm the coin and the community. Everyone is free to think what he wants tho.

There seems to be quite a mess here.

Insinuations as opposed to statements are one thing, but we need to understand that when a person STATES one thing, and derives the need to change it later for whatever reason, there should be just cause for it. I was accused of 'fudding' irrespective of whether it was an insinuation based on 'get proof' or not. So whoever this guy is needs to state FACTS and not correlate fiction with fact.

The official statements made were confounding to say the least. It is understandable that a dev team would change their minds, as it is understandable that they would withdraw anything they deem to be non-progressive. It is NOT understandable, nor meaningful in anyway, to state one thing, do another, and try and excuse the actions as being part of the flow of conversation.

With all that is said and done though, it is commendable that there is at least strides in making some form of progress. There will ALWAYS be the naysayers, but when a point is valid, don;t just shun away from it because the person presenting may feel 'jilted' or ripped off. Sure, threats are not the norm these days, or are they? Which ever way this works out, I believe if the dev team get their act together, they will have a good chance at future of prosperity. Otherwise, they will fall by the wayside, and disappear into oblivion.

As for the community, they need to be heard in every sense. FUD should be deleted - agreed. But point's made in fact and not fiction should be considered and responded to in a reasonable manner. I swear and attack just like any one else would if the need is there, but such conversations as this are necessary to show the community what the devs 'are made of' when it comes to their responses.

So, what are they made of?

Not sure that deleting every "FUD" or negative comments" is a good idea because it will create even more paranoia and fud as cause of it
People's opinions should be free, unless it's proven to be real thrash with intendencies to FUD ofc

What is happening here right now is a angry community who are coming straight from signatum coin, people lost trust and i can't disagree with them.
It will take a amount of time to recover trust, this project is still very young and for the moment there is no reason to think it's a scam
Price is low right now also bcause of low trust, not sure this project will succeed it will be hard to pull something off after signatum coin

Well ...

FUD is just that - FUD. It should be dealt with a swift delete.

As for the mistrust, I totally agree with you. BUT, the dev team should have expected that AND made plans to coordinate some sort of response plan because of it. Thsi sort of anger is undeniably true, and should have been completely expected. Which is the reason that it's confounding that the dev team haven't prepared for this.

Either way, I'm at ease with it all, and when our new pool servers are finished, will work on providing one for a number of coins, including this one if we get everything sorted.

I hope this works out.


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November 02, 2017, 12:26:42 PM
Did not pay (LUX) to me!
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November 02, 2017, 01:34:45 PM

As you see on cryptopia charts, FUD helps bagholders to fill their bags more, target is MN of course.
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November 02, 2017, 01:43:42 PM

One thing is bad tho is that everyone calling LUX dev's a scammers, based on some theoretical facts. There is no doubt that developers should come with all answers more frequently and finally get to team work. However, this coin will be only one month young next week, so it is very hard to judge wether it is so called shitcoin or not. Personaly i will give it another week for my rig to work hard and wait until WP is released.
Vera Nov
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November 02, 2017, 01:54:47 PM

wow, very interesting i think, maybe this project can success and have good future also the token will distributed have big price in market and directly to search by people will buy it
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--- ChainWorks Industries ---

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November 02, 2017, 02:14:48 PM

One thing is bad tho is that everyone calling LUX dev's a scammers, based on some theoretical facts. There is no doubt that developers should come with all answers more frequently and finally get to team work. However, this coin will be only one month young next week, so it is very hard to judge wether it is so called shitcoin or not. Personaly i will give it another week for my rig to work hard and wait until WP is released.

More than a week.

The real test of any coin and dev team is time.

If this is still around in a few months and still going strong, then chances are they will be here for the long haul. What is a week though? Everyone deserves the chance to make right what 'may' be wrong. So if the development of the coin and the continuation of the project is shown, there is no need to doubt that there will be more to come. Always hard to say, but again, in 7months time, if the dev team AND project is still about, then a long term effort is what is handed to the community.

We all win then.


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November 02, 2017, 02:18:13 PM
Did not pay (LUX) to me!

As far as I'm aware they have never hit a block, so you'll never get paid, because you haven't earned anything

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November 02, 2017, 02:36:05 PM

One thing is bad tho is that everyone calling LUX dev's a scammers, based on some theoretical facts. There is no doubt that developers should come with all answers more frequently and finally get to team work. However, this coin will be only one month young next week, so it is very hard to judge wether it is so called shitcoin or not. Personaly i will give it another week for my rig to work hard and wait until WP is released.

More than a week.

The real test of any coin and dev team is time.

If this is still around in a few months and still going strong, then chances are they will be here for the long haul. What is a week though? Everyone deserves the chance to make right what 'may' be wrong. So if the development of the coin and the continuation of the project is shown, there is no need to doubt that there will be more to come. Always hard to say, but again, in 7months time, if the dev team AND project is still about, then a long term effort is what is handed to the community.

We all win then.


This is 100% true, and thankfully a voice of reason.

I've been part of this from the beginning and have a very small role supervising on discord, and trying to help miners out with some quick tutorials.

But just like all of you guys, I'm also a miner, and I happily pointed my rigs to LUX and hoped for the best regarding the rewards and price etc.
When you do that with any coin you take a leap of faith, and you wait and see what happens along the way.
You may, or may not find out who is behind a coin, because this isn't a publicly traded company, and the team behind it can choose to reveal themselves or stay anonymous.
That's totally their choice, and it's your choice to stay or leave based on that fact. No ones forcing you to stay and mine or trade.

This coin has been around for 3 weeks, and it's undergoing rapid development by a small team of guys.
They have constantly updated the wallet, and worked with pool owners to get things working.
Altminer for instance have been heroic in their support, and having to constantly fight off ddos attacks.

If the team misses milestones, I'm ok with that, and you should be as well. What we all should be looking for is steady progress, and I've seen that so far.
If your not ok, with a team that has real lives, and probably day jobs that get in the way of deadlines, then move along.

I don't understand why everyone loses their minds if something gets delayed or is changed.
As a project any coin is fluid and dynamic, and is going to undergo rapid development.
Isn't the agility, rapid pace, and possibilities, part of what we all love about crypto to begin with?

You can see they are also working with others in the industry and are pushing hard to make this a success.
The only reason the coin is on cryptopia, coinmarketcap, whattomine, etc. is because they have been actively working with those sites to get it listed.
And I know there are many other significant efforts underway behind the scenes, that will only come to light moving forward.

Keep in mind, it's not unusual to have brilliant guys developing the back-end tech, but they struggle at communicating change, and handling the negativity from the community.

If you like this coin, point some of your hash at it, or buy a small amount on the exchange. You can even keep some of your rigs pointed somewhere else.
Join the community, and voice your opinions in a constructive way on discord, and have a small hand in shaping the future.

If you truly don't like this coin, then just move along, as there are plenty of other coins you can focus your energy on

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November 02, 2017, 04:15:39 PM

FYI  - this has just started. Chrome is giving privacy warnings for luxcoin website "This server could not prove that it is; its security certificate is from * This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection. Proceed to (unsafe)"

Thoughts? No problem like this before.
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November 02, 2017, 04:41:54 PM

FYI  - this has just started. Chrome is giving privacy warnings for luxcoin website "This server could not prove that it is; its security certificate is from * This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection. Proceed to (unsafe)"

Thoughts? No problem like this before.
It most likely means they just moved webhosts and haven't fully finished changing certs. I would not say this is another flag.

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