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Author Topic: LUXCoin — PHI1612 PoW/PoS Hybrid — new topic in last page  (Read 147104 times)
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October 27, 2017, 10:54:07 PM

Does anyone have experience with this pool ?

Are they really on 0% for phi or is it a fake setting?
Also confirm - they are on official discord channel and are responsive in case you have a question regarding the pool
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October 27, 2017, 11:00:44 PM

Does anyone have experience with this pool ?

Are they really on 0% for phi or is it a fake setting?
Also confirm - they are on official discord channel and are responsive in case you have a question regarding the pool

Alright good to know , thanks.

Already hashing on their pool , hope it has less downtime and is more responsive on shares.
Dead Things
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October 27, 2017, 11:59:11 PM
 #1723 did have a little hiccup this morning with their payouts system at a time when all of the LUX pools were under heavy DDoS, but they were responsive and transparent about the issue, and have committed to manually compensating for any missed payouts, So yeah - I too can vouch for them at this time.

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October 28, 2017, 12:29:45 AM

What is the password from the archive sgminer?


Are there reasons to switch to this miner from older sgminer?
No. I checked on AMD Vega 56, the older version is faster than x86, than the new one.
Old 27.5mh 1405mhz gpu 1100mhz mem 150w downvolt GPU/Mem
New 24.9mh
Options  -g 2 -w 256
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October 28, 2017, 12:38:02 AM
 #1725 did have a little hiccup this morning with their payouts system at a time when all of the LUX pools were under heavy DDoS, but they were responsive and transparent about the issue, and have committed to manually compensating for any missed payouts, So yeah - I too can vouch for them at this time.

Hmm I see, so maybe it was a problem with all pools , cause the one I was on - had also hiccups.. thats odd.
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October 28, 2017, 12:43:23 AM

Hi, dev
what roi will be from masternode?
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October 28, 2017, 01:22:10 AM


Ho, вoт, чтo интepecнo, были y ниx дeньги, и кoличecтвo этиx дeнeг нe yмeньшaлocь и нe yвeличивaлocь. Cдeлaны oни были дaвным-дaвнo из мeтaллa нepжaвeющeгo и тяжeлoгo. И были oни пo фopмe в видe пиpaмидoк, и нe былo нa ниx ни цифp, ни бyкв, тoлькo блecк. Oтлил иx зoлoтыx дeл мacтep, пo зaкaзy cтapeйшин oпpeдeлeннoe кoличecтвo. Пpи этoм, кoличecтвo пиpaмидoк  былo тaкoe, чтoбы вceм xвaтaлo. И cтapым, и мaлым, и, ecтecтвeннo Зpeлым. Macтep yмep, a ceкpeт изгoтoвлeния дeнeг был yтepян. Taк чтo в этoй cтpaнe, кoличecтвo дeнeг ocтaвaлocь пocтoянным. И нe былo coблaзнa иx yвeличивaть или yмeньшaть.

Cтяжaтeльcтвo зa этим нapoдoм cкaзoчным нe вoдилocь, и дeньги xpaнилиcь в дeтcкиx кoмнaтax. Дeтвopa любили c ними игpaть, нe ocoзнaвaя, чтo этo мepa oбмeнa, и чтo в кaждoй пиpaмидкe ecть дoля тpyдa иx poдитeлeй. Чтo в пиpaмидкe зaключeнa нeкaя энepгия, кoтopyю мoжнo oбмeнять нa eдy, oдeждy и пpoчиe цeннocти.
   Ho oднaжды cлyчилocь нeoбъяcнимoe… У ceмьи xлeбoпёкoв дeньги в нoчь oднy иcчeзли caмым cтpaнным oбpaзoм. Beчepoм eщё были, a yтpoм иx нe cтaлo. Cнaчaлa дyмaли, чтo кpaжa этo, нo дeньги эти тaк и нe вcплыли нигдe. Hиктo нe cтaл пoкyпaть пpoвизии и oдeжды бoльшe, дa и y тpaктиpщикoв выpyчкa нe yвeличилacь.

Из oбopoтa гopoдcкoгo пpимepнo чeтвepть дeнeг иcчeзлa, чтo cкaзaлocь нa дeлax тopгoвo-финaнcoвыx.
 И cocтoялcя cxoд cтapeйшин, и былo пpинятo peшeниe yпpaзднить дeньги. Paз тaкoe пpoизoшлo oдин paз, тo этo вeдь мoжeт и пoвтopитьcя? И cтaли люди жить бeз дeнeг. Heпpивычнo этo, кoнeчнo, нo cтaли. A имeющиecя дeньги-пиpaмидки y вcex coбpaли, пepecчитaли, дa и пoд aмбapный зaмoк.

И нaчaлcя тoвapo-ycлyгa-oбмeн. Oбмeнивaли oни peзyльтaты cвoeгo тpyдa дpyг y дpyгa, нo кaзaлocь им, чтo oни, кaждый в oтдeльнocти, yпycкaeт “cвoю выгoдy” в oбмeнe. Кaждый cтapaлcя paбoтaть пoмeньшe, a пoльзoвaтьcя peзyльтaтaми чyжoгo тpyдa пoбoльшe. И нaчaлcя yпaдoк.

Bидя этo, cтapeйшины нa oчepeднoм cxoдe peшили cлeдyющee: pacпилить пиpaмидки имeющиecя нa poвныe чacти и paздaть из в тoй пpoпopции, в кoтopoй oни были изъяты из oбopoтa. Taк и пocтyпили, тoлькo вoт ceмья xлeбoпeкoв ocтaлacь ни c чeм. И, тeм нe мeнee, дeньги зaкpyжилиcь пo cтpaнe вмecтo бapтepa и вce вepнyлacь нa кpyги…
Dead Things
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October 28, 2017, 01:26:45 AM


Currently in first quarter from my geolocation.  Grin

Don't know about moon from here, but from a miner's perspective... well, I don't want to give away too much. Let's just say LUX has been... rewarding.

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October 28, 2017, 01:32:46 AM

Suddenly, mining luxcoin becomes hard. Before, I was mining around 3-5 coins per day, now, it becomes so low. My income on mining this coin will be useless. I have to get another new coin to mine. The price of the coin shoots up to $3.21 right now.

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October 28, 2017, 01:55:45 AM

There are some websites you can check
But it seems that LUXcoin has not been listed on these sites. I think you should wait for a while.
thanks for the links to these valuable sites, but I asked the devs. He must know the roi. for example, if I start the MN tomorrow
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October 28, 2017, 02:09:36 AM

There are some websites you can check
But it seems that LUXcoin has not been listed on these sites. I think you should wait for a while.
thanks for the links to these valuable sites, but I asked the devs. He must know the roi. for example, if I start the MN tomorrow
We are waiting for Whitepaper release to answer this question - currently the money supply is 155K Lux excluding premine so it's scarce and I think its around 7KLux at the exchange - so it might be tough to get 16120 for at least one MN - and none are activated yet (there is one MN sold to an investor (under the condition to run it but not to sell the coins) by Devs and it is needed for additional network stability but its not active yet - so we cannot estimate the ROI)
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October 28, 2017, 05:29:12 AM

There are some websites you can check
But it seems that LUXcoin has not been listed on these sites. I think you should wait for a while.
thanks for the links to these valuable sites, but I asked the devs. He must know the roi. for example, if I start the MN tomorrow
We are waiting for Whitepaper release to answer this question - currently the money supply is 155K Lux excluding premine so it's scarce and I think its around 7KLux at the exchange - so it might be tough to get 16120 for at least one MN - and none are activated yet (there is one MN sold to an investor (under the condition to run it but not to sell the coins) by Devs and it is needed for additional network stability but its not active yet - so we cannot estimate the ROI)

So, that's mean there are total 2 masternodes now, dev + investor? Yes, I also notice total sell order at exchanger not enough to setup a masternode, a new special situation...

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October 28, 2017, 06:40:47 AM

Hi, guys, tell me where are you incorporated?
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October 28, 2017, 07:45:15 AM

 too slow? i have a rig with four vega 64 undervolted with hbcc enabled and blockchain drivers, pool

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anorganix (OP)
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Per aspera ad astra

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October 28, 2017, 08:41:21 AM

Doesn't look good.
Head over to the #mining channel in the LUXCoin Discord and you will find help there from the community.


Wallet 2.2.2 was released:
  • Fixed Masternode Pubkey
  • Added Masternode Config
  • Upgraded Masternode Payment Protocol
  • Replaced New Seednode
  • Fixed No such file or directory popup

Available for download on the website or on GitHub releases page.
Also, LUXCoin was added to CoinCodex.

I will never send private messages with payment requests for my auctions. I only communicate transparently via the forum (not Telegram, Discord, Skype & others). Please be wary of scammers.
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October 28, 2017, 08:47:15 AM

Doesn't look good.
Head over to the #mining channel in the LUXCoin Discord and you will find help there from the community.


Wallet 2.2.2 was released:
  • Fixed Masternode Pubkey
  • Added Masternode Config
  • Upgraded Masternode Payment Protocol
  • Replaced New Seednode
  • Fixed No such file or directory popup

Available for download on the website or on GitHub releases page.
Also, LUXCoin was added to CoinCodex.

Hi, i have a problem with sync with new wallet, well actually wallet 2.2.1 version was not sync as well
can you advise what shall I do in order to solve the problem?
maybe I have to add some nods to conf file?
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October 28, 2017, 09:08:17 AM

Wallet not sync.
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October 28, 2017, 09:10:35 AM

Doesn't look good.
Head over to the #mining channel in the LUXCoin Discord and you will find help there from the community.


Wallet 2.2.2 was released:
  • Fixed Masternode Pubkey
  • Added Masternode Config
  • Upgraded Masternode Payment Protocol
  • Replaced New Seednode
  • Fixed No such file or directory popup

Available for download on the website or on GitHub releases page.
Also, LUXCoin was added to CoinCodex.
Thank you dev. Updating my wallet, looks good.
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October 28, 2017, 09:16:23 AM

Come join the fun and get your mine on over at

We offer two stratums to choose from for your mining needs! One variable difficulty and one high difficulty for rented hash.

Variable Difficulty Stratum  : stratum+tcp://
Password : c=LUX
Difficulty: d=

High Difficulty Stratum  : stratum+tcp://
Password : c=LUX

Website  :
Payout   : Every 2 hours after first fully confirmed block
Fee      : 0.5% for the month of October

Example command line :

-a phi -o stratum+tcp://vdiff(or hdiff) -u YOUR_LUX_ADDRESS -p c=LUX
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October 28, 2017, 09:33:19 AM

windows wallet 2.2.2 link page is wrong

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