A2B TAXI OFFICIAL BOUNTY PROGRAMWORLD’S FIRST BLOCKCHAIN-BASED GLOBAL TAXI PLATFORMWWW.A2BTAXI.IO| FACEBOOK | TWITTER | TELEGRAM | MEDIUM | WHITEPAPERThank you all for reaching us out to suggest ideas how to improve A2B Taxi bounty program. We considered your comments and decided to make some changes in the program. As many of you offered to become A2B Taxi ambassador in your specific city, we launch additional A2B Taxi Ambassadors bounty campaign. Please follow the instructions to register for it in the thread. We are planning to work with up to 40 A2B Taxi Ambassadors in variety of European cities. Please contact us for more information.REWARDS Taxi industry needs customers, as well as our project, demands your collaboration. We are happy to present our community bounty program that will last from 7th December 2017 until 7th April 2018. Let’s share the news and make the revolution in taxi industry together!
We need community support, so we’re launching this bounty campaign for everyone who wants to join and help us revolutionize the taxi industry.Joining our official Telegram is a must for all participants in A2B bounty campaignTo get your rewards reports with proof-links of your work have to be sent to rewards@a2btaxi.io. Rewards sheet will be uploaded to this thread every Tuesday.The bounty campaign ends when the ICO ends, on 7th April 2018. ICO start date – 7th March, 2018. You will receive your tokens two weeks after the ICO has finished, based on the stakes and/or tokens you’ve won.WE ARE GIVING AWAY 10 000 000 A2B TAXI TOKENS ($1M worth)Join and get rewards for your contribution to our campaigns REDDIT CAMPAIGN
1 600 000 TAXI TOKENS
REGISTER HERE!How to join A2B Reddit bounty campaign:● You must have at least 100 posts and 50 comment karma
● Your account must be older than 30 days
● Posts and comments with negative Karma are not rewarded
● No limit on the number of posts or comments, however, only posts and comments that have more than five upvotes count
● Posts and comments have to be published on relevant subreddits (/r/cryptocurrency; /r/icocrypto; /r/ethtrader; to verify other subreddits, please contact us at
rewards@a2btaxi.io )
To get your rewards reports with proof-links of your work have to be sent to rewards@a2btaxi.io every week. Rewards sheet will be uploaded on Tuesday and updated every week.Posts and comments are counted to total a number of upvotes only if post/comment has minimum five upvotes.
Post / Comment Upvotes Stake
> 3000 = 11
>2000 = 5
>1500 = 2.4
>750 = 1
>500 = 0.4
>250 = 0.2
> 100 = 0.05
REGISTER HERE!How to join A2B Facebook bounty campaign:● Follow and like the official A2B TAXI TOKEN Facebook page
Bounty is calculated with stakes on a weekly basis: each participant gets 15 stakes a week if completed the following:
● Participant must like and share A2B TAXI TOKEN Facebook page with hashtag #A2BTAXITOKEN
● Must like and share every post published by A2B TAXI TOKEN using hashtag #A2BTAXITOKEN
● Must make five posts in other groups in a week with hashtag #A2BTAXITOKEN
● Participant profile must be public
● Send reports with links to your activity to
rewards@a2btaxi.io every week
To get your rewards reports with proof-links of your work have to be sent to rewards@a2btaxi.io every week. Rewards sheet will be uploaded on Tuesday and updated every week.Using hashtag #A2BTAXITOKEN is necessary to get rewards!If reposts and shares are made without hashtags - you will receive no rewards.
● Multiple accounts registrations
● Spam, abuse, and insults
● Your Facebook account must have at least 600 real friends
Terms and conditions:
● Posts must be in English. You have to send your reports to
rewards@a2btaxi.io to get rewards.
1 000 000 TAXI TOKENS
REGISTER HERE! How to join A2B TAXI TOKEN Twitter bounty campaign● Follow the official A2B TAXI TOKEN account on Twitter A2B TAXI TOKEN.
● Up to 1k followers: 1,5 stake
● More than 1k followers: 3 stakes
To be eligible for rewards you will need:
● 2 personal tweets each week with hashtag #A2BTAXITOKEN
● 5 retweets from A2B TAXI TOKEN Twitter profile every week
● Multiple accounts registrations
● Spam, abuse, and insults
Terms and conditions:
● You must be A2B TAXI TOKEN Official Twitter Follower: A2B TAXI TOKEN
● You must have at least 300 followers
● You must have at least 80% of real followers (can be evaluated with
● Your privacy settings must be open
● Like & Retweet A2B TAXI TOKEN tweets at least four times per week
● Post tweets using hashtags #A2BTAXITOKEN at least twice per week
● You have to send links to your tweets and retweets to
rewards@a2btaxi.io every week
To get your rewards reports with proof-links of your work have to be sent to rewards@a2btaxi.io every week. Rewards sheet will be uploaded on Tuesday and updated every week.Have any questions - fastest way to communicate - A2BTAXITOKEN official communication channel on Telegram or email us
2 750 000 TAXI TOKENS
REGISTER HERE! Article bounty:
1 600 000
Taxi tokens● Original article big, 20k characters or more [3000 Taxi Tokens]
● Original article medium, 10k - 20k characters [1500 Taxi Tokens]
● Original article small, below 10k characters [750 Taxi Tokens]
Youtube bounty:
1 000 000
Taxi tokensMake a youtube video/review about A2B TAXI TOKEN at least 3 minutes long.
● 15k subscribers and more [3200 Taxi Tokens]
● 7k - 15k subscribers [2100 Taxi Tokens]
● 1k - 7k characters [1350 Taxi Tokens]
● Up to 1k subscribers [850 Taxi Tokens]
● Use of Google Translate and online translators
● Articles on private resources or behind paywalls
Terms and conditions:
● Articles/video must be freely accessible
● Article/video must be original and contain at least 300 words/3 minutes.
● Article/video must reflect our information as stated on our
https://a2btaxi.io website
● Article must at least contain 1-2 active links to our a2btaxi.io website
● Videos must have the following information in the description:
● A2B TAXI website:
http://www.a2btaxi.io● WHITEPAPER
LINKTo get your rewards reports with proof-links of your work have to be sent to rewards@a2btaxi.io every week. Rewards sheet will be uploaded on Tuesday and updated every week.LINKEDIN CAMPAIGN
1000 000 Taxi Tokens
REGISTER HERE!How to join A2B Linkedin bounty campaign:● You must have at least 1000 followers
● Your LinkedIn account must be All-Star
● Hashtag #a2btaxitoken must be used for every article shared
● You must be A2B TAXI TOKEN follower on Linkedin (link)
● Must like and share every post published by A2B TAXI TOKEN using hashtag #A2BTAXITOKEN
● Must make three posts in a week with hashtag #A2BTAXITOKEN
● Send reports with links to your activity to
rewards@a2btaxi.ioTo get your rewards reports with proof-links of your work have to be sent to rewards@a2btaxi.io every week. Rewards sheet will be uploaded on Tuesday and updated every week.Numb. Of followers Stake
> 3000 = 11
>2000 = 5
>1500 = 2.4
>750 = 1
>500 = 0.4
>250 = 0.2
> 100 = 0.05
1 700 000 TAXI TOKENS
REGISTER HERE!All active Bitcointalk users are more than welcome to join! Each member needs to post at least 8 posts per week having A2B Taxi signature, by the time the ICO ends in order to be eligible for a reward.
Set up A2B Taxi signature to your Bitcointalk profile:
Junior Members : 1,5 stakes per week
Members : 3 stakes per week
Senior/Full : 6 stakes per week
Legendary/Hero: 9 stakes per week
Posts in this thread will not count.
Stakes will be added in Rewards Sheet Tuesday to Tuesday.
Negative trust
Multiple signatures
Signature change during the campaign
Posts in following Discussion Boards:
Politics and Society, Off-topic, Archival, Auctions, Lending, Beginners and help
Spam, abuse and insults
Terms and conditions:
Only for BCT Junior Members and up
Make at least 8 posts each week during the campaign
Posts in alternate cryptocurrencies section are required
Posts in any bounty thread will not count.
Participants are rewarded according to their rank
Spam is strictly prohibited. Users found spamming will be immediately and permanently disqualified, reported to the moderators, and banned from any other bounty campaign.
Signatures codesJunior Member[center][url=a2btaxi.io]A2B TAXI TOKEN | REVOLUTIONIZING TAXI INDUSTRY
Pre-ICO ▶ [u] 1st March [/u] █ SUBSCRIBE TODAY █[/center]
Pre-ICO ▶ [u] 1st March [/u] █ SUBSCRIBE TODAY █[/url]
[i]III[/i] [url=https://a2btaxi.io/wp-content/uploads/a2b-taxi-token-whitepaper-12-01-r4.pdf]whitepaper[/url] [i]III[/i] [url=https://twitter.com/a2btaxitoken]twitter[/url] [i]III[/i] [url=https://www.facebook.com/a2btaxitoken/]facebook[/url] [i]III[/i] [url=https://t.me/a2btaxitoken]telegram[/url] [i]III[/i][/center]
Full Member[center][b][url=http://a2btaxi.io][font=arial black][color=#4CAF0A]A2B TAXI TOKEN | [/color][font=arial][color=#30373E]REVOLUTIONIZING [color=#30373E]TAXI[/color] INDUSTRY[/color][/font][/font]
[font=arial black][color=#4CAF0A]ICO ▶[/color] [font=arial][color=#30373E][u] 7th March [/u][/color][/font] [color=#30373E]| SUBSCRIBE [color=#4CAF0A]TODAY |[/color][/color][/font][/url]
[font=arial black][color=#4CAF0A][i]III[/i] [url=https://a2btaxi.io/wp-content/uploads/a2b-taxi-token-whitepaper-12-01-r4.pdf][font=candara][color=#30373E]whitepaper[/color][/font][/url] [i]III[/i] [url=https://twitter.com/a2btaxitoken][font=candara][color=#30373E]twitter[/color][/font][/url] [i]III[/i] [url=https://www.facebook.com/a2btaxitoken/][font=candara][color=#30373E]facebook[/color][/font][/url] [i]III[/i] [url=https://t.me/a2btaxitoken][font=candara][color=#30373E]telegram[/color][/font][/url] [i]III[/i][/color][/font][/b][/center]
Sr. Member[center]
[td][url=https://a2btaxi.io/][size=2pt][tt][color=transparent]█[/color][color=#4CAF0A]▄█████████▀▀ ▄██████▀
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[td][center][b][font=arial][size=15pt][url=https://a2btaxi.io/][color=#30373E][u] [color=#30373E]A2B [color=#4CAF0A]TAXI[/color] TOKEN[/color] [/url][/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=arial black][size=8pt][color=#4CAF0A][i][size=7pt]III[/i] [font=Candara][url=https://a2btaxi.io/wp-content/uploads/a2b-taxi-token-whitepaper-12-01-r4.pdf][color=#091B26]WHITEPAPER[/url][/font] [i][size=7pt]III[/i] [font=Candara][url=https://twitter.com/a2btaxitoken][color=#091B26]TWITTER[/url][/font] [i][size=7pt]III[/i] [font=Candara][url=https://www.facebook.com/a2btaxitoken/][color=#091B26]FACEBOOK[/url][/font] [i][size=7pt]III[/i] [font=Candara][url=https://t.me/a2btaxitoken][color=#091B26]TELEGRAM[/url][/font] [i][size=7pt]III[/i][/size][/font][/b][/center][/td][td][/td]
[td][url=https://a2btaxi.io/][size=2pt][tt][color=#4CAF0A]▄█████████▀▀ ▄██████▀
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▀████▀ ▀███▀[/tt][/size][/url][/td][td][/td][td][/td]
[td][center][url=https://a2btaxi.io/][size=9pt][font=Arial black][color=#30373E][size=12pt]ICO[/size] [color=#4CAF0A]STARTS[/font][/size]
[b][font=candara][color=#091B26][size=11pt]7[size=8pt][sup]th[/sup][/size] Mar 2018[/size][/font][/b][/url][/center][/td][td][/td]
[td][center][url=https://a2btaxi.io/][color=#4CAF0A][size=14pt][font=Arial black][size=10pt]REGISTER[/size]
Hero Member - Legendary[center]
[td][url=https://a2btaxi.io/][size=2pt][tt][color=transparent]█[/color][color=#4CAF0A]▄█████████▀▀ ▄██████▀
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[td][center][b][font=arial][size=15pt][url=https://a2btaxi.io/][color=#4CAF0A][glow=#4CAF0A,2,300][u] [color=#fff]A2B [color=#FFC603]TAXI[/color] TOKEN[/color] [/glow][/url][/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=arial black][size=8pt][color=#4CAF0A][i][size=7pt]III[/i] [font=Candara][url=https://a2btaxi.io/wp-content/uploads/a2b-taxi-token-whitepaper-12-01-r4.pdf][color=#091B26]WHITEPAPER[/url][/font] [i][size=7pt]III[/i] [font=Candara][url=https://twitter.com/a2btaxitoken][color=#091B26]TWITTER[/url][/font] [i][size=7pt]III[/i] [font=Candara][url=https://www.facebook.com/a2btaxitoken/][color=#091B26]FACEBOOK[/url][/font] [i][size=7pt]III[/i] [font=Candara][url=https://t.me/a2btaxitoken][color=#091B26]TELEGRAM[/url][/font] [i][size=7pt]III[/i][/size][/font][/b][/center][/td][td][/td]
[td][url=https://a2btaxi.io/][size=2pt][tt][color=#4CAF0A]▄█████████▀▀ ▄██████▀
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[td][center][url=https://a2btaxi.io/][size=9pt][font=Arial black][color=#30373E][size=12pt]ICO[/size] [color=#4CAF0A]STARTS[/font][/size]
[b][font=candara][glow=#4caf0a,2,300][color=#fff][color=#4caf0a][size=10pt].[/size][/color][size=11pt]7[size=8pt][sup]th[/sup][/size] Mar 2018[/size][color=#4caf0a][size=10pt].[/size][/color][/glow][/font][/b][/url][/center][/td][td][/td]
[td][center][url=https://a2btaxi.io/][color=#fff][size=14pt][font=Arial black][size=9pt][glow=#4CAF0A,2,300][color=#4CAF0A][size=5pt].[/size][/color][size=10pt]REGISTER[/size][color=#4CAF0A][size=5pt].[/size][/color][/glow][/size]
● Translation to your language: big, 20k of characters or more [6500 Tokens], [3000 Tokens for proofreaders]
● Translation to your language: medium, 10k - 20k characters [3000 Tokens], [1200 Tokens for proofreaders]
● Translation to your language: small, below 10k characters [2000 ], [1025 for proofreaders]
● MODERATION of your translated threads: [500 /week]
● Using Google Translate and other online translators are not allowed. Participants using Google Translate will be instantly disqualified
● Only one translation per one participant can be reserved. Applications for the translations to multiple languages will not be accepted.
Terms and conditions:
● Regarding Translations and Community Management campaigns - start working on it only after getting approval from us.
● When applying to the translation, please specify which of the following you wish to translate:
● - Website
● - One Pager
● - White Paper
● - Website content review
● - Main thread (+moderation - this way you will also be participating in ‘Community management bounty)
● - Bounty Announcement (+moderation - this way you will also be participating in ‘Community management bounty)
Announcement and bounty threads:
- Russian
- Korean
- Spanish
- French
- Hindi
- Chinese
- German
- Arabic
Website and White Paper translations:
- Russian
- Korean
- Spanish
- French
- Hindi
- Chinese
- German
- Arabic
REGISTER HERE!Help us explain to new users what is A2B TAXI. We will follow your activity on forum and rewards may vary accordingly. Being a community manager acquires not only moderation of the thread but also interactions with users as well as the development of brand awareness.
● Bitcointalk community management [700/week payment]
● Telegram channel community management [700/week payment]
● Reddit community management [700/week payment]
● Telegram official channel joining: A2B TAXI TOKEN - Official (eng) [15 Stakes]
● Multiple accounts registrations
● Spam, abuse, and insults
Terms and conditions:
● BCT: Only for BCT Full Members and higher
● BCT: Make at least 40 publications on Bitcointalk within A2B TAXI TOKEN topic page during the campaign.
● Reddit: 50+ karma required
● Reddit: Post must be on a subreddit with over 100 readers.
● It is obligatory to be in the official A2B TAXI TOKEN Telegram group until end of A2B TAXI ICO campaign
- Become an A2B TAXI ambassador in your city!
- Sign up by sending us an email to