Activity: 126
Merit: 0
August 04, 2018, 04:40:37 AM |
I'm sorry for all the ones looking for speculations, this is not the purpose of the thread. I want to hear from the community about which coins will be making a difference in our world over the next few years.
I think altcoins that can change lives that bring a bright future are Ethereum, because the growth is so amazing that the price is high. this will change our lives and of course our future.
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
August 09, 2018, 11:38:20 AM |
The low estimated and in the meantime encouraging altcoins can possibly change our lives on the off chance that we can put considerable sums in them and they will increment for some hundret or even thousand percent. There will be likely additionally some new altcoins with another and better innovation join the market and help us to enhance our lives with their use.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
August 11, 2018, 01:09:34 PM |
Ethereum and deeponion for me.

Activity: 713
Merit: 15
August 13, 2018, 10:05:16 PM |
Generally speaking, cryptos is already making an impact in the world by revolutionizing many industries and making it possible to attain different techs. Projects like nucleus vision, DAV, XYO are with nice technology, but the best I have seen so far is sparkster. Imagine being able to bring your ideas into apps and software without having to go through the stress of hiring a developer. It is really expectional.
Activity: 157
Merit: 0
August 13, 2018, 10:06:57 PM |
I believe ETH and EOS will change a lot of lives despite the recent downtrend.

Activity: 322
Merit: 10
August 14, 2018, 06:14:35 AM |
In theory, now many projects look promising. But another question is whether they manage to survive in this difficult period for the market, I would now pay attention to VEN and Luvdub,

Activity: 294
Merit: 10
August 14, 2018, 10:45:27 AM |
Now it is difficult to answer this question. Personally, I prefer to distribute my investment in leading altcoins. I believe that in the coming years the situation in the crypto market will improve.

Activity: 115
Merit: 10
August 14, 2018, 11:04:25 AM |
I believe that the projects ETH, Waves, NEO become unbeatable options for reliable investments. They have an excellent potential for development and income generation for investors.

Activity: 350
Merit: 11
August 14, 2018, 11:36:35 AM |
I'm sorry for all the ones looking for speculations, this is not the purpose of the thread. I want to hear from the community about which coins will be making a difference in our world over the next few years.
I would think that altcoins like ethereum and neo are the altcoins that are going to change our lives. If you look at their projects they are the altcoins that have the most potential to do well in this market which means that they will be the ones that make us the most money in the long term. Others would be coins like monero and dogecoin if they end up doing well.

Activity: 210
Merit: 10
August 15, 2018, 10:51:11 AM |
I am sure that now it is necessary to pay attention to the prospects of projects ETH and GBTC. They have all the resources and opportunities for stable development in the market.
Jr. Member
Activity: 238
Merit: 1
August 15, 2018, 02:56:55 PM |
In my opinion, NEO and EOS do have real chances to make changes in our lives. NEO and EOS are currently popular, and many projects will use these platforms. In principle, NEO and EOS technology is similar to ETH. However, NEO and EOS are considered to be faster, and they are cheaper to pay for transactions and fees. Of course, this will be more interesting, since many people are looking for an easy, fast and cheap platform. That is why NEO and EOS will have significance in the future and will be able to change our lives in any direction.
Jr. Member
Activity: 154
Merit: 1
August 16, 2018, 05:41:34 AM |
I suppose that Eth has already changed our lives and to my mind Eos can repeat eth's success so easy. These are my more preferable altcoins here.
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
August 16, 2018, 11:18:12 AM |
Different from the other. And have a great future. Then I would suggest to EOS for you.
Activity: 177
Merit: 0
August 18, 2018, 07:58:16 AM |
Ethereum is an Altcoins that I like. The developer who is always open to the public and always friendly.
Smartcontract opens to new tokens that will appear and I like that.
August 18, 2018, 01:46:25 PM |
I'm sorry for all the ones looking for speculations, this is not the purpose of the thread. I want to hear from the community about which coins will be making a difference in our world over the next few years.
Over the next few years the ethereum will be developed and bring good profits to its owners. You can also buy a few coins of NEO and Stellar. Frok Ethereum tokens you can try Kick!
Jr. Member
Activity: 238
Merit: 1
August 18, 2018, 07:19:10 PM |
You should always be cautious, because there are many scammers who are not responsible for the loss of your coin. We must always consider from all sides. But you can earn a lot of money on the crypt, work is work, but this crypt is a hobby from which you get great pleasure. 
Jr. Member
Activity: 210
Merit: 1
August 18, 2018, 07:21:32 PM |
There are altcoins that will change lives only in some countries. Watch pundi x which is spreading to the east or the petro for venezuela. 
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
August 19, 2018, 01:23:11 PM |
I think nem and ether will have a big impact on future development. Ethereum has a great potential I believe in it very much, and nem is a well-developed project that has a future
Copper Member
Activity: 228
Merit: 0
August 20, 2018, 10:09:07 AM |
I'm sorry for all the ones looking for speculations, this is not the purpose of the thread. I want to hear from the community about which coins will be making a difference in our world over the next few years.
Well if you heard of Poseidon, you definitely know that this project will impact every human being on this Earth as Poseidon serves as a feasible and innovative solution to climate change. Climate change is a critical issue of this century that will take decades to fix, but Poseidon represents a start as it enables individuals, organisations and governments to participate in climate action. Poseidon opens a new channel of demand in the carbon market as its possible to directly donate from retailer POS. This is much needed as experts urgently report that Paris agreement established level of temperature will not be sufficient, many species & animals will extinct, sea level & temperature anomalies will rise and economy declines. website
Kim Ji Won
August 21, 2018, 01:52:53 AM |
I think that coins with the future it is BTC, ETH, ADA, NAC, NEO, XEM, EOS. The bitcoin is a symbol of cryptocurrency, and others it is platforms with pesrpektivy. I am confident in them.
Im no longer updated on what leading coin is now on the market. Im now still investing which happens to be dominating last year, my coins are most likely established already and actually has big demand in the matket. I no longer invest on new coin, I feel like choosing coins that arr already well established are the ones which will cause lesser losses.