Jr. Member
Activity: 140
Merit: 1
March 26, 2018, 04:49:15 AM |
To be able to use avatars in the signature campaign must first achieve full member ranking.

Activity: 378
Merit: 10
March 26, 2018, 05:37:35 AM |
I have participated in a couple of social media campaigns albeit low payouts sometimes. I am currently looking to participate in a signature campaign, but I have the challenge of how it really works and the demand. Secondly, what does it mean to wear "avatar"?I'd sincerely appreciate your feedback.
The avatar is like you use the ICO project logo on your profile and anyone can see the logo. And usually, if we use the avatar of the project, surely we will get additional value (but not all projects like that). Following the bounty, the signature campaign is very easy. You just need to understand the rules of the project. Because different projects are also the rules. But if you already understand all the rules, I am sure you will easily do it. Good luck.
March 26, 2018, 08:48:21 AM |
every sigcamp sure the rules are different, first understand the rules. roughly could or not. about the avatar that can wear a minimum rank of full member, and get additional stake when wear the avatar.
Activity: 126
Merit: 0
March 26, 2018, 09:13:40 AM |
To be able to use avatars in the signature campaign must first achieve full member ranking.
thanks for the info. I have been trying to find it for a long time
March 27, 2018, 05:10:44 PM |
every baunty there must be things to do, it is not a challenge but the things we must do in the signature campaign,install an avatar is a project that we participate in order to bonus again, and new avatars can be used if our account is already full member rank
Activity: 216
Merit: 0
March 27, 2018, 05:32:34 PM |
I have participated in a couple of social media campaigns albeit low payouts sometimes. I am currently looking to participate in signature campaign, but I have challenge with how it really works and the demand. Secondly, what does it mean to wear "avater"?I'd sincerely appreciate your feedback.
Every bounty campaign is not just a social media campaign and a signature campaign. If you are expecting a large campaign token allocation, you can try to follow a translation campaign. I think the translation campaign will get the biggest token. To use a bounty avatar, you must have a full member account rank.

Activity: 224
Merit: 11
March 27, 2018, 08:06:32 PM |
If you are going to participate in an ICO subscription campaign, you will need to place the required signature symbols according to your rank. You only need to copy it from the ANN announcement announcement and paste it into your profile in accordance with the forum profile information.
Activity: 3388
Merit: 1168
March 27, 2018, 08:17:51 PM |
I have participated in a couple of social media campaigns albeit low payouts sometimes. I am currently looking to participate in signature campaign, but I have challenge with how it really works and the demand. Secondly, what does it mean to wear "avater"?I'd sincerely appreciate your feedback.
Every bounty campaign is not just a social media campaign and a signature campaign. If you are expecting a large campaign token allocation, you can try to follow a translation campaign. I think the translation campaign will get the biggest token. To use a bounty avatar, you must have a full member account rank. When it comes to percentage allocation then most of the time signature campaign do have a greater number compared on translations but when it comes to members signature do have lots while translation do only have lesser which its normal to think that they would really have bigger stakes than to those people who do join up the signature.Its good to join on translation but the big problem is the competition among good translators would be expected.

Activity: 210
Merit: 11
March 28, 2018, 03:53:42 AM |
the avatar is just for full members and it's up to you to prove that you're in their campaign most because the avatar is really in the signature campaign if your full member ranks you can take the avatar of a campaign.
March 28, 2018, 03:56:41 AM |
every baunty there must be things to do, it is not a challenge but the things we must do in the signature campaign,install an avatar is a project that we participate in order to bonus again, and new avatars can be used if our account is already full member rank
Yep and one more usually for the current minimum rank is a member so for accounts that are still newbi or jr seldom any signature campaign that allows to join

Activity: 182
Merit: 10
March 28, 2018, 04:29:27 AM |
How signatures work is not as easy as social media, but signature payments are also different from social media, while avatars are the symbol of a project, if we are already full member put on our profile, so we include the person who promotes the project, And obviously the payment will be added.
Jr. Member
Activity: 70
Merit: 5
March 28, 2018, 06:10:49 AM |
An interesting project. The project aims to create a whole ecosystem of DNA and deliver its product to a sheltered market for healthcare workers so that they can add their data and work on genomic data.
Activity: 210
Merit: 0
March 28, 2018, 08:07:07 AM |
I think you should play in the signature campaign because it is fun to play there first we can reward him second we can comment to qualify through this altcoin marketplace and useful for others
Activity: 2436
Merit: 1135
JUPITER : Decentralized Exchange Aggregator on Sol
March 28, 2018, 09:31:07 AM |
I think you should play in the signature campaign because it is fun to play there first we can reward him second we can comment to qualify through this altcoin marketplace and useful for others
What do you mean we can play on signature campaign? It's not even a game. We on here are advertising some project with our quality posts to attract investor to invest in the project we adverrized.
Sergo Grigo

Activity: 280
Merit: 10
March 28, 2018, 09:37:09 AM |
In order to participate in the campaign of signatures, you need to choose the campaign suitable for you, then insert the signature code in the profile settings. After that you should write messages on the forum, but only in those branches where this is allowed. To wear "avatar" means to set the logo of the campaign bounty that you have selected in the section of your profile photo.

Activity: 187
Merit: 10
March 30, 2018, 09:08:56 AM |
To my knowledge if you use the avatar must rank full member to above. Myself can not post avatar because my rank is still member.And in the rule also does not allow pairs of avatars if rank is still member.So we must raise ranking so that we can put avatar appropriate with signature campaign rules.

Activity: 352
Merit: 10
April 01, 2018, 07:40:49 AM |
I have participated in a couple of social media campaigns albeit low payouts sometimes. I am currently looking to participate in signature campaign, but I have challenge with how it really works and the demand. Secondly, what does it mean to wear "avater"?I'd sincerely appreciate your feedback.
signature campaign using avatar means, you pair the ico logo picture you follow on the bitcointalk profile you have. and usually the avatar is only listed on full member, sr member, hero and legendary You are correct sir/ma'am, avatar is for higher rank but like me a junior member i won't be able to use an avatar. Avatar is not all just about pairing ICO logo picture. Why would you pair it when the signature your using had it's logo in there. Avatar is all about promoting the ICO you participated in, so i would make it short for us to understand. When i see an avatar so i would know it right away that the logo I have seen is the ICO you participated.
Jr. Member
Activity: 266
Merit: 2
Be kind. Always.
April 01, 2018, 05:53:30 PM |
Hey! You could find signature campaign at BountyLordThey keep the spreadsheet updated. There can be signature campaigns which accept newbies and junior members. I highly recommend you to choose and join one of them. It will be an amazing experience for you. Then the only thing you need is to insert the signature code in the profile settings and be active member of BTT forum which means you should write messages on the forum in branches which were chosen by project bounty manager.

Activity: 322
Merit: 10
April 09, 2018, 06:50:37 AM |
If it is not yet too familiar suggestions I'd raise more knowledge about the bounty primarily signature. follow the steps it works and what kind of system, sometimes not everything requires putting up avatars.

Activity: 379
Merit: 10
Buy, sell and store real cryptocurrencies
April 09, 2018, 08:06:34 AM |
Compared to last year's bounty activities, I think that the value of the amount of money paid this year has shrunk dramatically, and the demand is getting higher and higher, and more rewards require more than 15 posts. 