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Author Topic: Why People Can Not Believe Bitcoin  (Read 5382 times)
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March 12, 2018, 03:09:38 AM

for people who do not yet know the bitcoin clearly, they assume that bitcoin is a technology that is new and still very vulnerable to threats especially hackers. In addition, the price of Bitcoin is also very volatile. This instrument fluctuations even more aggressive than stock. It is, on the one hand, be an opportunity, but on the other hand if your not careful will drop and eliminate capital owned.

This is the one that makes a lot of people do not believe in bitcoin.

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March 12, 2018, 03:25:57 AM

Some people don't believe in bitcoin maybe because they have experience something or shall we say they have invested but it didn't work and they said that it's only a scam but it's their own fault because when you invest be sure to study first if the campaign is good and check their background the and also the ico itself to know whether it is profitable or not.
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March 12, 2018, 03:29:45 AM

The reason why many people do not believe in bitcoin is, because they heard or read some fake new about bitcoin is a scam and the internet is filled with scammers, and lots of people have been scammed. So they are afraid to believe or trust in bitcoin. On the other side we cant blame theme for being to safe.

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March 12, 2018, 03:32:44 AM

It seems they need proof, to prove that the bitcoin is really profitable and investing in bitcoin is not a fraud element. I think, they are just afraid their money is gone. you do not need to be sad because they do not believe the story about your bitcoin, because it does not harm you.
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March 12, 2018, 03:45:28 AM

They do not believe bitcoin because they only hear negative news and never get the profit directly, initially I hesitate to invest bitcoin because the price is too fluctuating, but this just makes me curious so I speculate invest in bitcoin.
specially this is not as easy as we know on how we can make some earning here in this currency cause you have to wait and to work for it very hard before you may take that for so that is why when some people know about it and try to do some here to make some earning they are in term of that this is so hard for them to take that for. so they dont believe on it.
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March 12, 2018, 03:56:09 AM

Even if you give them advice that you think is most reasonable, they do not accept it. This is their choice. You don't have to be confused. You have to insist on your decision. What they missed is a good investment opportunity.
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March 12, 2018, 03:59:54 AM

Most people do not believe in bitcoin because their knowledge about bitcoin is very low, they are haven't properly no knowledge about  bitcoin, we know the shining future of bitcoin, so we have no tension  about bitcoin future,
Because they do not know bitcoin well, they do not know how potential bitcoins are. They think bitcoin is just virtual currency and not real.
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March 12, 2018, 05:36:57 AM

there will always be people with differing opinions but thats what crypto is about if you don't like one thing you can get the thing you like just do your own research
but for all people to get in crypto space there are still many hurdles to jump over Smiley
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March 12, 2018, 06:08:11 AM

Nobody can do anything to these people's that they are believing bitcoin or not, in the future they will see. That's normal that both believers will be existing.
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March 12, 2018, 06:29:45 AM

You should not force anyone and make decisions instead of them. It is normal that some people afraid of bitcoin and do not wont to invest money. There are a lot of reasons for this, for example: lack of knowledge, falling price, bad news and etc. This is not religion this is some kind of business, so keep calm.

Of course  we should  not force  anyone to invest with bitcoin.  Not all person will believe  with bitcoin.  Some people will just disregard the topic about bitcoin and they will just tell you something that is not true.  Like btc is a scam.   Angry

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March 12, 2018, 06:35:11 AM

 Some people think that the bitcoin is not real that's why people can not believe in bitcoin.
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March 12, 2018, 06:43:27 AM

The Internet  is filled with scammers,lots of people has being scammed,reason why people did not believ in Bitcoin,as it is a cash you cannot handle,people are only being convince with fiat proof.

Simply because they're afraid, in this generation scammers are  all over the internet, sometimes you can't really identify if it is trusted or not. And also, let's just accept that there will always be people who disagrees in something we like or do, we can't push or convince them to just like what we are doing.

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March 12, 2018, 06:43:43 AM

Because many people are being scammed at many people have many misconceptions about bitcoin. People must learn on how to invest properly and learn the nature of bitcoin. People just think that bitcoin will be their way to have easy money which is not true. You must learn and invest time learning bitcoin.
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March 12, 2018, 06:46:56 AM

Unfortunately, Bitcoin is manipulated by Big Shots and people are wary about it because it gets pumped and dumped, so from an investment point of view, it seems too volatile to hold and that's one reason why many don't trust it. Another reason is that the technology behind it seems too complicated for simple minds to comprehend, so they steer clear of it because they just don't understand it at all.

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March 12, 2018, 06:58:26 AM

For me , I think the reason why most people did not believe bitcoin because their knowing is just a scam or they dont believe because is just nothing . Some of people are victim of scam and some of them are knowing bitcoin is easy way to invest money but actually not true Because you must to learn and spend time to earned money.
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March 12, 2018, 06:59:51 AM

This problem is like some people in the world believe that there are aliens, and some people do not believe it exists. Everyone has their own thinking and judgment skills. Don't worry too much about other people's views. You have your own thinking, believe in your own judgment, and you will get what you want in the cryptocurrency market.
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March 12, 2018, 07:03:41 AM

Why people can not believe about bitcoin, because they don't know anything about it. Maybe they were not informed or their knowledge is too little about bitcoin and some cryptocurrencies.
So need to informed them and educate them if they want. But don't forced them.
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March 12, 2018, 07:11:20 AM

Hello Everyone.
Recently my friends Asked me. Now I can investment with bitcoin. I said my friends. Of course you can invest bitcoin without tension.
but my friends can not believe friends tell me bitcoin price always dumping. It's will be got this scam. Cry
I got this boring felling with my friends opinion. Because I always believe them bitcoin about.
Bitcoin is the real king crypto currency world. Bitcoin will be never scam. It's not possible.  Embarrassed
Lack of knowledge is the reason why many people are still not believing to the bitcoin. They don't know what is the positive effect of the bitcoin in our economy. I am sure that they will regret it in the near future because they are not believing to the bitcoin.
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March 12, 2018, 07:27:02 AM

Most people do not believe in bitcoin because their knowledge about bitcoin is very low, they are haven't properly no knowledge about  bitcoin, we know the shining future of bitcoin, so we have no tension  about bitcoin future,
Yes, I agree with you to some extent. Nowadays many people believe bitcoin as well as not believe in it. There is no doubt that many people who use bitcoin ,have believed in it because they have knowledge about bitcoin, they know how to do in bitcoin’s market and especially they know how benefits they can get from bitcoin. Therefore , it’s normal that many people who don’t know anything relate to bitcoin ,don’t believe in bitcoin anymore .Or some get failed from using bitcoin, they can don’t have trusworthy in bitcoin. In anyway, to make a person how useful bitcoin brings as same as worth believing, you’d better show him how much benefits you get from bitcoin.
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March 12, 2018, 07:49:18 AM

because they have not understood the bitcoin. there are still many people who have not understood what bitcoin is and what its usefulness so this is make them not believe in bitcoin
There are some people who does not believe in bitcoin, because they are just sticking to what they believe that it was just a large ponzi scheme and is not really profitable, that it is just something just like a networking scheme, some were traumatized because they already scammed by some ICOs.


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