Hey friends, happy anniversary!
HOBONICKELS IS 10 YEARS OLD TODAYOur favorite coin was announced and launched on July 24, 2013.
Thanks to thundertoe, Tranz, ahmed_bodi and everyone who helped to make this happen. Who'd expect a joke coin to last this long, with no development at all in the past 5 years? It goes to show how resilient a coin can be, as long as a few people keep believing in it.
Almost forgot to post this because I was distracted by Orbcoin and other dystopian shit. Of course that was a good reason to
mention it on Twitter. HBN is the real world-wide currency for the people, there's enough coins for everyone, because we keep making more.
I'm happy that we have a fully functional
block explorer again thanks to dnp. Note that it includes a rich list on the Metrics tab and a node list on the Network tab. I'm seeing one node in Ukraine and one in Russia, so we're doing what we can for world peace.
Anyway, it wouldn't be Hobonickels if we had perfectly organized celebrations. My favorite moment was when Fluffypony of all people took this too seriously and called the devs amateurs for not putting the code on Github immediately.
General question: What was your favorite moment in Hobonickels history?