How will transcrypt function before tizer blockchain implementation?
And I'd like to know why do you need tzr as you have tsr?
The Tizer blockchain is based on the PoU (Proof-of-Use) mechanism, a confirmation of usage. This mechanism is characterized by the principle of fair reward, i.e. the user receives advantages not because of the simple fact of having coins or accumulating computing power, but for a combination of reasons, including the participant’s activity, the number of their coins, their reputation, and a number of other factors. As a result, useful activity in the network is stimulated, and real decentralization, high speed, and low cost of transactions are ensured.
Criteria for confirming importance in the Tizer blockchain:
1. Number of transactions carried out by the user during the total time of the wallet’s existence, and random samples from various time periods;
2. amount of time that the user spends in the blockchain network while carrying out useful actions, such as transfers, completing a smart contract, etc.;
3. number of the participant’s coins;
4. transaction quality; artificial activity, which loads the network and is not useful, will be
5. reputation of the participant; the occurrence of successful and unsuccessful transactions,
time deviation, suspicious transactions, and other parameters are analyzed;
6. number of “transactional contacts”; the reputation of a participant depends, among other
things, on the number of direct interactions with other participants and network nodes.
The main advantages of the Tizer blockchain:
• There are no huge electricity or computing costs and consequently, the cost of transactions will be minimal;
• only active usage of Tizer has value, the motivation for speculation is minimal;
• only an active wallet is necessary for mining, not supercomputers, graphics cards, or farms; just a phone and the internet.