What is the role of tsr token in platform? Is it utility token?
It will be used as a payment option, you'll be able to pay for products and services with TSR token. Usually, to encourage users to pay with its own token on platforms, there are different discounts and bonuses.
If we talk more, then as part of the crowdfunding campaign, the organizer will issue a TSR token, which works on the basis of an Ethereum smart contract. After the TransCrypt platform moves to its own Tizer blockchain, the Ethereum token will be exchanged for a Tizer-standard token at the ratio of 1:1.
TSR tokens are intended to be used by their holders exclusively with the stated goal and functions within the boundaries of the TransCrypt ecosystem. The number of said functions may increase with time, including, for example, by adding new services and improvements that would be available in exchange for TSR tokens. TSR tokens are intended for experts in digital cryptographic tokens and blockchain-based software.
The creation of TSR tokens is necessitated by the need to develop computing capacity within the TransCrypt ecosystem, in particular for carrying out instant transactions, and also for light and mobile wallets and third party apps.
TSR token holders will have a privileged status and will gain the greatest level of access to the functions of the TransCrypt ecosystem:
• TSR tokens will be a method for implementing the compensation system for key nodes in the Tizer blockchain. Provided that a user has certain number of TSR tokens, they can create a Tizer keynode.
• In order to issue new Tizer coins, a holder or a joint group of holders will have to have a certain number of TSR tokens, determined by the rules of the Tizer blockchain.
• A TSR holder can voluntarily provide their reputation coefficient for the generation of new coins in exchange for a reward or without a reward.
• TSR token holders will have the option to voice their opinions on questions of the development of the Tizer blockchain through a decentralized voting mechanism.
• TSR token holders will be offered a discount of no less than 0,0012 ETH when buying physical shares of TransCrypt that are planned to be issued in an IPO.