so i have tested

works fine
but v2.4 for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit compatible) can not extract
! D:\Program Files\guiminer\miners\ The archive is either in unknown format or damaged
so I tried the GPU miner is missing
this I copiert from orginal cgminer and it works
now i find a new version of GPU miner!!YFli0LQR!7RjxmzHq1b0Vo0Afr107gNq51rIx1GXSxQOTYfw9_Z8so is works perfect
Win7 x64
AMD Driver 14.9
mine on with Diff 4 fixed
one batch for one card
for my HD 7970
cgminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u Mario241077.1_diff004 -p x --neoscrypt -d 0 -I 13 -g 1 --thread-concurrency 8192 -w 48 -s 15 -Q 3 -E 60 --auto-gpu --gpu-powertune 20 --gpu-engine 900-1000,1050 --gpu-memdiff 325,300 --temp-target 80,95 --temp-overheat 90,105 --temp-cutoff 95,115
-g 1 ~ 100 kh/s - WU ~90
-g 2 ~ 95 kh/s - WU ~ 90
-g 3 ~ 95 kh/s - WU ~ 90
for my R 290x i use and important
-g 3 setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 1
cgminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u Mario241077.2_diff004 -p x --neoscrypt -d 1 -I 13
-g 3 --thread-concurrency 11264 -w 48 -s 15 -Q 3 -E 60 --auto-gpu --gpu-powertune 20 --gpu-engine 900-1000,1050 --gpu-memdiff 325,300 --temp-target 80,95 --temp-overheat 90,105 --temp-cutoff 95,115
with -g 3 I reach 115 kh / s - WU ~ 106, if i use -g 1 so i get only ~ 80 kh/s, -g 2 ~90 kh/s and -g 4 only 90 kh/s
both works stable and very quiet
-w 48 seems the best for me
Show pool
Rank User Name Valid hashrate PXC/Day (est) Blocks found
1 bye2003 804.93 KH/s 5250.49 264
2 Mario241077 225.44 KH/s 1470.56 1
3 dpdop 129.25 KH/s 843.1 494
4 pepo123 94.37 KH/s 615.58 13
5 voyteq 92.92 KH/s 606.08 955
Worker Name Password Devices difficulty Active Valid hahsrate Invalid hahsrate Sharerate
Mario241077. 4 Y 96.99 KH/s 0(0%) 0.37 S/s -g 1 HD 7970
Mario241077. 4 Y 126.70 KH/s 0(0%) 0.48 S/s
Mario241077. 4 Y 96.70 KH/s 0(0%) 0.37 S/s -g 2 HD 7970
Mario241077. 4 Y 118.55 KH/s 0.29 KH/s(0.24%) 0.45 S/s