Hash rate looks amazing, 50mh/s for 1080ti in Eth without much optimization.
How much is the dev fee by the way?
No dev fee, it's supposed to be free or donationware but we haven't posted anything about it yet, so. Just enjoy, haha.
Very good.
750h/s equishash is still better than 50mhs ethereum tho.
I wonder if this would also work for other algos.
I use 125w less on ethereum for 54mhs than i do for >730h/s on equihash, for me that make ethereum significantly more profitable than zcash. Currently.
It's good to remember profitability fluctuates a LOT and now this merely add the valid option of mining ETH on 1080 ti.

anybody tested on 1080?
39.8 mh on msi gaming gtx 1080 100% pl, +600 memory, + 80 core
Very nice, in our own internal tests we did not see a 1080 performing that well. The most i got was 35mhs, my 1080s may be RevA.
Is this actually legit? Despite having a github page the actual source code of this "hardener" still can't be reviewed.
Would be interesting to have a 1080ti hash at 50 MH/s though. Still less profitable than mining other coins like ravencoin but hey its an additional option.
I can confirm it works poolside. Stable 53mh/s per 1080ti, 65% PL, +150 core, +700 mem.
Still, other coins are more profitable like you said.
However quite unstable. Cannot start mining with OC, can only adjust proper OC settings after mining have started.
Like any bios mods, this affect what max memory clock is stable, as the timings are a lot tighter. Personally i had to lower mem by 125~ for it to behave like it did before. (I have crash on exit at maximum mem, which used to work fine pre-mod). I have not encountered crash on start, that may be similar to my issue.