my wallet has problems to sync. This is since 3 Days. It's the Version 1.2.2. I've nothing changed on the setup and had never befor this problem. Has someone a idea what the problem could be?
the last part of the log:
[2019-07-25 12:21:16.728] [info] Can't find existing RPC. Try to launch
[2019-07-25 12:21:16.737] [info] Starting Webchaind... [bin: C:\Users\Trader\AppData\Local\Programs\WebchainWallet\resources network: mainnet, port: 39573]
[2019-07-25 12:21:16.739] [debug] Webchaind options: [--chain,mainnet,--rpc,--rpc-port,39573,--rpc-cors-domain,http://localhost:8000,--cache=1024,--rpc-api=eth,net,web3,geth,--fast,--atxi,--atxi.auto-build,--log-dir,C:\Users\Trader\AppData\Roaming\WebchainWallet\logs\webchaind]
[2019-07-25 12:21:16.980] [info] [webchain-cli] [INFO] Connector started on[2019-07-25 12:21:17.791] [debug] RPC not exists, going retry after 1000 ms
[2019-07-25 12:21:18.324] [info] index - Starting Webchain Wallet...
[2019-07-25 12:21:18.431] [debug] screen - Show screen: null
[2019-07-25 12:21:18.519] [debug] launcherActions - Got launcher config from electron: {"version":1,"geth":{"url":"","type":"local"},"chain":{"id":24484,"name":"mainnet"},"terms":"2019-02-12"}
[2019-07-25 12:21:18.966] [debug] launcherActions - Running launcher listener
[2019-07-25 12:21:18.984] [debug] screen - Show screen: welcome
[2019-07-25 12:21:19.098] [debug] launcherActions - launcher listener: type MESSAGE message { level: 2, msg: 'Launching Webchaind backend' }
[2019-07-25 12:21:19.099] [debug] launcherActions - launcher listener: type SERVICE_STATUS message { mode:
{ status: 'ready',
url: '',
version: '0.22.1' },
service: 'connector' }
[2019-07-25 12:21:19.870] [debug] RPC not exists, going retry after 1000 ms
[2019-07-25 12:21:19.981] [debug] on get-status
[2019-07-25 12:21:19.992] [debug] launcherActions - launcher listener: type SERVICE_STATUS message { mode:
{ status: 'ready',
url: '',
version: '0.22.1' },
service: 'connector' }
[2019-07-25 12:21:19.995] [debug] launcherActions - launcher listener: type SERVICE_STATUS message { mode:
{ status: 'not ready',
type: 'local',
url: '' },
service: 'geth' }
[2019-07-25 12:21:20.909] [info] RPC is ready: webchaind/source/windows/go1.10.1
[2019-07-25 12:21:20.915] [debug] launcherActions - launcher listener: type MESSAGE message { level: 2, msg: 'Local Webchaind RPC API is ready' }
[2019-07-25 12:21:20.932] [debug] launcherActions - launcher listener: type CHAIN message { chain: 'mainnet', chainId: 24484 }
[2019-07-25 12:21:20.960] [debug] launcherActions - launcher listener: type SERVICE_STATUS message { mode:
{ status: 'ready',
type: 'local',
url: '',
version: 'webchaind/source/windows/go1.10.1' },
service: 'geth' }
[2019-07-25 12:21:21.084] [debug] historyActions - Switching to chainId = 24484
[2019-07-25 12:21:23.202] [warn] network - RPC Error Error: 413: Request Entity Too Large
at file:///C:/Users/Trader/AppData/Local/Programs/WebchainWallet/resources/app.asar/app/index.js:58510:19
[2019-07-25 12:21:23.470] [debug] screen - Show screen: home
[2019-07-25 12:24:11.510] [debug] on get-status
[2019-07-25 12:24:11.511] [debug] on get-status
[2019-07-25 12:24:32.832] [debug] launcherActions - launcher listener: type SERVICE_STATUS message { mode:
{ status: 'ready',
url: '',
version: '0.22.1' },
service: 'connector' }
[2019-07-25 12:24:32.916] [debug] launcherActions - launcher listener: type SERVICE_STATUS message { mode:
{ status: 'ready',
type: 'local',
url: '',
version: 'webchaind/source/windows/go1.10.1' },
service: 'geth' }
[2019-07-25 12:24:33.003] [debug] launcherActions - launcher listener: type SERVICE_STATUS message { mode:
{ status: 'ready',
url: '',
version: '0.22.1' },
service: 'connector' }
[2019-07-25 12:24:33.100] [debug] launcherActions - launcher listener: type SERVICE_STATUS message { mode:
{ status: 'ready',
type: 'local',
url: '',
version: 'webchaind/source/windows/go1.10.1' },
service: 'geth' }
[2019-07-25 12:33:17.692] [debug] on get-status
[2019-07-25 12:33:17.693] [debug] on get-status
[2019-07-25 12:33:26.265] [debug] launcherActions - launcher listener: type SERVICE_STATUS message { mode:
{ status: 'ready',
url: '',
version: '0.22.1' },
service: 'connector' }
[2019-07-25 12:33:26.355] [debug] launcherActions - launcher listener: type SERVICE_STATUS message { mode:
{ status: 'ready',
type: 'local',
url: '',
version: 'webchaind/source/windows/go1.10.1' },
service: 'geth' }
[2019-07-25 12:33:26.442] [debug] launcherActions - launcher listener: type SERVICE_STATUS message { mode:
{ status: 'ready',
url: '',
version: '0.22.1' },
service: 'connector' }
[2019-07-25 12:33:26.523] [debug] launcherActions - launcher listener: type SERVICE_STATUS message { mode:
{ status: 'ready',
type: 'local',
url: '',
version: 'webchaind/source/windows/go1.10.1' },
service: 'geth' }
thanks and regards