has launched. is the EarthCoin Forum where members can have a private hosted group with a forum, earn EarthCoin for being an active member (still a little buggy), and keep up with all the EarthCoin talk going on. What sets us apart from other forums? Features.
Every hosted group can have their own private forum; imbedded docs to use for collaborative efforts; a media gallery to host photos and videos; and the ability for members to upload/download text documents, such as txt, xls, doc, and pdf files.
Group owners/admins also have some powerful communication tools at their disposal. Every group has the capability of mass member notifications, inviting others by email, and attaching an external RSS feed to their group from their own or other’s websites.
Admins may also ban unruly members from their hosted group and forum.
We have taken the liberty of creating a few mining pool groups with their own personal forums in advance. If you are a mining pool owner please go here: so that you can either claim your group, request it be deleted, or create a new hosted group and forum for your mining pool. (Why would you ever want to delete a group that rewards your members for being active?
You may also create a group and forum for your business, website, or online game and use the embedded docs and mass notifications for whatever purposes you see fit - its up to members how the site ultimately takes shape.
We are now ready to alpha test the site. The first 20 members to join and make a post will recieve 100 EAC, and will also earn extra EAC for testing the site. We want to give away more EAC so we have just announced a logo contest for members.