The usual stuff...
./minerd --algo=scrypt-jane -o -u Sykh.xeon -p x
[2014-01-10 09:53:59] HTTP request failed: Empty reply from server
[2014-01-10 09:53:59] json_rpc_call failed, retry after 30 seconds
./yacminer -o -u Sykh.temp -p x --scrypt
[2014-01-10 08:53:13] Probing for an alive pool
[2014-01-10 08:54:13] No servers were found that could be used to get work from.
[2014-01-10 08:54:13] Please check the details from the list below of the servers you have input
[2014-01-10 08:54:13] Most likely you have input the wrong URL, forgotten to add a port, or have not set up workers
[2014-01-10 08:54:13] Pool: 0 URL: User: Sykh.temp Password: x
[2014-01-10 08:54:13] Press any key to exit, or cgminer will try again in 15s.