Activity: 211
Merit: 0
September 30, 2018, 11:43:18 PM |
There are exist another "PayPal" for crypto. Utrust making similar platform and in the end of this year this must be released. And some other projects developing same. What advantages you have before this projects?
I believe the market is big enough to support multiple similar projects, no need for one to be above the other. Before any marketing is taken to the limit I think that the platform should be working to its fully extent. I doubt it will be fully working before sale and if you want the sale to be successful you need a lot of marketing. I don't know these days. People are more careful when it comes to investing in just a white paper. Many scams in crypto world have embarked on people, it is understandable that investors are looking for something far more than just the WP. Not only that. Control measures like escrow needs to be in place and of course as much transparency as possible. I would add a working product and a use case to all of this.This should be minimum to consider investing in a project. Those are the essential parts of any project, aren't they? You have to have a product at some point!  Hah,many ICO raised hard cap while barely having proper whitepaper,but i think those times are behind us.You need atleast alpha/beta to show before starting with sale,so itsa good thing that Agate has something to show. I think what's even more important is that Agate reached soft cap while giving normal bonuses. So for sure there won't be any dumping after end of sale. Agate is an example of a very healthy and well structured ICO.Before projects needed only a story and that is the reason why so many scams was out there, now people are more careful and Agate reaching soft cap shows how good project it is.
Activity: 96
Merit: 0
October 01, 2018, 02:35:23 AM |
Does the team have any kind of AMA in plans?
It would be nice to have AMA on Youtube, teams used to do them on Youtube and talk to us, now most of them just do it on Reddit and feeling is nit the same...
Activity: 166
Merit: 0
October 01, 2018, 02:44:28 AM |
What would be the best wallet to store tokens?Do I have to buy one?
You don't need to buy one, no.You can use any erc-20 compatible wallet,just make sure it is safe.Later you will use Agate wallet when it comes out.
Jr. Member
Activity: 140
Merit: 2
October 01, 2018, 02:53:50 AM |
What would be the best wallet to store tokens?Do I have to buy one?
You don't need to buy one, no.You can use any erc-20 compatible wallet,just make sure it is safe.Later you will use Agate wallet when it comes out. It is a sound advice if you are on a budget and can't afford to buy it.If you can I would suggest to buy a hardware wallet without any hesitation.It is the safest option to store your cryptocurrencies and to have a piece of mind.
Activity: 193
Merit: 0
October 01, 2018, 02:56:36 AM |
Does the team have any kind of AMA in plans?
It would be nice to have AMA on Youtube, teams used to do them on Youtube and talk to us, now most of them just do it on Reddit and feeling is nit the same... Live AMA on any platform would be welcomed by all of us I'm sure, but live AMA these days is like a rare animal.
Activity: 187
Merit: 0
October 01, 2018, 03:00:42 AM |
What would be the best wallet to store tokens?Do I have to buy one?
You don't need to buy one, no.You can use any erc-20 compatible wallet,just make sure it is safe.Later you will use Agate wallet when it comes out. It is a sound advice if you are on a budget and can't afford to buy it.If you can I would suggest to buy a hardware wallet without any hesitation.It is the safest option to store your cryptocurrencies and to have a piece of mind. Which one would you recommend? Is there like the best and safest one.Good value for the prize, like best buy? Well you can choose which suits you the best, they cost almost the same a amount 20-30$ difference. You have Trezor and Ledger as an option I would bother with any other besides those 2 and they are both equally safe, there are minor differences in what cryptocurrencies they support.
October 01, 2018, 05:14:12 AM |
What would be the best wallet to store tokens?Do I have to buy one?
You don't need to buy one, no.You can use any erc-20 compatible wallet,just make sure it is safe.Later you will use Agate wallet when it comes out. It is a sound advice if you are on a budget and can't afford to buy it.If you can I would suggest to buy a hardware wallet without any hesitation.It is the safest option to store your cryptocurrencies and to have a piece of mind. Which one would you recommend? Is there like the best and safest one.Good value for the prize, like best buy? It is not too late to get yourself a Trezor Hardware wallet and store all ethereum based tokens there. 
Activity: 264
Merit: 0
October 01, 2018, 05:59:09 AM |
What would be the best wallet to store tokens?Do I have to buy one?
You don't need to buy one, no.You can use any erc-20 compatible wallet,just make sure it is safe.Later you will use Agate wallet when it comes out. It is a sound advice if you are on a budget and can't afford to buy it.If you can I would suggest to buy a hardware wallet without any hesitation.It is the safest option to store your cryptocurrencies and to have a piece of mind. Which one would you recommend? Is there like the best and safest one.Good value for the prize, like best buy? Well you can choose which suits you the best, they cost almost the same a amount 20-30$ difference. You have Trezor and Ledger as an option I would bother with any other besides those 2 and they are both equally safe, there are minor differences in what cryptocurrencies they support. Considering there are mirror diferences between these two hardware wallets I would recommend Ledger Nano.

Activity: 294
Merit: 10
October 01, 2018, 06:02:01 AM |
When is staking planned to go Live?
Mainnet is planned for Q1 2019,so i thats when it Agate will switch to their own blockchain,and i guess thats when POS will begin. Hm,im not so sure that switching will happen during Mainnet reelase in Q1.Agate blockchain smart contract is scheduled to be relased in Q2 2019,so i think its most likely POS will start then,but maybebest to wait team member to clarify that part. I asked in their Telegram group regarding that, and they said it will be announced, so mayhe it's too early for exact date, or month. e may be 6 months away from that,even more,so its natural that they dont want to give any exact dates/months.Lets wait and see,one step at the time 
Art Vandelay
Activity: 219
Merit: 0
October 01, 2018, 06:18:21 AM |
Can you please share me token metrics?
Thank you.
Activity: 182
Merit: 0
October 01, 2018, 08:45:33 AM |
When is staking planned to go Live?
Mainnet is planned for Q1 2019,so i thats when it Agate will switch to their own blockchain,and i guess thats when POS will begin. Hm,im not so sure that switching will happen during Mainnet reelase in Q1.Agate blockchain smart contract is scheduled to be relased in Q2 2019,so i think its most likely POS will start then,but maybebest to wait team member to clarify that part. I asked in their Telegram group regarding that, and they said it will be announced, so mayhe it's too early for exact date, or month. e may be 6 months away from that,even more,so its natural that they dont want to give any exact dates/months.Lets wait and see,one step at the time  Nevertheless they should have at least an approximation of when they expect to have it.

Activity: 420
Merit: 11
October 01, 2018, 10:15:43 AM |
Can you please share me token metrics?
Thank you.
Here you go: Total AGT Token Supply (100%): 490,000,000 AGT Total AGT Token Supply For Sale (65%): 318,500,000 AGT Offered Token Exchange Rate: 1AGT~$0.076USD Minimum Contribution: $60 USD ~ 0.1 ETH Maximum Contribution: $60,000 USD ~ 100 ETH (except accredited investors and strategic partners) Soft Cap/Hard Cap: 2,000,000 USD/24,206,000 USD By the way,soft cap is reached!
Activity: 280
Merit: 0
October 01, 2018, 10:55:41 AM |
Can you please share me token metrics?
Thank you.
Here you go: Total AGT Token Supply (100%): 490,000,000 AGT Total AGT Token Supply For Sale (65%): 318,500,000 AGT Offered Token Exchange Rate: 1AGT~$0.076USD Minimum Contribution: $60 USD ~ 0.1 ETH Maximum Contribution: $60,000 USD ~ 100 ETH (except accredited investors and strategic partners) Soft Cap/Hard Cap: 2,000,000 USD/24,206,000 USD By the way,soft cap is reached! Those are some good metrics and news. Btw any confirmed strategic partners of Agate?
Activity: 238
Merit: 0
October 01, 2018, 11:44:29 AM |
When is staking planned to go Live?
Mainnet is planned for Q1 2019,so i thats when it Agate will switch to their own blockchain,and i guess thats when POS will begin. Hm,im not so sure that switching will happen during Mainnet reelase in Q1.Agate blockchain smart contract is scheduled to be relased in Q2 2019,so i think its most likely POS will start then,but maybebest to wait team member to clarify that part. I asked in their Telegram group regarding that, and they said it will be announced, so mayhe it's too early for exact date, or month. e may be 6 months away from that,even more,so its natural that they dont want to give any exact dates/months.Lets wait and see,one step at the time  The team can possibly name if they already have some partner for the POS terminals.
Activity: 143
Merit: 0
October 01, 2018, 12:22:43 PM |
Can you please share me token metrics?
Thank you.
Here you go: Total AGT Token Supply (100%): 490,000,000 AGT Total AGT Token Supply For Sale (65%): 318,500,000 AGT Offered Token Exchange Rate: 1AGT~$0.076USD Minimum Contribution: $60 USD ~ 0.1 ETH Maximum Contribution: $60,000 USD ~ 100 ETH (except accredited investors and strategic partners) Soft Cap/Hard Cap: 2,000,000 USD/24,206,000 USD By the way,soft cap is reached! How close to the HC are you at the moment?
Activity: 126
Merit: 0
October 01, 2018, 04:11:46 PM |
Can you please share me token metrics?
Thank you.
Here you go: Total AGT Token Supply (100%): 490,000,000 AGT Total AGT Token Supply For Sale (65%): 318,500,000 AGT Offered Token Exchange Rate: 1AGT~$0.076USD Minimum Contribution: $60 USD ~ 0.1 ETH Maximum Contribution: $60,000 USD ~ 100 ETH (except accredited investors and strategic partners) Soft Cap/Hard Cap: 2,000,000 USD/24,206,000 USD By the way,soft cap is reached! How close to the HC are you at the moment? Since soft cap is recently reached and there is big difference between soft and hard cap, i would say that they are not so close. But I don't think that its crucial to reach hard cap, in order to call it success.

Activity: 392
Merit: 12
October 01, 2018, 05:00:04 PM |
When is staking planned to go Live?
Mainnet is planned for Q1 2019,so i thats when it Agate will switch to their own blockchain,and i guess thats when POS will begin. Hm,im not so sure that switching will happen during Mainnet reelase in Q1.Agate blockchain smart contract is scheduled to be relased in Q2 2019,so i think its most likely POS will start then,but maybebest to wait team member to clarify that part. I asked in their Telegram group regarding that, and they said it will be announced, so mayhe it's too early for exact date, or month. e may be 6 months away from that,even more,so its natural that they dont want to give any exact dates/months.Lets wait and see,one step at the time  The team can possibly name if they already have some partner for the POS terminals. Those are just POS terminals, to be honest I don't think thats crucial info.
Activity: 266
Merit: 0
October 01, 2018, 06:17:17 PM |
When is staking planned to go Live?
Mainnet is planned for Q1 2019,so i thats when it Agate will switch to their own blockchain,and i guess thats when POS will begin. Hm,im not so sure that switching will happen during Mainnet reelase in Q1.Agate blockchain smart contract is scheduled to be relased in Q2 2019,so i think its most likely POS will start then,but maybebest to wait team member to clarify that part. I asked in their Telegram group regarding that, and they said it will be announced, so mayhe it's too early for exact date, or month. e may be 6 months away from that,even more,so its natural that they dont want to give any exact dates/months.Lets wait and see,one step at the time  The team can possibly name if they already have some partner for the POS terminals. Those are just POS terminals, to be honest I don't think thats crucial info. Oh it could matter. It could determine the quality of the POS terminals. Not all manufactures are equally good.
Activity: 266
Merit: 0
October 01, 2018, 06:51:48 PM |
When is staking planned to go Live?
Mainnet is planned for Q1 2019,so i thats when it Agate will switch to their own blockchain,and i guess thats when POS will begin. Hm,im not so sure that switching will happen during Mainnet reelase in Q1.Agate blockchain smart contract is scheduled to be relased in Q2 2019,so i think its most likely POS will start then,but maybebest to wait team member to clarify that part. I asked in their Telegram group regarding that, and they said it will be announced, so mayhe it's too early for exact date, or month. e may be 6 months away from that,even more,so its natural that they dont want to give any exact dates/months.Lets wait and see,one step at the time  The team can possibly name if they already have some partner for the POS terminals. Those are just POS terminals, to be honest I don't think thats crucial info. Oh it could matter. It could determine the quality of the POS terminals. Not all manufactures are equally good. It would definitely be interesting for the merchants to know.
Activity: 120
Merit: 0
October 01, 2018, 08:11:58 PM |
If I'm understanding well, Agate is essentially a platform which will provide a sort of gateway of liquidity between major assets and dollars. I see there are so many other functions planned, but still didn't get the whole picture.