Activity: 96
Merit: 0
November 02, 2018, 01:40:27 PM |
Is there any update or news about team next move,what can we expect next in the meantime,while waiting for public sale?
No news at the moment, team is working on the product while we wait for public sale announcement. I heard that a lot of development is already in beta testing phase, what stuff is in the beta exactly? I think that main net is close to be done with beta, does anyone know what is the situation with wallet? Main net should be launched ahead of road map, so I presume wallet will be the same.I know that wallet was in beta 2 months ago already, so beta could be close to an end too. Thats is great news,if team is indeed `getting things done ahead of the schedule.Any news when Agate plans to switch to POS? Agate blockchain was always running on POS consensus, when we switch to main net and perform the token swap you can experience it. I see you mentioned token swap.Will we get have to do something to be ready for the swap or that will be automatic?
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
November 02, 2018, 01:53:07 PM |
Is there any update or news about team next move,what can we expect next in the meantime,while waiting for public sale?
No news at the moment, team is working on the product while we wait for public sale announcement. I heard that a lot of development is already in beta testing phase, what stuff is in the beta exactly? I think that main net is close to be done with beta, does anyone know what is the situation with wallet? Main net should be launched ahead of road map, so I presume wallet will be the same.I know that wallet was in beta 2 months ago already, so beta could be close to an end too. Thats is great news,if team is indeed `getting things done ahead of the schedule.Any news when Agate plans to switch to POS? Agate blockchain was always running on POS consensus, when we switch to main net and perform the token swap you can experience it. I see you mentioned token swap.Will we get have to do something to be ready for the swap or that will be automatic? Can you explain to me what is token swap? I don't want to mess something up and loose my AGT. Is that going to happen soon?
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 294
Merit: 5
November 02, 2018, 02:29:21 PM |
Is there any update or news about team next move,what can we expect next in the meantime,while waiting for public sale?
No news at the moment, team is working on the product while we wait for public sale announcement. I heard that a lot of development is already in beta testing phase, what stuff is in the beta exactly? I think that main net is close to be done with beta, does anyone know what is the situation with wallet? Main net should be launched ahead of road map, so I presume wallet will be the same.I know that wallet was in beta 2 months ago already, so beta could be close to an end too. Thats is great news,if team is indeed `getting things done ahead of the schedule.Any news when Agate plans to switch to POS? Agate blockchain was always running on POS consensus, when we switch to main net and perform the token swap you can experience it. I see you mentioned token swap.Will we get have to do something to be ready for the swap or that will be automatic? Can you explain to me what is token swap? I don't want to mess something up and loose my AGT. Is that going to happen soon? This a new fork of the current token, swap can be done manually or automatic depending on how the project team wants it, beside if there is going to be a swap with Agate am sure the team will provide necessary information when the time is right so you need not to worry about that just yet.
Activity: 212
Merit: 0
November 02, 2018, 02:30:05 PM |
Is there any update or news about team next move,what can we expect next in the meantime,while waiting for public sale?
No news at the moment, team is working on the product while we wait for public sale announcement. I heard that a lot of development is already in beta testing phase, what stuff is in the beta exactly? I think that main net is close to be done with beta, does anyone know what is the situation with wallet? Main net should be launched ahead of road map, so I presume wallet will be the same.I know that wallet was in beta 2 months ago already, so beta could be close to an end too. Thats is great news,if team is indeed `getting things done ahead of the schedule.Any news when Agate plans to switch to POS? Agate blockchain was always running on POS consensus, when we switch to main net and perform the token swap you can experience it. I see you mentioned token swap.Will we get have to do something to be ready for the swap or that will be automatic? Can you explain to me what is token swap? I don't want to mess something up and loose my AGT. Is that going to happen soon? You can learn more about token swaps by reading this article, nothing to be worried about
Activity: 222
Merit: 0
November 02, 2018, 02:35:43 PM |
Is there any update or news about team next move,what can we expect next in the meantime,while waiting for public sale?
No news at the moment, team is working on the product while we wait for public sale announcement. I heard that a lot of development is already in beta testing phase, what stuff is in the beta exactly? I think that main net is close to be done with beta, does anyone know what is the situation with wallet? Main net should be launched ahead of road map, so I presume wallet will be the same.I know that wallet was in beta 2 months ago already, so beta could be close to an end too. Thats is great news,if team is indeed `getting things done ahead of the schedule.Any news when Agate plans to switch to POS? Agate blockchain was always running on POS consensus, when we switch to main net and perform the token swap you can experience it. I see you mentioned token swap.Will we get have to do something to be ready for the swap or that will be automatic? Can you explain to me what is token swap? I don't want to mess something up and loose my AGT. Is that going to happen soon? This a new fork of the current token, swap can be done manually or automatic depending on how the project team wants it, beside if there is going to be a swap with Agate am sure the team will provide necessary information when the time is right so you need not to worry about that just yet. Team will surely provide instructions to all holders before the swap, so nothing big will happen, just following instructions withe few simple steps and you will be set for the swap.

Activity: 420
Merit: 11
November 02, 2018, 05:56:57 PM |
Maybe it can happen in the early Q1 as team member said that they are ahead of schedule.
These are things trhat shouldnt be pushed, and it has to be done carefully,so im sure team will take some eextra time to do that properly. Exactly my thought,best is not to posuh team inot this,they wil do it once everything is set,Thats not something you do every day.
Jr. Member
Activity: 350
Merit: 3
November 02, 2018, 09:20:37 PM |
Was your smart contract audited by the independent company?Im asking because many ICOs dont do that and its quite important,as bad code can cause all kind of issues.

Activity: 364
Merit: 10
November 03, 2018, 08:07:31 AM |
When can we expect app fully released?
November 03, 2018, 12:53:32 PM |
What's the price of 1 agate token?
without any discount is $0.076 USDPRE-SALES STAGE 1 | 21 AUG 2018 - 31 AUG 2018 | 25% DISCOUNT PRE-SALES STAGE 2| 1 SEP 2018 - 11 SEP 2018 | 20% DISCOUNT| PRE-SALES STAGE 3 | 12 SEP 2018 - 22 SEP 2018 | 15% DISCOUNT PRE-SALES STAGE 4 | 23 SEP 2018 - 3 OCT 2018 | 10% DISCOUNT PRE-SALES STAGE 5 | 4 OCT 2018 - 14 OCT 2018 | 5% DISCOUNT ************** PUBLIC SALES | 15 OCT 2018 - 15 NOV 2018 | NO DISCOUNT Not bad discounts. First come first serve. I hope that will bring in some additional people that were on the sidelines. we got overwhelming response from crypto community and reached 100,000 telegram member in Agate telegram group and thousands of people registered in our website! that is some huge amount of community you have there i must say, it is always good for a project to have the backing of the community which is also brings a huge amount of support and thus prospective investors, because with this number of telegram community and if 90% support this project by contributing during the sale period, then certainly this project will sell out in no time i believe, 100,000 tele members is huge  , between pretty good discount too. You will see that not many of the 100,000 members will engage in an active discussion as they are not all real people in my opinion. Sometimes there are these referral campaigns and out of the sudden the members explode. It's not realistic. I think same can be said for any telegram group,there are always alot of those that join for airdrop reward. Yes I am just surprised that nobody gets the idea that most of those telegram registrations might just be fake. Usually they are, but so are in every other ICO project if you are honest.Thats the way it works in crypto unfortunately. That is correct, but I think it is the obligation for honest people to let those know who have no idea and think it shows the hype factor of a project.
November 03, 2018, 12:55:50 PM |
Cryptocurrencies are already "paypal for cryptocurrencies" without another bullshit ICO or any other "help"...

Activity: 322
Merit: 10
November 03, 2018, 09:46:58 PM |
Cryptocurrencies are already "paypal for cryptocurrencies" without another bullshit ICO or any other "help"...
Hm i dont think so,atleast not yet.Crtocurrencies are not mainstream yet,especially whn it comes to everyday use,and paying with crypto in everyday situation,so i think there is alot of room for improvement there.
Jr. Member
Activity: 248
Merit: 1
November 03, 2018, 10:34:49 PM |
Cryptocurrencies are already "paypal for cryptocurrencies" without another bullshit ICO or any other "help"...
You couldn't be more wrong, with this statement.There are a lot of different crypto currencies that can't do what others can.Payment processing is a special kind of beast and there is no currency at the moment that is doing this properly.
Activity: 166
Merit: 0
November 03, 2018, 10:38:03 PM |
Cryptocurrencies are already "paypal for cryptocurrencies" without another bullshit ICO or any other "help"...
You couldn't be more wrong, with this statement.There are a lot of different crypto currencies that can't do what others can.Payment processing is a special kind of beast and there is no currency at the moment that is doing this properly. I couldn't agree more with you.There is a space in this sector and Agate will fill it quite nicely.
Jr. Member
Activity: 247
Merit: 2
November 03, 2018, 10:43:04 PM |
Cryptocurrencies are already "paypal for cryptocurrencies" without another bullshit ICO or any other "help"...
You couldn't be more wrong, with this statement.There are a lot of different crypto currencies that can't do what others can.Payment processing is a special kind of beast and there is no currency at the moment that is doing this properly. I couldn't agree more with you.There is a space in this sector and Agate will fill it quite nicely. Getting bank license and opening up crypto - fiat gateway and vice versa, Agate has made a very big and important step towards taking a bigger part of the market when it comes to that sector.Being able to handle multiple currencies and cryptocurrencies inside one payment system is a big advantage with such low fees.
Activity: 95
Merit: 0
November 03, 2018, 10:49:12 PM |
Since we know know that we will have option to go crypto to fiat with Agate, will that be possible directly in the app? Like pull money out directly to our bank account for example?
Activity: 211
Merit: 0
November 03, 2018, 10:54:43 PM |
Since we know know that we will have option to go crypto to fiat with Agate, will that be possible directly in the app? Like pull money out directly to our bank account for example?
Most likely that is the case, but let's better wait for someone from the team to confirm this officially.
Activity: 166
Merit: 0
November 04, 2018, 09:54:54 AM |
Since we know know that we will have option to go crypto to fiat with Agate, will that be possible directly in the app? Like pull money out directly to our bank account for example?
Not sure if it will work exactly like that though.Agate might still need to get a deal with some credit card company too.
Jr. Member
Activity: 117
Merit: 2
November 04, 2018, 10:01:48 AM |
Since we know know that we will have option to go crypto to fiat with Agate, will that be possible directly in the app? Like pull money out directly to our bank account for example?
Most likely that is the case, but let's better wait for someone from the team to confirm this officially. What do you think, what kind of withdrawal fee can we expect to have? I presume we won't high fees when exchanging the currencies, most likely it will be very low as it will all be in AGT.
Activity: 74
Merit: 0
November 04, 2018, 10:08:40 AM |
Since we know know that we will have option to go crypto to fiat with Agate, will that be possible directly in the app? Like pull money out directly to our bank account for example?
Most likely that is the case, but let's better wait for someone from the team to confirm this officially. What do you think, what kind of withdrawal fee can we expect to have? I presume we won't high fees when exchanging the currencies, most likely it will be very low as it will all be in AGT. And what about fees when we want to withdraw crypto to fiat? Anyone has idea how much those could be?
Activity: 152
Merit: 0
November 04, 2018, 10:22:18 AM |
Since we know know that we will have option to go crypto to fiat with Agate, will that be possible directly in the app? Like pull money out directly to our bank account for example?
Most likely that is the case, but let's better wait for someone from the team to confirm this officially. What do you think, what kind of withdrawal fee can we expect to have? I presume we won't high fees when exchanging the currencies, most likely it will be very low as it will all be in AGT. And what about fees when we want to withdraw crypto to fiat? Anyone has idea how much those could be? I really hope that withdrawing money from crypto to fiat won't be more then 10%. 5% would be excellent, but that might be hard to get.