igorr (OP)
February 15, 2014, 03:04:32 PM Last edit: February 18, 2014, 12:19:04 PM by igorr |
URGENT, this thread maybe be deleted,This is my thread which administrators constantly erased, without any explanation !!! Only $ 15 million to total collapse, Bid orders is drastically reduced and constantly and constantly decreasing ! Every day is generated around 4800 new bitcoins ! Only is Bitstamp in game ! The price is three times was artificially raised by mining hardware manufacturer in cooperation with MtGox currency exchange, and no more interest in it, because mining has become impossible, mining factor is below 9 cent per Gh at 24h View Screen Capture
Cлaвьcя, Oтeчecтвo нaшe cвoбoднoe, Бpaтcкиx нapoдoв coюз вeкoвoй, Пpeдкaми дaннaя мyдpocть нapoднaя! Cлaвьcя, cтpaнa! Mы гopдимcя тoбoй!
February 15, 2014, 03:07:37 PM |
Please keep up the good work!  It really looks like BTC is about to crash hard!
"To know death, Otto, you have to fuck life in the gallbladder" www.hsbc.com - The world´s local bank "These FUDsters are insane egomaniacs that just want cheap BTC" - oblivi
February 15, 2014, 03:10:20 PM |
 It could collapse upwards too.
igorr (OP)
February 15, 2014, 03:11:43 PM |
Please keep up the good work!  It really looks like BTC is about to crash hard! If you do not believe me try to make a similar thread, and see for yourself, Your thread will be deleted !!! This does not look good.
Cлaвьcя, Oтeчecтвo нaшe cвoбoднoe, Бpaтcкиx нapoдoв coюз вeкoвoй, Пpeдкaми дaннaя мyдpocть нapoднaя! Cлaвьcя, cтpaнa! Mы гopдимcя тoбoй!
Activity: 2772
Merit: 1028
February 15, 2014, 03:13:23 PM |
Bitcoin collapsing into my wallet at alarming rate 
February 15, 2014, 03:13:42 PM |
Please keep up the good work!  It really looks like BTC is about to crash hard! If you do not believe me try to make a similar thread, and see for yourself, Your thread will be deleted !!! This does not look good. I know, these manipulating admins in here try to hide what´s really goin on in Bitcoinland. We all know that Bitcoin is about to crash to 100$ or lower! You are actin totally right to warn everybody! If they delete your post please make a new one immediately! We must spread the message!
"To know death, Otto, you have to fuck life in the gallbladder" www.hsbc.com - The world´s local bank "These FUDsters are insane egomaniacs that just want cheap BTC" - oblivi

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
February 15, 2014, 03:16:41 PM |
Please keep up the good work!  It really looks like BTC is about to crash hard! If you do not believe me try to make a similar thread, and see for yourself, Your thread will be deleted !!! This does not look good. I know, these manipulating admins in here try to hide what´s really goin on in Bitcoinland. We all know that Bitcoin is about to crash to 100$ or lower! You are actin totally right to warn everybody! If they delete your post please make a new one immediately! We must spread the message! Yeah, except for the other 50 "bitcoin crashing/plummeting/hitting $100/stealing my car!!!" posts in the last two weeks.
igorr (OP)
February 15, 2014, 03:18:37 PM |
 It could collapse upwards too. No, Bitcoin no more any investitors, producers of mining hardware are out of the game because mining factor is so low, about 10 cents per Gh at 24h, and for 2 days will be -20%, or 8 cents per Gh at 24h , difficulty rise to 3.1 bilion !!!
Cлaвьcя, Oтeчecтвo нaшe cвoбoднoe, Бpaтcкиx нapoдoв coюз вeкoвoй, Пpeдкaми дaннaя мyдpocть нapoднaя! Cлaвьcя, cтpaнa! Mы гopдимcя тoбoй!
Activity: 2646
Merit: 1138
All paid signature campaigns should be banned.
February 15, 2014, 03:20:06 PM |
Cool! Based on your sage advice I have put all my life savings into one massive short. I sure hope you are right. I assume you have done the same.
Our family was terrorized by Homeland Security. Read all about it here: http://www.jmwagner.com/ and http://www.burtw.com/ Any donations to help us recover from the $300,000 in legal fees and forced donations to the Federal Asset Forfeiture slush fund are greatly appreciated!
igorr (OP)
February 15, 2014, 03:36:30 PM |
Cool! Based on your sage advice I have put all my life savings into one massive short. I sure hope you are right. I assume you have done the same.
just relax and watch, Bitcoin goes on a similar price as Litecoin, maybe for 1 month or max. 2 months.
Cлaвьcя, Oтeчecтвo нaшe cвoбoднoe, Бpaтcкиx нapoдoв coюз вeкoвoй, Пpeдкaми дaннaя мyдpocть нapoднaя! Cлaвьcя, cтpaнa! Mы гopдимcя тoбoй!
February 15, 2014, 03:37:17 PM |
I agree with OP. The guy who sold at $102 isn't stupid! He knows that once the crash begins, you must be happy to be able to sell at $20!
igorr (OP)
February 15, 2014, 03:40:04 PM |
border $ 15 million is so small
Cлaвьcя, Oтeчecтвo нaшe cвoбoднoe, Бpaтcкиx нapoдoв coюз вeкoвoй, Пpeдкaми дaннaя мyдpocть нapoднaя! Cлaвьcя, cтpaнa! Mы гopдимcя тoбoй!

Activity: 103
Merit: 10
February 15, 2014, 03:45:00 PM |
Cool! Based on your sage advice I have put all my life savings into one massive short. I sure hope you are right. I assume you have done the same.
February 15, 2014, 03:45:07 PM |
I agree with OP. The guy who sold at $102 isn't stupid! He knows that once the crash begins, you must be happy to be able to sell at $20!
Id take all your bitcoins for $20. Then you can be happy and i will be happy. Deal?
igorr (OP)
February 15, 2014, 03:46:53 PM |
Where are the people that are saying, "If the price falls to 700 usd I will buy all bitcoin"  Why they do not buy ?
Cлaвьcя, Oтeчecтвo нaшe cвoбoднoe, Бpaтcкиx нapoдoв coюз вeкoвoй, Пpeдкaми дaннaя мyдpocть нapoднaя! Cлaвьcя, cтpaнa! Mы гopдимcя тoбoй!
February 15, 2014, 03:52:20 PM |
I agree with OP. The guy who sold at $102 isn't stupid! He knows that once the crash begins, you must be happy to be able to sell at $20!
Id take all your bitcoins for $20. Then you can be happy and i will be happy. Deal? Since i appreciate OP thorough analysis and i'm finding pietje offer frankly miserable i'm willing to offer $20.99. 
February 15, 2014, 03:54:41 PM |
I agree with OP. The guy who sold at $102 isn't stupid! He knows that once the crash begins, you must be happy to be able to sell at $20!
Id take all your bitcoins for $20. Then you can be happy and i will be happy. Deal? Are you a moron? Hello? Hello, anybody there? Is there activity in your brain? Are you the product of incest? Why would I sell you bitcoins for $20? Did you even read what I wrote? Anyone with well working brains would've known that I've already sold, at a much, much higher rate. Even if I didn't, why would I sell you bitcoins at $20,- NOW, if I can sell them for around $650? Did you ever go to school? Are you mentally challenged?
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1004
February 15, 2014, 03:54:55 PM |
Relax OP, If you are really worried sell your bitcoins now,put on your headphones and visit http://calm.com Don't fucking spread panic.
February 15, 2014, 03:57:44 PM |
@bitcoinlitcoinbtcltc & igorr
Do you have any bid offers above 200$ , or do you think it´s way too dangerous to put em that high? I don´t want to miss the bottom, but i think 50-120$ is more likely to happen, and i don´t wan´t to burn my money. Any advice?
"To know death, Otto, you have to fuck life in the gallbladder" www.hsbc.com - The world´s local bank "These FUDsters are insane egomaniacs that just want cheap BTC" - oblivi
Activity: 2186
Merit: 1213
February 15, 2014, 03:58:49 PM |
Relax OP, If you are really worried sell your bitcoins now,put on your headphones and visit http://calm.com Don't fucking spread panic. haha +1