Activity: 126
Merit: 0
September 11, 2018, 10:59:01 PM |
I even experience that as well and take note its my first campaign that i joined yes i admit that i expect too much to fact that i have already planned if what im gonna earn lol. But know before i joined in some campaign im making sure first that they already reach the soft cap it doesn't matter if i can have small earn at least i have that nothing
Activity: 345
Merit: 0
September 11, 2018, 11:36:50 PM |
This is one problem bounty hunters are facing these days, projects are taking the sweat and suffering of bounty hunters for granted. after working for them they don't pay you now that is really bad
Activity: 116
Merit: 0
September 11, 2018, 11:42:05 PM |
sorry about this, but projects must learn to be very honest with bounty hunters. Most of them turn out to be sacm projects just like change now exchange is beign broadcasted everywhere to be a scam project.
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
September 11, 2018, 11:43:03 PM |
I was a part of korona coin signature campaign from the bountyhive portal after working of 3-4 months i get to know that ICO did not reached the soft cap and i was not awarded any thing....that has caused me depression the hell i choose a good bounty...after doing some research users suggested me bountyhive is good and i got this...what to choose a good bounty that atleast pays somthing...some say good bounty managers but some of those campaign pays as well.....which ico rating sites are best for this please help.... Currently which is the best campaign to join can anyone suggest....  I am very surprised that you got a disappointment from a bounty campaign you did on bounty hive. I thought that was a credible site to participate in bounty hunting. Maybe you just try other sites like bounty lord. You can chose from there.
Copper Member
Activity: 196
Merit: 0
September 12, 2018, 12:14:48 AM |
when i read all this, i get scared that it will be the same for me. apparently it is a gamble whether to draw a successful bounty or a rivet.
September 12, 2018, 12:58:08 AM |
Being part of failed projects is going to be more of the norm at this point I think. When Ethereum is in the 180's shit got bad. Not sure how a new product can release now when the tried and true coins are struggling. Seems to me that mostly scams would release at this time. Not sure why a real project would risk a launch right now.
Activity: 83
Merit: 0
September 12, 2018, 01:29:52 AM |
Yes, my friend, I am also wasting 2 months with you to complete their tasks. The last reward is not. I think the reward for success is very small, but it is happening.
September 12, 2018, 01:41:27 AM |
I have the same case when the bounty manager changed the rules to provide KYC to claim bounty reward and i did know about that, and they was close KYC form when i know that, and i waste my times about 2 month. Some of the my problem is i was earned bounty reward but the token does not listed in any exchange for more than 10 months. So i think bounty is better to use only for extra job and we should be have others main job, because we can not guarantee we can make bounty reward by monthly

Activity: 378
Merit: 16
September 12, 2018, 01:46:31 AM |
for Community Rewards issues, I prefer the performance of Amazix, they can be relied on to be a community manager and also community rewards please search on Google with the keyword "Amazix Community Rewards" they usually pay within one month after the ICO is finished
Jr. Member
Activity: 322
Merit: 1
September 12, 2018, 02:37:43 AM |
unfortunately it is getting harder and harder to find bounties that actually pay. ive been running bounty hunting for about 8 months and at this time, less than half of bountie campaigns has paid me. the chances are very big, that you works for several weeks or months in vain.

Activity: 462
Merit: 11
September 13, 2018, 06:26:38 PM |
unfortunately it is getting harder and harder to find bounties that actually pay. ive been running bounty hunting for about 8 months and at this time, less than half of bountie campaigns has paid me. the chances are very big, that you works for several weeks or months in vain.
Then why do you work further. I have not yet studied the bounty. I do not have experience . I have free time. It will not be long. Soon I need to work at my job. Protect your interests
Answer United
Jr. Member
Activity: 160
Merit: 1
September 14, 2018, 07:52:11 AM |
You will get everything that you have earned if the projects was not a scam. There are a lot of delays but do not be in panic to this, it is usual thing.
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
September 14, 2018, 07:54:20 AM |
I was a part of korona coin signature campaign from the bountyhive portal after working of 3-4 months i get to know that ICO did not reached the soft cap and i was not awarded any thing....that has caused me depression the hell i choose a good bounty...after doing some research users suggested me bountyhive is good and i got this...what to choose a good bounty that atleast pays somthing...some say good bounty managers but some of those campaign pays as well.....which ico rating sites are best for this please help.... Currently which is the best campaign to join can anyone suggest....  I know that feeling. I have been participating in 2 scamed projects and I regret I didn't researched more in order to get to know about scam earlier. Anyway that situation didn't stop me and I continue psrticiption in bounty. Now I'm trying to learn more about the project and team Of cource that is not a guaranty, but still I have more chances to work for legit projects.

Activity: 168
Merit: 47
False Moon
September 14, 2018, 07:57:11 AM |
I was a part of korona coin signature campaign from the bountyhive portal after working of 3-4 months i get to know that ICO did not reached the soft cap and i was not awarded any thing....that has caused me depression the hell i choose a good bounty...after doing some research users suggested me bountyhive is good and i got this...what to choose a good bounty that atleast pays somthing...some say good bounty managers but some of those campaign pays as well.....which ico rating sites are best for this please help.... Currently which is the best campaign to join can anyone suggest....  This kind of situation often happens, don't be too depressed. ICO failure is normal. You should also participate in several bounty activities at the same time, so that your chances of getting rewards will be even greater.

Activity: 173
Merit: 10
September 14, 2018, 07:58:16 AM |
I also have this experience like you, and also participated in the bounty company, and then a few months have passed, the bounty is over, and finally nothing is obtained. I feel good about this signature bounty that you are attending now. Paying a weekly salary, even if you are cheated, is at most one week.
Md Saykat Nazir
Copper Member
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
September 14, 2018, 08:00:03 AM |
before I follow the bounty then the issue to note is see the crew and manager, whether truthful and professional or now not so i can now not waste time with working bounty that is not operating properly or fail.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
September 14, 2018, 08:02:19 AM |
I personally like signature bounties more than these ICO ones.
Activity: 266
Merit: 0
September 14, 2018, 08:04:30 AM |
So far for me most of my bounty campaign was a success and i'm selecting those campaigns in ICO Bench. But of course not hi ratings ICO's are perfect but at least choose wisely with a better team, working product or Apps etc.

Activity: 577
Merit: 39
September 14, 2018, 08:11:13 AM |
My goodness your experience was so traumatic, but im glad you still keep moving forward joining another bounty. But we should always look for the important infomation about the bounty that we are going to join because some of the bounty were all talk and their goals are unrealistic. Just choose the realistic one and especially look if the team is non-stop working on the development and publication for their project.
September 14, 2018, 08:14:30 AM |
I think I would suggest first study the projects should be participating so that our work not be regrets because different reasons like did not reach the target points and it gets scammed. I look for a good project by just picking bounty managers that I participated previously and pay me.