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Author Topic: wasted 3-4 months in bounty and at end got nothing ??  (Read 8314 times)
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August 29, 2018, 02:24:46 AM

I am also a victim of that korona bounty, what I gathered was that most of some bounty hunter platform are just a waste of time. I believe if u need a cool and awesome bounty platform to join, u can go for amazix or krypical. Both can give u a worthy and reasonable outcome of bounty.
Actually they have so many bounties are trusted but not all, Maybe we should need some research if we need a better bounties that we need to participate for. But we need to be careful to those bounties that if you think are not totally paid.
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August 29, 2018, 02:29:30 AM

Here some are victims because the work on bounty and at the end nothing handsome reward so to start any bounty must be research about bounty their project media team and white paper also sponsor than have to decide what to do.

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August 29, 2018, 02:29:59 AM

This is part of life when you are doing bounties. No one can guarantee that an ICO will sell or a success. Just accept the reality and move on. It is very painful to work for 3 months and got nothing in return for signature bounties. Same thing happened to me before so let me share what I did. Since it happened, I only join short term bounties - it should be not more than 2 months. I tried to join as many bounties and the only way to do that for signature campaign is to join short term bounties.

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August 29, 2018, 02:34:50 AM

Yes, It could just be that promise when it could have in choosing the right kind of bounty. but this will be something that harms if you select bounty scam.
But I think it's luck and risk. You spend time on those projects and the results are not as planned. Because no one can predict whether the project is successful or not.
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August 29, 2018, 02:35:26 AM

Unfortunately, such situations are not common in the existing market. a lot of scam projects and identify them especially at an early stage is very difficult. This will be good for you because you will be more carefully engaged in the selection of bounty programs and eventually learn a lot. Most bounty hunters experienced as the same as what who have experienced and feeling right now mate. Been there and than that aswell but that’s not enough reason for us to quit. Even if how reliable and reputable the manager was but the project are not good, it will still be nothing. Just be patient and never stop from there.
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August 29, 2018, 02:37:33 AM

This is part of life when you are doing bounties. No one can guarantee that an ICO will sell or a success. Just accept the reality and move on. It is very painful to work for 3 months and got nothing in return for signature bounties. Same thing happened to me before so let me share what I did. Since it happened, I only join short term bounties - it should be not more than 2 months. I tried to join as many bounties and the only way to do that for signature campaign is to join short term bounties.
Unluckily, almost all bounties now do some extensions to meet their goals, since we all know how bear our market is, however we should always seek a good bounty and project that can ease our worries away.

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August 29, 2018, 02:41:16 AM

As i see there are too many of fake/scam bounty which make bounty hunters spend their times to do it. So i suggest that we should research every bounty, choose bounty with 1-2 months campaign to prevent fake/scam bounty.
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August 29, 2018, 02:42:50 AM

I think you should choose a credible bounty manager and then participate in his bounty campaign. Investment are risks, sometimes you gain and sometimes you lose.. Doing all bounties with the idea of always getting something at the end is not really a good idea.
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August 29, 2018, 02:46:55 AM

Unfortunately we all have bad projects. And do not rely on one daping all efforts.
3-4 months is a long time and it is very insulting to burn out on this. Well, what can we do bounties people luck with here there is no stability. And even team analysis often does not lead to chim and you waste time in vain.
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August 29, 2018, 02:55:18 AM

Yes, you are right. I have been involved in the bounty activities for half a year. I just sent a reward, but the token is not before. It has been hard for half a year. It can be said that it is not worth it, so I am ready to give up. The bounty project is really rubbish.
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August 29, 2018, 02:56:30 AM

be yourself and use your experience to find projects that are really good for yourself.
because if you follow other people and do not get the results from the bounty you will be disappointed but if you are the one who chooses the project to be part of your work do you also regret it if it is not paid?
if I personally would never regret my own decision.

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August 29, 2018, 03:06:50 AM

I was a part of korona coin signature campaign from the bountyhive portal after working of 3-4 months i get to know that ICO did not reached the soft cap and i was not awarded any thing....that has caused me depression the hell i choose a good bounty...after doing some research users suggested me bountyhive is good and i got this...what to choose a good bounty that atleast pays somthing...some say good bounty managers but some of those campaign pays as well.....which ico rating sites are best for this please help....
Currently which is the best campaign to join can anyone suggest.... Huh

You have poorly explored the prospect of the project and lost time in vain. You need to learn how to independently analyze the future of the project and not trust someone else's advice.
Yeah it provides a good experience for you to explore and research first before joining the bounty. don't let your time be wasted just
because you work on a shit project that doesn't pay you anything but you can also use a lot of bounties right ?? so don't give up
omar bakrie
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August 29, 2018, 03:08:45 AM

is an experience that is common in the bounty. Because it follows the bounty it is like gambling. We will never know how the results we will get. However, never give up, because we will definitely find a successful project and also a legit if we keep trying.
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August 29, 2018, 03:10:04 AM

You are right. The project I participated in has not issued a token until now. I am very disappointed. I have participated in several projects. I feel that I have been cheated. I don't want to participate in the bounty mission.
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August 29, 2018, 03:12:48 AM

I think even if someone suggest a bounty campaign or bounty managers we have to find more information about project specially when we are doing signature campaigns. we can use ICO tracking website for get a brief idea about expert's rating. Even after we can use telegram group of projects for getting current situations. Those are the my steps for finding good bounties.    
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August 29, 2018, 03:17:09 AM

Isn't transpiring just alot of individuals has been confronting this issue nobody here will turn out to state he or she haven't scammed or fizzled project. in any case, you will simply keep on attempt more you will unquestionably do effective ico .
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August 29, 2018, 03:19:14 AM

I was a part of korona coin signature campaign from the bountyhive portal after working of 3-4 months i get to know that ICO did not reached the soft cap and i was not awarded any thing....that has caused me depression the hell i choose a good bounty...after doing some research users suggested me bountyhive is good and i got this...what to choose a good bounty that atleast pays somthing...some say good bounty managers but some of those campaign pays as well.....which ico rating sites are best for this please help....

Currently which is the best campaign to join can anyone suggest.... Huh
Almost people has experience that situation, but we all know that some of them are not good project, so its better to choose wiselYb before you join just be sure if it is good project or not. No need to suggest anyone to incourage you to join for it its better to make your own because i do not no wether the project village is good or not.

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August 29, 2018, 03:25:36 AM

I was a part of korona coin signature campaign from the bountyhive portal after working of 3-4 months i get to know that ICO did not reached the soft cap and i was not awarded any thing....that has caused me depression the hell i choose a good bounty...after doing some research users suggested me bountyhive is good and i got this...what to choose a good bounty that atleast pays somthing...some say good bounty managers but some of those campaign pays as well.....which ico rating sites are best for this please help....

Currently which is the best campaign to join can anyone suggest.... Huh
it is very difficult to choose a bounty now many ico bounties have sprung up but it's hard to find a bounty that can benefit, looking for a team that we can trust and rely on behind the ico bounty
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August 29, 2018, 03:28:17 AM

well i joined so many bounties and feel the same way. i faced safein that cancelled the ico, scam uchit and hashcard, and not being paid kerberos coin. so many bad ico this year tho
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August 29, 2018, 03:41:44 AM

WEll do not worry you are not in the same corner because we are too had gone that feeling. I get to have a lot of campaign being joined and i used also my social media for it for most of the bounty programs has social media bounty program and i joined 2 or 3 projects for that specific bounty programs hoping that i could have a better chance to receive a bounty rewards. But all of those campaigns even in social media are wasted. NO tokens being distributed and most of it failed to reach soft cap. I  think that if you join any bounty compaign you will do research and gain knowledge about the project. Also read the white paper of this project. After that you will have to join it. But now it is very difficult to know that you have to choose a project, good.If the project is good you earn money.
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