Rather than opening a new topic, I'll just post this here, in the club
What's up with those
guys (probably bots).
Virtual currencies are quicky getting their importance and demand. In my opinion, European parliament declaration is the prove of that. It was done to analyze the impact that crypto currencies can have on todays economy.
The Europian Parliament declared their opinion that cryptocurrency can be used as an alternative of money. Their detailed review of the report shows that how much impact crypto currencies have on the global economy.
with this statement they actually meant that cryptocurrency can be used as altarnetive of money, if it is approved by the parliament that is mean it is not illegal there anymore so it is definitely a very wonderful and progressive move , soon it will be illgalize all over the world.
I'm pretty sure there are 2 more with the same pattern but I forgot where I saw them posting..
Is that color thing supposed to do anything? Prevent checking like the homographs?
I'm pretty sure they are bots but the curiosity is killing me