I liked the security concept you offer for safe operation on your exchange. I think that investors want to be sure of your reliability.
At that moment, security question is the most valueble thing that worries all investors. If team have some ideas about that they need to post it here.
•Exchange security
1. Secured protocol
ParamountDax has implemented security protocols such as: Secure Header on HTTP Request /
Response such as: X-Frame-Options, X-XSSProtection, HTTP Only, Set Secure flag.
2. CSRF protection
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection for victims of fraud will be reported to the
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ParamountDax Section (Security Setting)
3. Avoid suspicious
Suspicious users will be prevented by the xss-clean method which also prevents the malicious
file from uploading.
4. Authentication & detection
Authentication & Detection will be provided by ParamountDax to make the
transaction fulfilled by the participators to the trade.
5. Prevent DDoS attacks
The DDoS attacks can be prevented using periodic penetration testing,
Custom WAF rules, security notifications, etc.
6. Secure web services
ParamountDax will offer a highly available and customized DDoS shielded hosting solution with
network and application-level firewalls.
ParamountDax will use secure HTTP headers like HSTS to enforce TLS encryption, and keep the
passwords salted and hashed.
7. Security audits
In order to ensure maximum security of the exchange, ParamountDax will conduct a periodic
security audit so that vulnerabilities are avoided.
For trader’s patience, we will sign a regular contract with some External Audit Agency.
The name of Company Audit will be communicated soon through official ParamountDax social
media channels.
• User security
Some of the protocols for user security are:
1. Two-factor authentication
In order to log in to the ParamountDax website, a user won’t be allowed simply through a ‘login
+ password’ access type. ParamountDax will enforce a secure 2FA protection for the client. By
default, weak 2FA like OTP/Google Authenticator / SMS won’t be authorized or will be only
temporarily tolerated, since these methods are vulnerable to phishing attacks. This way, similar
attacks to the one on Ether Delta will be avoided.
2. Password strength assessment
In order to ensure the password remains as strong and difficult to guess as possible, users are
allowed to generate passwords that exceed the minimum of 8 characters. Moreover, passwords
have to be a combination of case sensitive letters, numbers, and special symbols.
3. Account creation email
A user needs to verify their account via the email that he/she has signed up with.
This ensures that in the future, a user will be able to recover their account if they have forgotten
their login ID or password.
4. IP address verification through email
A user logging in to their account is allowed to access their account only when they are logging
in from a verified IP address. For a new IP address, the user needs to confirm via a confirmation
link emailed to their verified email (the one the user account has been created with).
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5. IP address validation on withdrawal
For every new withdrawal, a user needs to validate their IP address through the registered email.
6. Email notifications
For every login, successful or not, a user is notified via email. Similarly, a withdrawal is also
notified via registered email.
• Cold wallet storage
With traditional exchanges, in case of an attack, all data and funds located in the wallets are at
risk. This scenario is different with ParamountDax: the extent of damage is limited since the
majority of the user tokens is stored in cold wallet storage. Keeping a majority of crypto assets in
cold storage means that only funds that are needed immediately to process withdrawals are
made available to the exchange systems. Moreover, in order to make sure that the cold storage
isn’t prone to bureaucratic manipulation or that a non-authorized person can’t access these
crypto assets, ParamountDax is also secured by a combination of Multi Sig wallets and Smart
•Hard Cap - $9,310,000
Insurance till 100 M against Wallet Hacking (service by our Wallet Provider).