In memoriam
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
March 11, 2020, 06:59:56 PM |
I think this guy is on to something. 
Activity: 3948
Merit: 9204
March 11, 2020, 07:02:11 PM |
A WOT duel between cryptohunter and nullius. I wanted to say "this should be fun" but it's probably going to be extremely boring. Good for CH - not a lot of people still talk to him.

Activity: 112
Merit: 44
March 11, 2020, 09:22:57 PM |
Sorry but the entire OP reeks of a bloated sense of self-importance and I'm 95% certain I know who is behind it. There's ways to go about presenting information in a way that doesn't demand attention, and this isn't one of them.
What is wrong with the way it was presented? I can speculate who is behind it and reasonably guess, but the content is more important to me. On one hand he's accusing trolls of being government agents, and on the other hand he's saying "don't be paranoid." Kind of a mixed message if you ask me.
It is very probable that some trolls are agents, but the supermajority of them are not and thinking otherwise is paranoid. I mean, the one CIA guy who was caught infiltrating 4chan (or was it 8chan, one of the chans...) was pretty dumb. So I suppose it could happen, and it could be found out, but cryptohunter isn't in on it. Neither are bad englished sockpuppets with an axe to grind with the Chipmixer campaign. Even if they were, I don't see what this thread is going to do to stop them. Telling people to be vigilant about a "threat" that cannot be quantifiably ascertained isn't very helpful.
Good example. What kind of threat do people on 4chan present to the government and what kind of threat do people on this forum present? The invested resources against Bitcoin are considerably higher. Lol. Notice how this thread appears thread appears the day after the lauda nullius duo get their own dedicated scammer proof thread? Lauda here defending this nullius composed garbage. Of course it is possible but the proof that is full of shit is 1_ no specfic examples 2_ i guarantee there will be no analysis or examination of any examples Just another day of fun crushing scammers and their toadies. Always the same 1_they pump out lies and bullshit, then they run away when you offer to examine their "theories" with them in public. Or 2_ they claim you are lying and trolling, then they run away when you offer to examine the evidence in detail with them. Prove me wrong. It is small wonder so many "agents" are unable to resist joining in and punishing scamming scumbags and their friends in their spare time. Nullius please hurry up and bring the specific examples you want to work through in public. These agents must be identified and these innocent upstanding members " reputations" must be restored where required. What is taking so long? Definitely looking like nullius. The waffle wall is looking as delicious as ever. Licking my chop.
Activity: 2296
Merit: 2271
All that is missing is a Latin lecture.
Well, he just attempted to give me a lecture on hebrew.. Interesting thing I just realized.. Nullius is Latin for nobody/anonymous.. Ploni Almoni is hebrew for "john doe"/anonymous.. While English uses phrases like John Doe or A N Other to refer to an unnamed or unspecified person, in Hebrew we say ploni almoni or just ploni. In discussing hypothetical scenarios, the Talmud uses ploni to refer to a witness, a bridegroom, or whatever the case maybe. https://www.thejc.com/judaism/jewish-words/ploni-almoni-1.15782latin lessons.. hebrew lessons.. hmmm
Chancellor on Brink of Second Bailout for Banks
In memoriam
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
March 12, 2020, 06:00:39 AM |
Interesting thing I just realized.. Nullius is Latin for nobody/anonymous.. Ploni Almoni is hebrew for "john doe"/anonymous.. While English uses phrases like John Doe or A N Other to refer to an unnamed or unspecified person, in Hebrew we say ploni almoni or just ploni. In discussing hypothetical scenarios, the Talmud uses ploni to refer to a witness, a bridegroom, or whatever the case maybe. https://www.thejc.com/judaism/jewish-words/ploni-almoni-1.15782latin lessons.. hebrew lessons.. hmmm There are some other really obvious tells, but I am not going to give them more hints so they can use it to be a better con next time. Whats wrong Nullius? Tuckered out already? Maybe you and Lauda can get together and leave me some more negative ratings because I said you are hunting through my turds for peanuts because you never literally hunted through my turds for peanuts (I mean hopefully you haven't, but who knows), and accusing me of being a liar because of this. I predict yet another sock filtering out of the woodwork to attack me now that you have quite thoroughly burned both of your reputations with this ham-fisted spy game LAARP.
Activity: 2408
Merit: 1048
March 12, 2020, 09:30:13 AM Last edit: March 13, 2020, 09:13:34 PM by andulolika |
Most crypto related sites are under heavy surveillance, more than once I stumbled upon different state agents, sometimes even just being crypto followers. If we look back at the silkroad 1 out of 3 main owners was infiltrated. This can get really worrying if we think about different accounts and having a whole section perhaps working on engineering specific entities, not only trying to make them talk but to behave and do things wrong so they can later pay up. Creating specific situations to mold things for their perspective to be right since they teamwork. One must be extra careful till crypto traffic is so big it cannot be under control which might take a bit with all the FUD going on.
It is known cunts recieve orders from above and as any good dog will listen. They quite a few i know for sure, also note that sometimes just surveillance is around when a identity cannot infiltrate.
March 12, 2020, 11:21:23 PM |
Interesting thing I just realized..
Nullius is Latin for nobody/anonymous..
Ploni Almoni is hebrew for "john doe"/anonymous.. Thanks. You just increased my anonymity set to everybody who has ever used any variation of “Anonymous”, “Nobody”, “John Doe”, or any conceptually related placeholder name in any language. Helpful. :-) Oh shit it’s working.. Now I’m paranoid..
"I am Sparticus!" Sure, whatever: I am he; he is I!(But he misspelt “Spartacus”. Would I do that? —Quickly, someone must run and check whether “Sparticus” has ever been used by Quickseller and/or PrimeNumber7. —And would I quote ahistorical movie movie magic made for the purpose of American Communist agitprop? No offence to OP, but—alas, my reputation must be suffering.)Anyway, yes, let’s ignore the substance. It is more important to play guessing games about OP’s identity! [— important facts that most people want to ignore —] Merited by nobody (and I am out of sMerit for now)I would strongly urge you to read literature on this topic if you think that this is not happening in most online communities that present a threat to the system. It is very very improbable that this has not been going on for many years here already. It is very probable that some trolls are agents, but the supermajority of them are not and thinking otherwise is paranoid. QFT.
Oh, whoops, almost missed this due to my habit of skimming past sock trolls: Lol. Notice how this thread appears thread appears the day after the lauda nullius duo get their own dedicated scammer proof thread? Say what!? I didn’t even know that there was such a thread, let alone “proof” of nonexistent scams by the “lauda nullius duo”.

Activity: 112
Merit: 44
March 13, 2020, 01:28:19 AM |
Interesting thing I just realized..
Nullius is Latin for nobody/anonymous..
Ploni Almoni is hebrew for "john doe"/anonymous.. Thanks. You just increased my anonymity set to everybody who has ever used any variation of “Anonymous”, “Nobody”, “John Doe”, or any conceptually related placeholder name in any language. Helpful. :-) Oh shit it’s working.. Now I’m paranoid..
"I am Sparticus!" Sure, whatever: I am he; he is I!(But he misspelt “Spartacus”. Would I do that? —Quickly, someone must run and check whether “Sparticus” has ever been used by Quickseller and/or PrimeNumber7. —And would I quote ahistorical movie movie magic made for the purpose of American Communist agitprop? No offence to OP, but—alas, my reputation must be suffering.)Anyway, yes, let’s ignore the substance. It is more important to play guessing games about OP’s identity! [— important facts that most people want to ignore —] Merited by nobody (and I am out of sMerit for now)I would strongly urge you to read literature on this topic if you think that this is not happening in most online communities that present a threat to the system. It is very very improbable that this has not been going on for many years here already. It is very probable that some trolls are agents, but the supermajority of them are not and thinking otherwise is paranoid. QFT.
Oh, whoops, almost missed this due to my habit of skimming past sock trolls: Lol. Notice how this thread appears thread appears the day after the lauda nullius duo get their own dedicated scammer proof thread? Say what!? I didn’t even know that there was such a thread, let alone “proof” of nonexistent scams by the “lauda nullius duo”. The substance was not ignored. There was no substance. Stop pretending you didn't inject a spelling error so you could use it as some faux defense the waffle wall was not of your own boring construction. Looks like nullius turned up and avoided any detailed exploration of the bogus and misleading crap his alt spewed out at the start of the thread. Meet the challenge or just weasel off back under laudas skirt and continue devouring its anal secretions. Nulluis posts are simply one big look at how smart I'm desperately trying to sound while avoiding the central and core points. Obviously the discerning reader who isn't going conflate using Latin and flowery waffle to present feeble and weak arguments with a convincing and credible case will just be laughing at him. Those motivated by sigs and greed will clearly be supportive of his scammer supporting double standards bogus reasoning . So get down to specific examples in the OP, who they relate to with evidence to support your views that will stand up to scrutiny. Stop trying so hard to "sound" smart. Debunk clearly some central points that you are trying to discredit or create your own robust points or head off to the i speak latin and self taught my self the classics forum with all the other fat ugly bitter girls that never get fucked. I don't care if you can spell correctly and have memorized a bunch of stuff you think you can inject everywhere to make yourself sound smart to morons. You say the post has substance. Bring your evidence. How does the stuff he copied and claims applies here to trolls and those poor defamed DT members "really apply" or is it a pile of crap? And another bunch of desperate excuses from scammers and their scammer supporters like nullius the moronic double standards cowardly turd?
Activity: 1722
Merit: 2213
March 13, 2020, 02:43:04 AM |
Surprised that many thought this alt would be nullius, that's not what came to mind for me. Pretty sure nullius would post it themself, under their own account, if this is the message they were trying to get across. Sub-par grammer isn't nullius' style either, nor is aggressive & ugly looking formatting.
Another user did come to mind though, someone who used to be DT but is now highly excluded and arguably had their reputation destroyed.
A few clues to join in this game:
- A lot of bold and red (in a somewhat "erratic" manner) being used - Selective cutting of quotes to fit agenda or message being conveyed - Grammer would of needed some tidying up with some help though
But ultimately, if the topics relevant it should be discussed, rather than speculating on who's alt it is (which is a lot more interesting it seems). Also: TL:DR it all, my bad. Just skimmed over the formatting personally and got the drift... kinda.
In memoriam
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
March 13, 2020, 03:57:12 AM |
"I am Sparticus!" Sure, whatever: I am he; he is I!(But he misspelt “Spartacus”. Would I do that? —Quickly, someone must run and check whether “Sparticus” has ever been used by Quickseller and/or PrimeNumber7. —And would I quote ahistorical movie movie magic made for the purpose of American Communist agitprop? No offence to OP, but—alas, my reputation must be suffering.)Stop pretending you didn't inject a spelling error so you could use it as some faux defense the waffle wall was not of your own boring construction. Exactly. He is like the murder suspect who gets asked a simple question about where he was on the night of the incident, then blurts out something about how the bloodstains on his shoes are from cutting himself on a broken bottle last night when no one asked. He thinks he is a fucking mastermind. He is a tool.
Copper Member
Activity: 2996
Merit: 2374
March 13, 2020, 06:49:17 PM |
I think it is very unlikely that intelligence agencies are using newbie accounts to smear the reputations of forum members within bitcointalk.
I would respond to this theory with the question of why would a 3-letter agency want to do something like this?
Most of the forum community is made up of people wearing paid sig ads who talk about bitcoin to earn money from their sig ads. My guess is the worst most of these people have done is not report income on their sig ad payments, but that the majority of them will report this income (perhaps using the incorrect forms, etc, but still paying the correct amount). If this was the case, the amounts involved would be a few hundred dollars in unpaid taxes per person, at most -- not really amounts that intelligence agencies would be interested in getting involved in.
Another large part of the community is those who use bitcoin to gamble. My guess is these people are harmless, and again intelligence agencies are probably not interested in these people.
A third large community on bitcointalk is the altcoin community, however bitcointalk is really not a major platform to launch altcoins, and there are other platforms that altcoins are frequently launched on, and promoted. Certain bitcointalk-specific policies have prevented bitcointalk from being a major altcoin related platform.
The development of bitcoin is largely done off bitcointalk, and most bitcoin devs are not even forum members.
Forum polices prevent really bad types of business from being conducted, such as disallowing illegal transactions that are not legal in the country of the buyer or seller.
I do find it interesting that a newbie account would post something that essentially says to not trust newbie accounts because they might be intelligence agencies.
Copper Member
Activity: 2562
Merit: 2516
Spear the bees
March 13, 2020, 08:07:04 PM |
Newbie: posts something ... It's not a matter of if there's an alt accusation, but when.
You know how easy it would be to construct a couple posts that "fit" to the character/personality/prose of a user here, in order to fool others? Probably really... fuckin'... easy. Just remember, bozos: quit being shitheads
In memoriam
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
March 13, 2020, 08:28:34 PM |
Newbie: posts something ... It's not a matter of if there's an alt accusation, but when.
You know how easy it would be to construct a couple posts that "fit" to the character/personality/prose of a user here, in order to fool others? Probably really... fuckin'... easy. Just remember, bozos: quit being shitheads Absolutely true. However when their motives and intent also align... that is a pretty good indicator. This was a pretty hamfisted sloppy attempt at remaining anonymous.
Activity: 2408
Merit: 1048
March 13, 2020, 09:12:08 PM |
I think it is very unlikely that intelligence agencies are using newbie accounts to smear the reputations of forum members within bitcointalk.
I would respond to this theory with the question of why would a 3-letter agency want to do something like this?
Most of the forum community is made up of people wearing paid sig ads who talk about bitcoin to earn money from their sig ads. My guess is the worst most of these people have done is not report income on their sig ad payments, but that the majority of them will report this income (perhaps using the incorrect forms, etc, but still paying the correct amount). If this was the case, the amounts involved would be a few hundred dollars in unpaid taxes per person, at most -- not really amounts that intelligence agencies would be interested in getting involved in.
Another large part of the community is those who use bitcoin to gamble. My guess is these people are harmless, and again intelligence agencies are probably not interested in these people.
A third large community on bitcointalk is the altcoin community, however bitcointalk is really not a major platform to launch altcoins, and there are other platforms that altcoins are frequently launched on, and promoted. Certain bitcointalk-specific policies have prevented bitcointalk from being a major altcoin related platform.
The development of bitcoin is largely done off bitcointalk, and most bitcoin devs are not even forum members.
Forum polices prevent really bad types of business from being conducted, such as disallowing illegal transactions that are not legal in the country of the buyer or seller.
I do find it interesting that a newbie account would post something that essentially says to not trust newbie accounts because they might be intelligence agencies.
Who said newbies, and since when newbies are able to destroy reputations.
March 13, 2020, 09:45:40 PM |
The minor point is that, yes: It would be oh so cunning to intentionally plant speling errers, so as to throw people off the trail of a secret identity to which I casually confessed (on grounds that OP requested that, so as to focus the thread on important issues rather than on irrelevant speculation about his identity). I suppose that it was even more cunning to deceive people by constructing a nullius-style PGP key, which I myself openly averred is “a work of art”. Ploni has a hell of a sense of humour. —Oh, no! So do I! Now, the major point will require a full contextual quote: "I am Sparticus!" Sure, whatever: I am he; he is I!(But he misspelt “Spartacus”. Would I do that? —Quickly, someone must run and check whether “Sparticus” has ever been used by Quickseller and/or PrimeNumber7. —And would I quote ahistorical movie movie magic made for the purpose of American Communist agitprop? No offence to OP, but—alas, my reputation must be suffering.)Stop pretending you didn't inject a spelling error so you could use it as some faux defense the waffle wall was not of your own boring construction. Exactly. He is like the murder suspect who gets asked a simple question about where he was on the night of the incident, then blurts out something about how the bloodstains on his shoes are from cutting himself on a broken bottle last night when no one asked. He thinks he is a fucking mastermind. He is a tool. Holy cow: Being Ploni Almoni is “like” committing a murder! Replete with bloodstains. Regardless of whether or not I am actually Ploni (or even Jewish), I do believe that TEChSHARE just committed a “blood libel” against me.Certainly, in substance, TE ChSHARE thinks that being OP here is sufficiently comparable to murder to support his absurdly melodramatic analogy. Artless Techy, I have a question for you based on a post of which you were so proud, you self-quoted this as the basis for ridiculous accusations against me and against Lauda (to which I will reply presently): Merited by eddie13 (1)~ Maybe Lauda is just taking it back? This is just another good example of Lauda trying to hide the fact that they are a normie wearing 4chan culture like a suit to camouflage themselves like Steve Buscemi and his skateboard desperately trying to convince his fellow kids he is one of them. The idea of chastising some one for being racist while simultaneously lauding shitposting culture is self contradictory and yet another demonstration of the fact that Lauda exists more as a fabrication than a real personality. Given your valiant defence of “4chan culture” against infiltration by the “normie” Lauda, should I now expect for you to start referring to me as (((nullius))), just to make people aware that I am purportedly the bloodstained (((Ploni Almoni)))? If so, I should warn you that I have also been otherwise accused of being literally Hitler. (I have neither confirmed nor denied this charge.) If I am also Ploni, your history lessons should become less boring quite entertaining, with references to (((Adolf Hitler))). Well, all of that would be consistent with your usual standard of honesty and credibility. nullius As I stated before I highly suspect this user is an alt of one of the usual members (((Meow Heil!)))
OP, some moderation was promised. Please let it not be that I and my “Lauda” alt just got trolled into undertaking to advocate the substance of a very important post, whilst the trolls run wild. —Though if you did, I guess that I owe you a l’chaim.
Newbie: posts something ... It's not a matter of if there's an alt accusation, but when. You know how easy it would be to construct a couple posts that "fit" to the character/personality/prose of a user here, in order to fool others?actmyname, you have not denied that you set all this up to say what you really wanted to! See OP: Then, I saw two of the most astute users on the forum, o_e_l_e_o and actmyname, [...]
Note that neither o_e_l_e_o nor actmyname said what I am saying here! To my knowledge, you also still have not denied my 2018-vintage accusation that “ you = theymos = the CIA”. You even threatened me for erasing your doxing of theymos as truly “thermos”. I should tag you for that! —Eureka! I have another theory! YOU ARE PAID BY THE LUMBER CARTEL! THE TRUTH is that this forum has exactly one user, [...] me. He pwned you there, revealing THE TRUTH that you are not theymos.
Sorry, the truth can be painful sometimes.  I’m sorry I hurt your feelings, Lauda. My heart bleeds negative-trust red.
I would respond to this theory with the question of why would a 3-letter agency want to do something like this? Well, that is a reasonable form of debate that looks to the substance of the issue. For my part, my reply rapidly grew far too long to be tacked onto the post I already had in my pipeline; and I now have no time to finish it, anyway. I will follow up here.
In memoriam
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
March 13, 2020, 10:01:37 PM |
[uses analogy about A.I.D.S.]
Nullius: hE iS sPrEaDiNg DaNgErOuSlY mIsLeAdInG mEdIcAl InFoRmAtIoN!!1
[uses analogy about a murder suspect]
Nullius: hE cAlLeD mE a MuRdErEr!!1
Activity: 4074
Merit: 1254
Owner at AltQuick.com
March 13, 2020, 10:05:03 PM |
I'd be REALLY cranky if my tax dollars were being wasted on copper memberships.  Surely they have more of a life than that.
Activity: 2296
Merit: 2271
March 13, 2020, 10:13:52 PM |
Ok cool... Now we can get back on topic of the OP..
What about these "Agents" on btct and who are the speculated agents?
Chancellor on Brink of Second Bailout for Banks
Activity: 2296
Merit: 2271
March 13, 2020, 10:50:34 PM |
"Merited by TECSHARE (1), BayAreaCoins (1), MRKLYE (1)"
MRKLYE is around? Weren't you the guy that made all those crazy penis drawings I saw a long time ago? That shit was crazy.. Link?
Chancellor on Brink of Second Bailout for Banks
Activity: 4074
Merit: 1254
Owner at AltQuick.com
March 13, 2020, 11:55:31 PM Last edit: March 14, 2020, 12:10:55 AM by BayAreaCoins |
"Merited by TECSHARE (1), BayAreaCoins (1), MRKLYE (1)"
MRKLYE is around? Weren't you the guy that made all those crazy penis drawings I saw a long time ago? That shit was crazy.. Link?
Be warned:  If you choose to enter: https://imgur.com/a/sFhLxMost of these are commissioned pieces, but sometime KYLE drew people just because he felt inspired or something gay (idk... lol he was obsessed with drawing me... agent bb!?) Begging wasn't allowed in the Just-Dice chat box, so you had to offer a service or be prepared to degrade yourself pretty bad minting a buttcoin. bb offered his MS paint skills. Here are just a few:     bb minting a sparkle coin: https://steemit.com/crypto/@klye/how-i-burnt-my-ass-for-bitcoin-seriously