I recently found out the unthinkable.
When you access this link:
https://bitcoin.org/en/bitcoin-paper, you will end up on a page where you can find the translation of the Bitcoin white paper in various languages. I was curious about the Romanian translation (which can be found here:
https://bitcoin.org/files/bitcoin-paper/bitcoin_ro.pdf), as I didn't know until recently that it was created. But since I entered on that page I was shocked from the beginning after seeing the Romanian translator's name.
That name - IkeGDB - did not sound well for being the translator; I hoped it was a mistake or someone else. Unfortunately, it wasn't someone else but the one I thought: an illiterate, an underclassman.
A clown. A clown managed to ridicule the Romanian translation of Satoshi's wall paper, which is a sort of a Bible in crypto space.
Allow me to explain.
That guy - IkeGDB - is the owner of goanadupabitcoin.ro, a pathetic Romanian crypto news website. The site is pathetic as Ike hired a girl in the past, which was parallel with Bitcoin and with her own language. She was supposed to write articles but she was illiterate, even more illiterate than hacker or andulolika, which are sort of monuments for being unable to write correctly "a-ha". Excepting this aspect, that girl had zero knowledge about Bitcoin technology. OK, she knew some English, thus being able to translate in Romanian articles posted by international websites in order to pretend she created them (/s) but she barely knew Romanian. And the technology was a big question mark for her. Apparently, she doesn't work at goanadupabitcoin.ro for a while, but that's irrelevant. These two guys - Ike and the girl (I won't say their true names here, as the topic isn't about doxing (although their names can be found on the Internet); instead, I'll use their
true nyms) created 2 accounts on BitcoinTalk:
Nea Sandu (used by Ike) and
goanadupabitcoin (used by the
editorialist shit poster girl.
By the time when they started their pathetic translations-based crypto news website, they decided to post their articles in as much media as possible, in order to get to be known. As a consequence, they started to
spam on various Facebook Romanian crypto groups, on Twitter, Telegram, YouTube, Google+, [...] and also BitcoinTalk, hoping that the great indexing of the forum would help them with SEO as well.
An example of that girl's zero clue about Bitcoin can be seen in an
article from 2015 which, unfortunately, seems to be deleted from their website. Among other ridiculous things, she wrote there that Satoshi mined 900M BTC. Being very proud of her "work", she shilled quickly that article on the forum:
Meaning "what's your opinion about the fact that Satoshi never revealed his identity?" - plus the link to the article containing the monumental mistake. Another Romanian member started to laugh at her:
Apreciez munca pe care o depui traducand articole si incercand sa-i informezi astfel pe cei interesati de domeniu.
Dar daca tot ai intrat in lumea asta iti recomand sa te pui putin la punct si cu notiunile de baza legate de bitcoin, cel putin cu abecedarul. Astfel ar fi trebuit sa stii ca vor fi max.21 miloane BTC din care s-au minat pana acum putin peste 14 milioane....deci cei "900 milioane ai lui Satoshi" reprezinta o eroare (ineptie) ce-ti strica toata munca si ofera prilej de caterinca in comunitate
"I appreciate the work you're doing, translating articles and trying to inform people interested about crypto.
But if you entered this world I suggest you to
learn the basics of Bitcoin, at least the basics of the basics. You should have known there will be only 21M BTC, from which 14M are already mined... so the "900M owned by Satoshi represent a mistake (
ineptitude) which ruins your work and gets you trolled by the community"
Her attempt to cover the catastrophic article was even more stupid:
Nu stiu daca sa ma bucur ca se citesc articolele cu atentie sau sa ma oftic ca mi-a scapat chestia asta. Mai jos e explicat mai clar [...]
Sa zicem ca va testam atentia?
"I don't know if I should be happy for knowing we have readers for our articles or to feel ashamed for slipping this mistake. Down below is clearly explained [blabla]
Let's say I was testing your attention?"
Yeah, right. Testing the attention of the readers.
The girl didn't stop there. Each of her articles was a bunch of shit posts, translated by someone which had no understanding for the technology, reason for which all the articles looked ridiculous. This is another example: she was trying to talk about the DAO, but she wrote that Ethereum was hacked:
Meaning "Ethereum is in a very BAD situation. Unfortunately, the network was hacked. Be very careful if you own ether and
help the network with spam attacks. For the moment nobody knows what's happening, but the problem is addressed. The attack lasts for a few hours already".
Fortunately, NeuroticFish and others were there to correct this other idiocy:
De fapt DAO a fost spart.
Meaning "DAO was hacked actually".
Off .. n-a fost sparta nici o retea Ethereum vulnerabilitatea de tip "recursive calling vulnerability" era in contractele DAO
Meaning "No Ethereum network was hacked. The vulnerability [...] was in the DAO.
Sunt curios cum se poate "sparge" Ethereum.
"I'm curious how Ethereum can be "hacked"
Here, she announced a new section on the website, related to technical analysis. A member asked her what's her technical background:
Pot sa intreb ce pregatire aveti in analiza tehnica?
Actually, that was no ordinary member. That was the owner of CoinFlux exchange (currently arrested in US). Frankly she admitted she is incompetent:
Personal, nu am nici o pregătire în analiză tehnică.
Meaning "I have no knowledge in technical analysis". All good.
Day by day, more and more people could see the incompetence of this clown.Unfortunately, I cant find a post at the moment, post which was the proof for Nea Sandu being the owner of GoanaDupaBitcoin. It was a post in the Romanian board where a user stated something like "Sandu, I know you since you started with GoanaDupaBitcoin [...]". However, his connection with GoanaDupaBitcoin is clear for anyone, be it Romanian or foreigner (just looking at his posts).
So this guy - Ike aka Nea Sandu - and the illiterate girl using goanadupabitcoin account started spamming the forum, shilling their website more and more. Their topics history remembers me very well the way that
CoinIdol News used to post:
Fortunately, CoinIdol News was banned. Nea Sandu and goanadupabitcoin weren't banned. They didn't even have their posts deleted, as they are acquaintances of Cyrus. Maybe they are even friends, I don't know. But from various posts made by goanadupabitcoin such relation of being acquaintances is suggested. Examples:
Discutam zilele trecute cu Ike și cu Cyrus, avem multe chestii în plan și vrem să fim la fel de community-aware ca bitcoin-ul.
"I was talking recently with Ike and with Cyrus, we are planning something big and we'd like to be known as much as Bitcoin is."
Here, the discussion was about a meet-up she couldn't attend, but she asked Cyrus to take pictures and detail her what was discussed at the meet-up:
Mi-ar fi plăcut mult să vă văd. L-am rugat pe Cyrus să vă facă poze și să ne povestească una alta despre discuțiile voastre ca să vă dăm la gazetă.
Indeed, the above examples are not hard proof that GDB and Cyrus are friends, but they are enough proof for being at least acquaintances. I for one wouldn't dare to disturb the Global Administrator of the forum with such requests unless I'd be somehow close to him. It's about decency after all, you can't ask a stranger to update you with what he talked about, to send you pictures. Besides, in the first example she is talking about big plans with Ike (Nea Sandu) and Cyrus. I think it's an obvious relation. It's obvious that
it exists.
These two users got an incredible power from their relation with Cyrus and this may (or may not) be also an explanation for the fact that they managed to post a ridiculous translation on bitcoin.org and having it still kept there.
In April this year I reported all the shillings made by Nea Sandu and goanadupabitcoin.
All of them were left unhandled.User: goanadupabitcoinShilling their website in 77 out 202 posts (38%), all reported.
User: Nea SanduOwner of goanadupabitcoin's site (user goanadupabitcoin being his alt account); shilling the same website in 24 posts out of 462 total posts (5%), all reported.
I even started a
topic asking why these reports are not handled.
After a while I realized the obvious: these users had too much power for any mod to touch the reported posts. First of all, the posts were made in the Romanian board, which should be moderated by Cyrus, so he is the first one which decided to not handle the reports. Second of all, I'm guessing that if any mod would have seen the unhandled reports from the Romanian board, he could be scared to "not mess with Cyrus" and, as a consequence, no mod handled the reports as well. So, for having this relation with Cyrus, their shillings were never deleted, although the posts look exactly like the ones made by CoinIdol News.
As it can be seen from the mentioned topic, Cyrus never had the guts to enter the conversation. After all, what could he say? Could he say "yes, these guys are my protégées and nobody touches their posts"? Of course he couldn't say that. Could he say instead that there is no nepotist relation here? Of course he couldn't as the truth is obvious. So he chose to not say anything. Oh, in case somebody doesn't know, Cyrus is also Romanian, this being another good basis for having a relation with the two Romanian clowns.
All the above information was necessary for understanding better who translated Satoshi's white paper: two illiterate, incompetent clowns, protected by Cyrus.
Getting back to the translated wall paper now: in
July 2015, the girl from GDB performed a stupid translation of the white paper. Happy, she announced the ridiculous translation on the forum:
Am revenit cu un articol care noua ni s-a părut foarte interesant. Trebuie să recunosc că a fost o plăcere să traduc lucrarea lui Satoshi. Întotdeauna mi-a plăcut coerența lui, care din câte am înțeles de la comunitatea de coderi se vede și în codul pe care el l-a scris.
În 2008, Satoshi punea bazele ideologice ale monedei bitcoin în lucrarea sa intitulată Bitcoin – a peer to peer electronic cash system, în care explica cum funcționează moneda, dădea detaliile despre codul sursă și punea puterea în mâinile utilizatorilor.
Satoshi a predat între timp ștafeta utilizatorilor și s-a retras, din câte se crede, în totalitate din conducerea (impropriu spus) destinului bitcoin.
Noi am tradus integral textul lui Satoshi, în întregime, așa cum apărea el în 2008, pentru a ne aduce aminte de principiile care stau la baza criptomonedei și pentru a ne aduce aminte care sunt lucrurile pe care trebuie să le protejăm.
http://goanadupabitcoin.ro/bitcoin-pentru-incepatori/pentru-prima-data-in-limba-romana-moneda-bitcoin-explicata-de-satoshi-nakamoto.html"I am back with an article which looks very interesting for us. I have to admit it was a pleasure to translate Satoshi's writing. I always liked his coherence which, as far as I understood from other coders, is reflected in the code he wrote.
We fully translated Satoshi's
text, as it appeared in 2008 [...]"
The above link is not functional anymore, the article being moved here:
For those which don't know Romanian, the translation
may seem to be OK,
but it isn't OK at all. It is a ridiculous translation, performed by someone which has zero understanding about Bitcoin technology, by someone which doesn't even know to correctly write in his / her own language; it is a masterpiece of illiteration.
A magnum opus of incompetence.
Any Romanian, which knows his language grammar, can confirm that the translation is full of grammar mistakes, typos, spelling errors, looking like the author used the feet instead of brain for performing the translation. I won't go with more examples here as the topic is long enough. However, anyone not knowing Romanian can still see the lack of professionalism of the translator at least looking at one aspect: the alignment of the text, which is in part justified and in part centered. There is no excuse for that.
The following is a comparison of white paper's chapter 8 in its original form and in the translated form. You can easy notice that while in the original form the text's alignment is justified, in the translated form the first pharagraph's alignment is set to centered. Besides, the translation also doesn't respect the space placed in front of the first letter of the paragraph according to the original writing.
As long as this translation was placed on the pathetic GDB website there wouldn't be any problem. The translation is a shame for
the Bitcoin Bible, indeed, but at least it was kept on an obscure Romanian website.
But now the problem got worse,
as this ridiculous translation is present also on bitcoin.org website and anyone reading it will start to laugh seeing the zero quality of the text. The shame reflects at worst on the translator, but afterwards it reflects also on Bitcoin, Satoshi's original writing, Bitcoin.org and on all Romanians as a nation. And that's because any reader would think "who the hell is the imbecile who made this incompetent translation? Oh, look, a Romanian! And who is the idiot which accepted it and posted it
here, on Bitcoin.org?! Who runs this site? Isn't anyone there to verify the quality of a translation? Who can approve such a shameful writing?" - and so on.
I know that that theymos
announced in April 2020 that his and Cøbra's ways are splitting. And I know it is Cøbra's business with what appears on Bitcoin.org. However, it is inadmissible to have such a shameful translation on that website! It is unthinkable.
I don't know how Cøbra elected Ike (Nea Sandu) for this translation, but I believe there were more users hoping to have their translation accepted. Or maybe Ike was the only one who applied. I can't know. But maybe - and this is pure speculation - if there were more candidates trying to submit their translation, maybe Cyrus spoke to Cøbra for accepting Ike's translation. Seeing how much he protects him here on the forum it wouldn't be any surprise if such thing happened. Again, I'm not stating for sure that this happened, but still, there is a possibility.
What's certain is that on Bitcoin.org exists a shameful text for the author, for all Romanians, for the one who approved the translation and for the entire site itself!
Is there any possibility to contact anyone from that website to take down that ridiculous translation? Ideas?