This coin is going to be guys have no idea. Israel is just like BTC. No one believed in it. Multiple countries attacked it. Many feared it because of how it would shake up the status qou. But it rose from nothing, to be the single most successful country in the Middle East, that doesn't have to pull money from the ground (oil). Israel, a country in the middle of the desert figured out how to do agriculture so well that it is now a produce exporter! And just like BTC, Israel is amazingly innovative.
If Israelis back this da moon we go!!!
Israel, like BTC, is resilient, grows stronger in the face of opposition, and loves technology...well BTC doesn't love technology, but BTC is technology and frankly it can't love anything, but it would probably love itself if it could
I think the chances are well worth the risk of grabbing some of this, now, while we are still on the ground floor.
Don't get me wrong, I am not all in or anything, but that's cuz that is not my style. But I think this one is a winner…