sorry but again this is not the main issue, the main issue is the misleading of the Israeli bitcoin community after the 6 founders (most of them from the Israeli bitcoin community) together agreed to make a multi sig and than after a month Dan refuses and lost the trust of the team.
Hi Everyone,
I'm one of the developers of Isracoin and I'm pretty sick of this "israeli" guy spreading lies all over trying to promote a thing that doesn't exists and probably won't either called "israbit" by discrediting other peoples hard work .
There were never 6 founders, at most there were 3 founder when you take the people that actually founded the project including Dan and Me. Other people have taken part in discussions here and there, but mostly didn't do major work. So saying "6 founders (most of them from the Israeli bitcoin community)" is just a plain simple
LIE #1.
As for the multisig issue, there is a general agreement that we want to do a multisig. but at the current point of time the technology for this solution isn't ready and it's just not possible. Saying Dan agreed and refuses is
Lie #2. Dan agreed that we need to find a good solution in order to decentralize the premine holding and we are working on it.
second phase was a colossal fail
I think "israeli" is talking about the first phase, the business distribution, there are some reasons why this phase hasn't taken off and the main one is that it was sabotaged by the pearson that was supposed to do the PR for Isracoin, Amnon who actually threatened Dan and Me that we shouldn't go public with it or he'll start discrediting the project (which is what he is doing in the end), all because we didn't agree to all kind of extortions that he was trying to pull (he wanted power and a crazy personal contract).
A second reason for phase 1 delay is that we are working on creating an organization to support the businesses in the process of adopting ISR in their businesses. This is taking more time because of bureaucracy, but once this organization is established we can better support phase 1.
Now when phase 2 started and we'll get some new PR we can continue with the registration of businesses, we already see a rise in the business registration since yesterday, we aren't talking thousands but more than a 100 businesses (a similar number to the businesses accepting bitcoin in Israel) have registered and this is without us doing any promotion - this is in any case a long term process , because of the logistics.