Dic3L0v3r (OP)

Activity: 65
Merit: 10
May 20, 2022, 02:40:51 PM Last edit: October 12, 2022, 02:20:04 PM by Dic3L0v3r |
Hi Community. I am naim027 on my alts. I hope everyone doing well. As you guys know, I got banned permanently, but I keep getting notifications from the Telegram bot, and I am watching discussions about myself. Lovesmayfamilies keep saying I have lied at every opportunity. I would like to say that I didn't lie. In my first response, I have already stated that I did that a few more times without knowing the rules (see the quote). Well, I don't have an explanation on this matter. But, As far as I remember, Not only this, but I did this a few more times without knowing the rules (As I have already said that those few weeks were my newbie days). Later someone from the WO thread warned me about this that I cannot share an article (or a part of the article) if I am not an original author. Later I edited the post and added the source link. Maybe this is one of these and I haven't edited this one (Added source now). So this is my responsibility. Good catch BTW.
Edit: I just found that post that psycodad and LoyceV was guiding me to not post articles/part of articles without source: For bitcoin, upside momentum continues to slow on the daily price chart, suggesting continued profit-taking among buyers. And the relative strength index (RSI) on the daily chart is not yet oversold, which provides scope for further downside in BTC over the short-term.
The 100-day moving average, currently around $53,000, could attract buyers similar to late September, which preceded a price recovery.
For now, intraday charts appear deeply oversold. This means buyers could defend immediate support around $56,000, albeit briefly given strong overhead resistance on the charts.
Please be careful posting full identical sentences from i.e. Coindesk as if they were your own statements, it's called plagiarism and highly frowned upon around here:LoyceV also mentioned me at that time: I am not original author at Coindesk. Is it forbidden to share the news here? Plagiarism will get you banned. You should edit your posts and add the source (link) to all of them. Even if you don't get banned for plagiarism now, it can happen years later.LoyceV asked me to edit my posts and add the sources. I have edited a few posts, but I could not edit all of them because I forgot if they were copied or not. psycodad and LoyceV warned me on October 19-2021. After that, I never plagiarized. Before November 19-2021, I made a maximum of 70(+-) posts. The post they reported was before this date. So, My question for the community is, How still I am a liar while I never plagiarized after November-19-2021? Here is another reason they call me a liar. Once I commented on the Unofficial rules thread, I said, "I found this page, and this is helpful." To be honest, that was a shitpost to increase the post count. This post was my 12th post in this forum. After this post, I was not there for another six months. So, at this moment, I feel shy to create a ban appeal thread just because the community already believes that I am a liar. I don't know why people are so aggressive at me. I didn't poke at anyone's balls. I cannot express my feelings by writing. But, this is not good for me. I am trying to take a break. But, This forum has become part of my daily life. Last words: I don't know why people still say I am lying after I answered every question. A single man cannot be good in everyone's eyes. There is no one in this forum who can vouch for me because I didn't make any good relationships with anyone. I apologize for what I have done before. I also apologize to those who were getting rude behavior from me (if anyone). I am requesting Moderators to review my case and take an action if possible. Username: naim027Regards! Naim027
Once again, I am willing to accept a sig ban for a year or more. Will appreciated if they reduce the punishment. You're missing the point: read theymos' quote again. What good have you offered the forum, and what good can you offer in the future? Well, That's a hard question for me I guess. I am not a guy with an extraordinary talent like n0nce. I am an average person. The good thing I did (In my opinion)-- I helped newbies answering several questions on my local
board thread (would be great if someone from my local thread can confirm) (post 1, Post 2, Post 3, Post 4, Post 5, Post 6, Post 7, Post 8 - Exposed some bounty cheaters (Later stopped because I realized they keep creating new accounts. Someone said I left some useless feedback) Post 1, Post 2 Post 3 Post 4, Post 5, Post 6 Post 7, Post 8,
- Tried to help others with some information (Midas Sticks Investigation 1) (Midas Sticks Scam Final Report)
- Exposed some scams website (Cloud Mining Scam, Binance Doge Scam
- Removed some Video content that promote scams with the help of forum members
For now, What I can promise, - I won't break any forum rules in the future.
- I will help others in every possible way I can.
- Guide newbies from my experience
- I can help others with GPU mining (The only field where I am a bit veteran)
I am not sure if that's enough. But, all I can do is help others in every possible way.
Activity: 2380
Merit: 4641
May 20, 2022, 03:59:02 PM |
Now I see that you understand what it means to see a message about the ban. It's strange to hear the words about your innocence again. You have been warned several times to check all the posts. Could the last post containing plagiarism come from you? I don't believe you again. If a person knows what he writes about, he will not copy it. You didn't check all the posts thinking you were lucky. In addition, I saw another post edited recently.
The next step is to ask for a signature ban. Since you surely love the forum, will you love it as well without participating in signature companies?
And how long are you willing to love him without a signature?
The Sceptical Chymist
Activity: 3626
Merit: 7045
Top Crypto Casino
May 20, 2022, 04:42:11 PM |
Oh wow, I had no idea there was this drama surrounding you, naim027. I still don't really know what all the details are aside from what was written in this thread, but you did a great job sniffing out the Midas USB stick scam since I wasn't able to due to the language barrier I was up against. Whether your ban is just or not, I happen to believe you're not here just to drop shitposts for whatever sig campaign or bounty you're in. I'm sure that's probably a factor (as it is for most members participating in either of those), but based on the interactions I've had with you I don't think you're the type of member who needs to plagiarize material in order to post. Whether you really did plagiarize is another story, and that's between you and the moderators now. I do wish you luck, and if you've learned your lesson and truly haven't lied as you've been accused of doing, you've got my support.
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1148
Goodnight, o_e_l_e_o 🌹
May 20, 2022, 08:05:04 PM |
I am not aware you are in this naim027, I have seen your alias in several places in this forum, I can say you are an active member. I have these to say in your case; - One fastest means I use to determine a quality poster is the calibre of members that merited the user. If your merit fans span across reputable forum users, I will believe you are a quality poster. I came to this conclusion because it is easy for a quality poster to discover a quality post. In your merit fans I saw The Pharmacist, LFC_Bitcoin, Ratimov, Fillippone, LoyceV, El duderino_, hugeblack among others, Welsh, Pmalek, Poker player, foxpup, Lovesmayfamilis, Royse777 etc. I am sorry if this doesn't make sense to some persons.
 - I sense that you are sincere in your statement as you had some data in your claims. You could easily be called a liar here because no one knows your real life personality. If you are not, don't allow it bother you much. You mentioned that a time came you didn't know the difference between your posts and the ones you plagiarised after LoyceV called your attention to it.
I can say that your statement is correct as I already discussed something similar in my thread Why people plagiarise in the forum and how to avoid plagiarism. HOW TO AVOID PLAGIARISM:
5. Don't post immediately after a research: Ensure you don't post immediately exiting a research room. If you do, you might likely find it difficult to differentiate your personal ideas and the ones gotten from research that needs to be cited. . This can be difficult for a newbie who doesn't know about plagiarism tools
- Finally, I cannot say whether the plagiarism committed by you was in the quest to make money. I also pray that the moderators should revisit your case and see if there is a way to help you out or mitigate your punishment.
There is no one in this forum who can vouch for me because I didn't make any good relationships with anyone. I was touched by this statement of yours, because what you are into can happen to anyone. Well, you don't need to be in any kind of personal relationship with anyone before you could be vouched for. Just try not to be hostile to the community and anyone could vouch for you, just like what I'm doing now. Though a reputable member has done it above before me. I wish you success.
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In memoriam
Copper Member
Hero Member
Activity: 588
Merit: 926
May 20, 2022, 10:14:30 PM |
Lovesmayfamilies keep saying I have lied at every opportunity. I would like to say that I didn't lie. In my first response, I have already stated that I did that a few more times without knowing the rules
And you remind that ruᛋᛋian whore bad woman lovesmayfamilis how she was banned for plagiarism just three years ago https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5141782.0And how she cried crocodile tears and asked for forgiveness. She even addressed theymos personally. How can anyone trust this two-faced person? Remind her 
Free Market Capitalist
aka Poker Player
Activity: 1666
Merit: 2467
Fighting hard against the AI Luddites
May 21, 2022, 03:30:56 AM |
I will disagree with the opinion of The Parmacist, KingsDen, and light_warrior. I don't know why people still say I am lying after I answered every question. A single man cannot be good in everyone's eyes. There is no one in this forum who can vouch for me because I didn't make any good relationships with anyone.
You're lying, again. Our relationship was good. The question here, as I said before, is whether someone who broke the rules in the past but is now making a positive contribution to the forum should be punished for it. We have several examples of people who had questionable behavior at the very least and after a second chance have become great assets to the forum. When initially no action was taken against you and now you have been banned I understand that it is because you plagiarized too many times already. It's not that you copied three lines only once the first month you were on the forum, it's many times. In most legal systems not knowing the rules is not an excuse. To give you an exaggerated example, you cannot murder someone and when appearing before the judge say that you did not know that murder is forbidden and therefore expect to be exonerated for it. You lied through your teeth again the other day: Are you still claiming you're not a liar? Have you checked my response carefully? I guess no, I only know the rules after November 19th, 2021 because, on that
Well, I was Wondering Why There is No Dedicated Page For Forum Rules. And Somehow I violated One Of The Rules And I got a Message With the link to this Topic. it's helpful. Thank you Very Much.
 Does March start after November on your calendar? The lies and the issue of repeated plagiarism is in addition to that of alt abuse. In any case I hope that if they lift your ban it will be in time, months at least I'm talking about, and I would be very surprised if it were not so, otherwise it would not make sense to have banned you. Or a signature ban. And you remind that ruᛋᛋian whore bad woman lovesmayfamilis how she was banned for plagiarism just three years ago https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5141782.0And how she cried crocodile tears and asked for forgiveness. She even addressed theymos personally. How can anyone trust this two-faced person? It's clear that in these types of threads many times the discussion gets personal and it's even clearer that you have some kind of personal pet peeve with lovesmayfamilis. I guess that doesn't let you see that there is nothing wrong with writing to theymos directly, especially when hilarious recommended it: What you've just said makes little to no sense, but state your case to theymos if you feel you are a net positive to the forum and maybe he'll issue a signature ban instead.
Activity: 3598
Merit: 18359
Thick-Skinned Gang Leader and Golden Feather 2021
May 21, 2022, 05:46:09 AM |
LoyceV asked me to edit my posts and add the sources. I have edited a few posts, but I could not edit all of them because I forgot if they were copied or not. That was dumb. You should have searched for the source of each post (that's how we catch plagiarism), or you could have deleted every old post just to be sure. You've had several chances to correct all your plagiarism, and you didn't take them. If you want any chance to turn your ban into a signature ban, you should focus on this: If you think that a ban should be ended, make your case in a new topic from a "good for the forum as a whole" perspective.
Dic3L0v3r (OP)

Activity: 65
Merit: 10
May 21, 2022, 08:58:30 AM Last edit: May 21, 2022, 09:09:57 AM by Dic3L0v3r |
You have been warned several times to check all the posts. Could the last post containing plagiarism come from you? I don't believe you again. If a person knows what he writes about, he will not copy it. You didn't check all the posts thinking you were lucky. In addition, I saw another post edited recently. That was bullshit from me. Actually, I didn't check carefully. I checked a few posts and I found one which I edited earlier. The next step is to ask for a signature ban. Since you surely love the forum, will you love it as well without participating in signature companies? And how long are you willing to love him without a signature?
I am willing to accept a sig ban for a year or more.
Whether you really did plagiarize is another story Actually, I did. I have already stated this too many times. One more time for you. I have registered in this forum back in 2017. But, I wasn't active here. In 2021, I made my return but I wasn't aware of the merit system. One day I saw a guy merited my post on October 16 2021 and I become a Jr. member. So, I slowly started becoming active. I was wondering how can I get quick merit. I copied some sources from the internet and posted them in this forum. Back then, I didn't know the rules until LoyceV and psycodad told me on WO thread. That was November 19-2021. After that, I edited my few posts and added the sources. but, I was unable to edit it all because I forgot which one I copied. Now, You may say what about you commented on the Unofficial rules thread in march? To be honest, Maybe I read a few lines or not, I cannot remember. I guess that was a shitpost from me. After this post, I was inactive for another six months and after that, I made my final return in October 2021.I do wish you luck, and if you've learned your lesson and truly haven't lied as you've been accused of doing, you've got my support.
Thank you very much.
- I sense that you are sincere in your statement as you had some data in your claims. You could easily be called a liar here because no one knows your real life personality. If you are not, don't allow it bother you much. You mentioned that a time came you didn't know the difference between your posts and the ones you plagiarised after LoyceV called your attention to it.
I can say that your statement is correct as I already discussed something similar in my thread Why people plagiarise in the forum and how to avoid plagiarism.
I am answering every question raised by others, I am providing proof of my claims. Still, my alt account (once accused) refused to believe my statement. After that, I don't expect others to believe my statement either. 100% up to them. BTW, Thanks.
edited out
Well, I agree with my accused alt. If you have a personal issue with her, you shouldn't expose it. Plagiarism can happen from anyone, Specially in newbie days. I did a lot of mistakes in my newbie days. I remember she guided me a few times when I was a newbie. I apologized before for my mistakes. So, I don't want to take it personally. Here- And here too https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2544574.msg58610140#msg58610140
You lied through your teeth again the other day:
You are not supposed to judge me too quickly. Read the full post, please. You will get the answer.
LoyceV asked me to edit my posts and add the sources. I have edited a few posts, but I could not edit all of them because I forgot if they were copied or not. That was dumb. You should have searched for the source of each post (that's how we catch plagiarism), or you could have deleted every old post just to be sure. You've had several chances to correct all your plagiarism, and you didn't take them. If you want any chance to turn your ban into a signature ban, you should focus on this: If you think that a ban should be ended, make your case in a new topic from a "good for the forum as a whole" perspective. I agree. I failed to take the chances. Once again, I am willing to accept a sig ban for a year or more. Will appreciated if they reduce the punishment.
Activity: 3598
Merit: 18359
Thick-Skinned Gang Leader and Golden Feather 2021
May 21, 2022, 09:07:07 AM |
Once again, I am willing to accept a sig ban for a year or more. Will appreciated if they reduce the punishment. You're missing the point: read theymos' quote again. What good have you offered the forum, and what good can you offer in the future?
Dic3L0v3r (OP)

Activity: 65
Merit: 10
May 21, 2022, 09:27:05 AM Last edit: May 21, 2022, 11:26:28 AM by Dic3L0v3r |
Once again, I am willing to accept a sig ban for a year or more. Will appreciated if they reduce the punishment. You're missing the point: read theymos' quote again. What good have you offered the forum, and what good can you offer in the future? Well, That's a hard question for me I guess. I am not a guy with an extraordinary talent like n0nce. I am an average person. The good thing I did (In my opinion)- - I helped newbies answering several questions on my local
board thread (would be great if someone from my local thread can confirm) (post 1, Post 2, Post 3, Post 4, Post 5, Post 6, Post 7, Post 8 - Exposed some bounty cheaters (Later stopped because I realized they keep creating new accounts. Someone said I left some useless feedback) Post 1, Post 2 Post 3 Post 4, Post 5, Post 6 Post 7, Post 8,
- Tried to help others with some information (Midas Sticks Investigation 1) (Midas Sticks Scam Final Report)
- Exposed some scams website (Cloud Mining Scam, Binance Doge Scam
- Removed some Video content that promote scams with the help of forum members
For now, What I can promise, - I won't break any forum rules in the future.
- I will help others in every possible way I can.
- Guide newbies from my experience
- I can help others with GPU mining (The only field where I am a bit veteran)
I am not sure if that's enough. But, all I can do is help others in every possible way.
May 21, 2022, 10:04:22 AM |
I'm tired to repeat this, but the moderators need to read this if they plan to revise their punishment. This person is a complete liar1. Claimed to know the rules after November 19, 2021 I only know the rules after November 19th, 2021
If he really doesn't know the forum rules to add original sources, why he can add the rules before November 19, 2021? Because he already know it, but he ask to LoyceV to gain his attention to give him merit. naim027's posts before November 19, 20212. Take a look with lovesmayfamilis's post3. Self admitting a complete newbie with his alt on March 26, 2022. How can someone already earn 500+ with his main account, claiming he's a newbie? Well, I am a newbie. But, In my opinion. This thread doesn't suit off-topic. Not so many people will see this thread. Since this was a Scam attempt, You can move this thread to Scam Accusations board. A lot of people often visit scam accusations boards to discover. This person is a merit seeker to participate signature campaignTrying to accumulate more BTC from my Signature Campaign too.
Shitposting with the same post over and over first post, second post, third postCreating useless stats first post, second post, third postI'm not the only one who think he's a merit seeker I also seem to be missing the point of this, hence my "answers" may not be 100% what you'd expect. Also, with the risk to offend you (I hope not, though), this topic looks somewhat like "yet another Meta stats, fishing for merit". This being said, you should expect some harsher replies. I don't blame someone want to participate a campaign in this forum to earn more money, but using this way in order to participate a campaign is really DIRTY
Exposed some bounty cheaters (Later stopped because I realized they keep creating new accounts) Exposed some scams website
The reason why you're stopped to expose bounty cheaters because it doesn't guarantee you to earn merit, creating useless stats is more easier and each stats you created always earn merit. That's why you're still continue your useless stats and stopped to hunt bounty cheaters.
what good can you offer in the future?
It doesn't make sense you ask such question to him, you know right when someone already got punishment, he will do anything e.g. beg for forgiveness, promise to contribute, or even bribe if it's possible. I find it's similar situation like someone never posted in gambling board and he applied in gambling campaign, then he write below his application "willing to post in gambling section". Of course he will start shitpost on gambling board in order to fulfill the campaign requirement, we should look on past contribution, don't trust him words"
The real of his contributions was his recent posts, can anyone show me what's his contribution in this forum on his post history from pages 1-10? You will see it's a full of generic gambling posts in order to meet the requirements of the campaign. Question: If someone really give a contribution in this forum and not only for signature campaign, why he stopped to give contribution and only post in gambling section? Anyway, you should thank me for save you from plagiarism when I report your post on May 13, 2022 and the moderators didn't directly ban you, they waited for 5 days more.
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Activity: 3528
Merit: 6366
🚀Crypto Swap Exchange🈺
May 21, 2022, 10:05:27 AM |
LoyceV asked me to edit my posts and add the sources. I have edited a few posts, but I could not edit all of them because I forgot if they were copied or not. psycodad and LoyceV warned me on October 19-2021. After that, I never plagiarized. Before October 19-2021, I made a maximum of 70(+-) posts. The post they reported was before this date. So, My question for the community is, How still I am a liar while I never plagiarized after October-19-2021?
There is no doubt that you made a mistake when you presented someone else's work as your own, it was simply wrong whether it was something in real life or online. What's worse is that you've been warned many times to stop doing things that way and even correct any posts that could be problematic, which can definitely be considered a second chance - and not everyone gets it. I would personally check 7000 posts if I were you, and it would be enough if you used some free plagiarism checker if you can't already remember which posts were plagiarized and which weren't. It would be even easier if you deleted them all, as LoyceV already mentioned. The fact is that you were banned for plagiarism, but what's even bigger problem is that you didn't take a second chance when you were given one - now you're actually asking to be forgiven again, and you're unlikely to get the support of forum members in that request. I think now everything is in the hands of admins and global mods.
Copper Member
Activity: 2268
Merit: 1906
May 21, 2022, 10:06:30 AM |
And you remind that ruᛋᛋian whore bad woman
Was this really necessary?  Can't you put a cross your point without having to insult anyone? Well it's sad that A Hero Member account gets banned over such mistakes that should have been avoided. I guess you already know how hard it is to get to a Hero Member rank these days. You had more than enough time to comb through you post especially after the first warning "shot". Not so many people get that chance but you became too confident and started having a bitter argument with other members which didn't look good. I remember when some of Lauda's posts were reported for plagiarism. Being the dramatic person I knew, I thought we were going to receive a very dramatic response but what he did was accept the mistake and edited every post that had no source links and from what I know, he was never banned because of that plagiarism report.
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SLOT GAMES ....SPORTS.... LIVE CASINO | │ | ▄░░▄█▄░░▄ ▀█▀░▄▀▄░▀█▀ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ █████████████ █░░░░░░░░░░░█ █████████████ ▄▀▄██▀▄▄▄▄▄███▄▀▄ ▄▀▄██▄███▄█▄██▄▀▄ ▄▀▄█▐▐▌███▐▐▌█▄▀▄ ▄▀▄██▀█████▀██▄▀▄ ▄▀▄█████▀▄████▄▀▄ ▀▄▀▄▀█████▀▄▀▄▀ ▀▀▀▄█▀█▄▀▄▀▀ | Regional Sponsor of the Argentina National Team |
Dic3L0v3r (OP)

Activity: 65
Merit: 10
May 21, 2022, 11:13:07 AM Last edit: May 21, 2022, 11:27:13 AM by Dic3L0v3r |
but he ask to LoyceV to gain his attention to give him merit. I didn't ask LoyceV to gain attention or anything. psycodad was asking me and LoyceV suddenly appeared there and he answered on his willing. You can check here https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=178336.msg58474350#msg58474350If he really doesn't know the forum rules to add original sources, why he can add the rules before November 19, 2021 Just Because I have added the source link before November 19, Does it mean I already know the rules? If so, Yes, I am a liar. Creating useless stats first post হেলো ভাই ব্রাদার্স, ভাইয়েরা আমার, বোনেরা তোমার  বোনেরাও নিশ্চই আমার। চলুন বিগত মাসের আমাদের লোকাল থ্রেড এর ওভারভিউটি দেখা যাক। পোষ্ট কাউন্ট: মার্চ মাসে আমাদের থ্রেড এ ১২৬ টি পোষ্ট করা হয়েছিলো। যা এই মাসে অল্প কিছু বেড়ে ১৩৪ এ দাড়িয়েছে। সকলকে ধন্যবাদ ভালো পোষ্ট করার জন্য। মেরিটঃ বিগত মাসে আমাদের মেরিট রেশিও ছিলো ০.৫৩ যেটা অনেক বেশি। মোট মেরিট শেয়ার হয়েছিলো ৬৭ টি। এই মাসে সেটা কমে হয়েছে ৪৩ টি। মেরিট/পোষ্ট রেশিওঃ ওপরেই বলে ফেলেছি, যেহেতু মেরিট শেয়ার কমেছে, তাই মেরিট রেশিও কমে গেছে। ০.৫৩ থেকে এই মাসে ০.২৯ এ চলে এসছে। সাধারনত এটাও একবারেই খারাপ রেশিও নয়। পোষ্টারঃ বিগত মাসে আমাদের থ্রেড এ ২৯ জন পোষ্ট করেছিলো। এই মাসে সেটা হয়েছে ৩৩ জন। ৪ জন নতুন ভাবে থ্রেড এ পোষ্ট করেছেন। আশা করি আপনারা কন্টিনিউ করবেন।
বিগত মাসের টপ ১০ জন পোষ্টারঃ
1. Crypto Library [19] 2. shasan [15] 3. Teletalk.org [12] 4. Little Mouse [10] 5. Blue King [9] 6. naim027 [8] 7. DVlog [7] 8. musafar37 [7] 9. wtsimis [7] 10. Sumonkhan14 [4] , second post Monthly Overview Of Pakistan Thread March- 2022 Hey Guys! I hope everyone is doing fine in this pandemic. I did the same thing a few months ago. But, I was busy with my other work, and I could not post. Pakistani Thread made some significant changes During March 2022. The Post count increased significantly, Which is 696. Only NoorulHuda Posted 204 Posts. In February 2022, There were 28 Active posters. But In March, seven more people contributed to this great Thread. Here is the Overview: Here is the Top 10 Contributor of the month: 1. NoorulHuda [204] 2. Sayeds56 [92] 3. Cosmic Beyonders [63] 4. shahzadafzal [42] 5. UmerIdrees [41] 6. kaka_Shipai [38] 7. yawars20 [37] 8. Mariah20 [36] 9. Expert2022 [25] 10. Rehan Zakir [11]
Pakistan Thread has Crossed 9000+ Posts so far. On June 12-2022. Pakistan Thread will celebrate its 9th year anniversary. Kudos to everyone who contributed to this thread. I also want to share the top 10 contributors of this thread (All time) # Author Posts 1 UmerIdrees [895] 2 Sayeds56 [883] 3 CryptoYar [677] 4 NoorulHuda [441] 5 shahzadafzal [432] 6 Indymoney [364] 7 techearn17 [299] 8 nawazish1 [198] 9 SHAHKHAN22 [191] 10 irfan_pak10 [174] , third post Good Morning Pakistan! Another Month, Another Record For Pakistan Community. Here is the monthly Overview Of the Pakistan Thread (April-2022). Post Count: Pakistani members have Posted 863 Posts during April-2022, Which is an impressive and new record for this community. Last month, It had another record of 696 Posts. Even NoorulHuda was Banned. She had made 214 Posts before getting banned. Total Merit Shared: Here is another Record of Total Shared Merit. Since 2018, This is the first time the Pakistan community has shared 251 Merits In a Single month which is impressive. Last month, It had another record of 200 Merits. Post per merit Ratio: It has no change this month. But, It's good that the ratio didn't drop even with more posts. Number Of Posters: The Number of Posters increased by three. Not too big numbers, But, Also not too small considering a local thread.
Merit History Of Pakistan Thread (From DdmrDdmr Merit dashboard) *The stats here up to 27th April. Congratulation to the Top 10 Contributors!
1. NoorulHuda [214] 2. Mariah20 [80] 3. Sayeds56 [79] 4. Cosmic Beyonders [55] 5. UmerIdrees [55] 6. kaka_Shipai [51] 7. Shumyl [30] 8. shahzadafzal [30] 9. Morningstarr [28] 10. galambo [28] If those Stats are useless merit fishing stats, Then Rikafip is my boss. I got inspired by him.
I am an average person.
There's idiom "every effort counts". The good thing I did (In my opinion)- - I helped newbies answering several questions on my local
board thread (would be great if someone from my local thread can confirm) (post 1, Post 2, Post 3, Post 4, Post 5, Post 6, Post 7, Post 8 - Exposed some bounty cheaters (Later stopped because I realized they keep creating new accounts. Someone said I left some useless feedback) Post 1, Post 2 Post 3 Post 4, Post 5, Post 6 Post 7, Post 8,
- Tried to help others with some information (Midas Sticks Investigation 1) (Midas Sticks Scam Final Report)
- Exposed some scams website (Cloud Mining Scam, Binance Doge Scam
- Removed some Video content that promote scams with the help of forum members
Adding a link or other proof could be helpful for other people to verify it and few people might support your appeal.
Activity: 1792
Merit: 1444
May 21, 2022, 12:00:56 PM |
LoyceV asked me to edit my posts and add the sources. I have edited a few posts, but I could not edit all of them because I forgot if they were copied or not. psycodad and LoyceV warned me on October 19-2021. After that, I never plagiarized. Before October 19-2021, I made a maximum of 70(+-) posts. The post they reported was before this date. So, My question for the community is, How still I am a liar while I never plagiarized after October-19-2021? ~ I do not want to be a jerk, but it appears that you are not entirely honest about this. This is your post from November 17, 2021: Latin America showed promise in terms of regions as more governments legalized or took steps to regulate online gambling. As ever, Asia was one of the leading regions, along with Europe that remained steady in terms of growth.
2021 was also the year that the FATF greylisted Malta. This meant we got several requests to move jurisdictions, acquire other licenses, or set up in places like Kahnawake and Curacao.
2022 is set to be an even better year for the online gambling sector. According to the "Gambling: Global Market Opportunities & Strategies to 2022" report, projections for online and offline combined surpass an impressive $565 billion by the year-end. This demonstrates a growth rate of almost 6% on an annual basis.
When we look at just online gambling, the picture is even rosier. Figures from Juniper Research suggest that the total value of online wagers could reach $1 trillion. The figures vary depending on where you look, but all of them show a CAGR of over 10% in overall growth. Based on a CAGR of 12%, we can expect the value of online gambling to surpass $112 billion by 2025.
As for drivers of growth, we should be on the lookout for several different factors.
archivedOriginal source: https://www.yogonet.com/international/news/2021/10/18/59781-projections-for-the-gambling-industry-for-2022 And, it seems, you edited the post and added a link to the source article only on May 13, 2022, after you were reported for plagiarism by @Solosanz. Last edit: May 13, 2022, 11:08:43 AM by naim027
Dic3L0v3r (OP)

Activity: 65
Merit: 10
May 21, 2022, 12:10:47 PM |
I do not want to be a jerk, but it appears that you are not entirely honest about this.
This is your post from November 17, 2021:
Sorry, I worried:  , The date is November 19th. Just Edited it now. I am not original author at Coindesk. Is it forbidden to share the news here? Plagiarism will get you banned. You should edit your posts and add the source (link) to all of them. Even if you don't get banned for plagiarism now, it can happen years later.
Little Mouse
Activity: 2338
Merit: 2460
Marketing Campaign Manager |Telegram ID- @LT_Mouse
May 21, 2022, 12:21:59 PM |
Damn! Sad to see you banned, Naim. I used to know Naim for a quite a long time now because of the service (BTC exchange) I was providing here. I never imagine he could be plagiarized. Naim was always a great resource for our local board thread. I read almost all his posts in the local board thread and I loved reading all this to be honest. As LoyceV said, the rules are such that most newbies don't read though personally I would never think of plagiarism anywhere.
I would really love to see you get unbanned or atleast a sign ban for few months. I hope admin will consider.
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Dic3L0v3r (OP)

Activity: 65
Merit: 10
May 21, 2022, 12:48:38 PM |
The fact is that you were banned for plagiarism, but what's even bigger problem is that you didn't take a second chance when you were given one - now you're actually asking to be forgiven again, and you're unlikely to get the support of forum members in that request. I think now everything is in the hands of admins and global mods.
I am not sure if you mean I was banned before. Actually, I wasn't banned before. Solosanz reported my one post which was plagiarized. Then I edited that post and added the source link. After that, I was unable to find another one which caused me banned right now.
I hope admin will consider.
Waiting for a response from Admins/Moderators.
Activity: 2380
Merit: 4641
May 21, 2022, 01:15:37 PM |
I am not sure if you mean I was banned before. Actually, I wasn't banned before. Solosanz reported my one post which was plagiarized.  Then I edited that post and added the source link. After that, I was unable to find another one which caused me banned right now. You should look at the message history of someone who accuses you of plagiarism. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5388389.msg60171857#msg60171857 However I have found his another plagiarism post and already report to moderator (I don't want to make another report on the "report plagiarism" thread since it can easily noticed by him and he will add the sources again), perhaps the second report that's make moderator decide to ban him since he failed to follow LoyceV suggestion. At least we know broke plagiarism rule is still zero tolerance until now. There's no excuse for high ranked users to deny he was don't know the forum rules, if it's a newbies, then it make sense to give a second chance.
With due diligence, you would probably see another very interesting post, where Solosanz simply did not give you a chance to "hide your head in the sand", that is, escape from the scene of the crime and again, as if nothing had happened, add a link. Naturally, the plagiarism messages were removed by the moderators, as they always do after a copy is discovered. https://loyce.club/archive/posts/5822/58224716.htmlNow check how much you're cheating here. And are you really respecting the forum by showing this kind of behavior?
Dic3L0v3r (OP)

Activity: 65
Merit: 10
May 21, 2022, 01:25:13 PM |
Now check how much you're cheating here. And are you really respecting the forum by showing this kind of behavior?
Well, I am not sure how it's cheating since after he reported my first post, I told her, "Yes, it was plagiarized, and I just edited the post and added the source link". Is it cheating? Which kind of behavior are you referring to? I already know which post caused me to be banned. Yes, That was a plagiarized post, and I was unable to edit this post because I forgot if it was plagiarized or not.