Best Chain v1.3.4 SFRMS | SFRBit | SFRSend | SFRPay | SFRDirect | Project Orion
Press Release : WhitePaper 1 : explained by Bitcoin Rush : :
#sfrcoinProof of Developer (POD) Analysis
SaffronCoin setting the trend with innovation- First coin to make use of webkit technology for Qt Wallets to display fully-fledged web content.
- First wallet to include built-in Twitter feed.
- First wallet to include built-in IRC.
- First wallet to implement sending of coins by just an alias
- First wallet to include a fully-fledged Block Explorer built into the wallet.
- First wallet to include fully-fledged exchanges into the wallet (currently Bittrex & Cryptsy).
- First wallet to implement buying of coins with fiat directly from the wallet
- First wallet to display Market Cap and price in fiat built into the wallet.
- First wallet to have gui based coin recyler.
- Second wallet after Vericoin to implement a feature to buy products with SFR wherever BTC is accepted
DonationsOP Design : SWCHvcMSxL7CTx2TnRDcM9YhEWwDantFFL (SFR)
1CjirbDLTBYtYSbgyuE1fsG1JL7Mg7MwWD (BTC)
SFR Developers : SWrMTo1GjdmYqu66mrhsjb7yed7tvAfrxx
Charles (MAC and Explorer Creator) : SgdUsC7NbHuEGF6d1cucz1Q41bQMxvGrJV
Tizen (Linux Wallet Creator) : Sb2MMNbnHQNjBkwTkVMEDMBWeeEa5kUy8J
Essokinesis (SFR Twitter TipBot Creator) : Sdgxzd8LCcN8yHHHhZNeYGAR7TWroWtARR

Market Stats (Updated every day)
Total Minted Coins : 13,789,928
Price per SFR : 0.00002200 BTC / $0.011
Project OrionOrion would be a decentralized cross-crypto communication protocol through which you can send and receive "mail" to and from other cryptos (provided they have implemented Orion Protocol). In layman's language, Orion can be known as Crypto-Mail (c-mail).
Suppose you are sending a mail from your Saffroncoin wallet to a Vericoin address, the recipient's c-mail address would be : <vericoin_address>@vericoin. The nodes on the networks of Saffroncoin and any other Orion compatible crypto-currency would route the mail to the destination.
There are P2P messaging services but Orion tends to deepen the crypto world connection by cross-currency communication.
During initial stages, there would be only text mail support but once this protocol gains wider support, we will work on file transfers as attachments just as you do in your normal e-mail.
We will be working with other cryptos to test the Orion protocol.
Point of Sales Devices (Rolling out later this year)

We are providing
2 types of anonymity techniques.
Do note SFRSend+ is the only anonymizing technique that
allows you to
receive your coins without disclosing your wallet
address to the sender. Just give that person your SFRMS alias
and ask him/her to use the latest wallet. It is not necessary for
the sender to have an SFRMS alias.

We developed this feature keeping in mind the privacy of users
and some suggestions by the community. Many would not like to
disclose their SFR address since anyone can look it up on
the blockchain and find all your transactions and balances.
With SFRSend+, your wallet address privacy is assured. Do note that a transaction fee of 0.1% is taken for every
This post highlights the working of SFRSend/SFRSend+ :
SFRBit to use SFR to buy stuff where BTC is accepted.
More info :
SFRPayWe have received many requests from our users that they were
not able to buy SFR at a particular time because their BTC took
time to arrive. When they wanted to buy, the price was much higher.
We felt we needed to address this and have SFR delivered to them
in as fast as 1 block confirmation. Hence we created SFRPay that
lets you buy SFR with fiat(USD only at present, later will be expanded to EUR, CNY).
Currently the method used is through PayPal.
You can use your existing PayPal account or buy as a guest user with your CC.
More info : :
We are the first ones to make use of webkit technology in crypto-wallets.
Our first features with webkit included built in IRC and exchange rates.
With Webkit, we can do amazing stuff. We have
fully-fledged exchanges built into the wallet. There are various benefits of using in
wallet trading even though you can do the same thing on a
web browser. It depends from person to person. But with in built
wallet trading, you do not have to deal with browser
vulnerabilities or other sort of bugs. Also each webkit
container is independant of itself and doesnt affect the working
of other features in the wallet.
Easily access the SaffronCoin Blockchain using a full
user-friendly GUI based Block Explorer.
First Wallet to feature a Tweet Box.

Saffroncoin v2.6.2 - Windows (Multi-Tasking) Saffroncoin v2.4.3 - MAC (Multi-Tasking) v2.4.3 - Ubuntu (Multi-Tasking) Repo created. To install/update, you can just type:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install saffroncoin-qt-mt
More info : Saffroncoin v2.4.3 - ArchLinux (Multi-Tasking) Source v1.4.2 Saffroncoin v1.4.2 - Windows (Classic) Saffroncoin v1.3.4 - Mac (Classic) Saffroncoin v1.3.4 - ArchLinux (Classic) --------------------------------------

X11http://xhash.net (P2P) (P2P) (P2P)
http://sfr.pool1.goodluckpool.com (Not currently working)
SCRYPThttp://pool.saffroncoin.com GROESTL (Invitation only) (new and better for US miner])
SHA-256D Blake256 -------------------------------------- (Credit: charles33200) (Credit: dcct) (Difficulty Graphs)
(The main Daemon. Use it for Exchanges/Pools/Nodes) (The Multi-Tasking Wallet code for v2.*) rpcuser=some_username
***Change the "algo" value for other algorithms such as sha256d or groestl. If you do not specify an algo value or specify an incorrect one, you will be solo mining using sha256d algorithm since it is the default one.***
SHA256dCGminer, BFGMiner, BTCminer, Easyminer
SCRYPTSGminer, CGminer, BFGminer, CUDAminer{only for Nvidia GPU)
GROESTLCPU miner Win64 - GPU miner thread - X11Any CgMiner used for Darkcoin/Hirocoin or any other X11 coin.
BLAKE256This is the only miner that will work with SFR Blake.
Do not use any other miner. Credit goes to griffitsj for developing this. you have any problems regarding this miner or the Blake pool, please PM
griffitsj for support.
http://coinmarketcap.com (Check SFR profitability for Scrypt) (Check SFR price in BTC/USD/EURO)
QQ: 152944661 --------------------------------------
Whitepaper Interviews Press Articles --------------------------------------
Market Analytics --------------------------------------
Pre-Mine400 blocks (0.000778%) (approx. 30K SFR) for bounties and promotions.
We are a very passionate team that are ready to take on challenges
to help promote the use of crypto-currencies. It would be great if you
could help build the community and support the coin throughout.
You do not need to be tech savvy to help support the community,
you can help in many ways. Feel free to read about us and get
in touch with us.