1. Simple Rich list, first 50014.06:
http://pastebin.com/d6QGsbAfPastebin is on heavy load now.
I thought about what to write an application, but there is a problem with the binding of addresses that do not seem to solve.
For example, my wallet contains 4 addresses (use the Coin Control), 3 of them are created automatically by the wallet, so this list does not display exactly number of users or amount of coins in wallets, even if the user has one visible address in "receive coins" tab.
And I am voting on Mintpal 5-10 times on day.
And I am against multipool: this is no novelty, but who wants to buy, buy more profitable manually.
2. I have one idea/feature. To me very important safe use of wallet.
If my computer is compromised (infected with a trojan),
I do not want to lose my money.
Yes, i am using antiviruses, encryption, different strong passwords, sandboxing, etc,
the chance of infection is still there.
Theoretically, we can implement additional protection level:
the address to send funds from which a
signatures is required from two wallets (eg, desktop and android app).
Part of the functionality is already exists in the bitcoin protocol.
Perhaps I will spend a number of tests, if I have the free time
(but I have a problem with free time now).