why does NEM have such a small traded volume? It has a huge market cap, as it is in the top 10, but in terms of daily volume, NEM is ranked 40th at the time I write this post
because zero inflation = zero sellpressure
only NEM volume is true trading
zero volume by coin inflation
example BTC alone have 1.35 million $ inflation each day by new mined coins
NEM have 0 inflation
the new lower tx fees active just a few days once first services and app go into heavy used mode
the tx fee will create a "virtual" deflation
virtual because the coins not really burned but end in hands of harvesters
but opposite to BTC or other pow coin miners
NEM harvesting nodes have no need to sell a lot of gathered fees for cover their power cost
as it is with bitcoin miners where deepens on hw generation 30-90% of mined BTC value have to made liquid (sell for $)
to be able pay the power cost of mining gear
conclusio: zero inflation mean less volume
because all trading volume on NEM/XEM is true trading
and no inflation based volume
but it also mean high coin circulation will create a "virtual" deflation because the fees
get "stuck" at harvesting nodes who normaly not in sell gains instant mode but instead suck up and keep hold the fees in their wallets