Aero Community,As you can tell many things have happened in fairly quick succession, well at-least from where i'm standing.
Without naming names it seems our whitepaper has attracted the attention albeit for another project *cough*bitpay*cough*
It seems to me there is a lot of hostilities surrounding my decision not to provide release dates or being as transparent as possible surrounding the Development of AeroME
this is a personal choice and something borne from my experience with issues such as these.
Have we not been over this already?I decided it would be much more fair that
when a newly developed system/feature will drop everyone will get to hear about it
This was and still is the mindset which has guided me personally and has always been applied for Aero's past deployments. Personally I prefer a free and fair system
a system where no one person or individuals have access to insider info or whatever else that will give an unfair advantage over the one's without said information.
As past affairs have shown us is that no matter what safe guards are in place the playing field is not fair I say this in the context of both the crypto world and also the Real world.
So in whatever ways I can personally aid in leveling out this playing field I shall act accordingly, After all its the very same rigged system that got us all here looking into
crypto-currencies in the first place right? I guess its the under dog in me.
I have been in discussion with some of my closest confidants seeking advise regarding the scope and path we are all on and the direction we are heading with aero/aerome.
We have come up with a number of solution which are pretty amazing and highlights the reason why i surround myself with talented individuals for the very reasons mentioned:
good advise, critical & logical thinking, support and loyalty.. We are in the process of finessing our plans, most of which are already underway with AeroME being the cornerstone of our solutions things are very fluid and dynamic at the
moment (in a good way), meaning things are moving fast.
As in any good business or whatever else in life its prudent to plan for the future. We are looking towards the future beyond AeroME a situation where Aero is much more
mainstream (hint
) as this phase is almost nearing completion (yes its tantalizingly close) and are preparing the groundwork for future growth, Things are looking very-
good and i do not say that lightly. Its these moments in life, where opportunity present themselves; call it cosmic forces or whatever, "things" just seem to come into place!
I'm of the personal belief that if you do good things in life good things will come back to you, when you least expect them to.
Again, I must keep a little guarded about what i say here until I can confirm our precise plans and our course of action but rest assured I have only the best intentions for you all
I care deeply about you and finishing off ALL the tasks at hand.
On a quick side notentrn500 look and please listen, i do not like singling anyone out
especially not in public however i think you are being overly harsh in some of your comments; furthermore,
If out of anyone I wish to prove myself to it would be towards some of my harshest critics and at this moment this seem's to be you, even though members like yourself (and others)
make silly comments born out of frustration or whatever I do understand. However, It seems you are trying your utmost to disrupt our community for whatever reason..
You are still part of this community and for that I thank you. I have made a number of mistakes namely the sheer size of the project which i have undertaken in hindsight I would have
subcontracted portions of our project out accordingly (maybe, i don't know.. but then again funding has been a huge barrier in the past) however, the point being is I'm only human
I recognize a number of errors which I have made all made with best intentions and all of which i have learnt from.
As for the comment about 10 lines of code = next bill gates lmfao. good one !
AeroME is approaching 3,000 lines of code I have also linked my
codeivate account mid way through this project.
Take these stats with a pinch of salt as its not enabled on my primary build machines.
It was decided from the beginning that I was to create a highly polished product which is an eloquent solution to the problem of a transactional, decentralized digital marketplace for
cryptocurrencies which lives on the blockchain in a hybrid state consuming multiple data-streams providing a single access point for multiple interdependent systems and services.
Needless to say during this project a a small majority of the codebase has built upon solid groundwork from other project I have devoted a significant amount of time and effort in
extending constructors and other framework plugin, etc have been custom crafted and will be handed back over or contributed back to the open source community to help others
who wish to have a head start on their own projects. After all that is what GNU and creative commons is all about!
All i ask if for a little more patients (from you all but especially from ntrn500
Thank you all for your nominating me for the PoH (Proof of Honor) awards 2014 (
its things like this which really puts a huge smile on my face maybe we will have a better luck next year also the best man was awarded the First Proof of Honor – Satoshi Nakamoto
I would like to say a special thank you to KL, Crypto and everyone else over in AeroTalk you have been a massive force of positive influence and not forgetting you guys over in Slack
(and the other place) you all know who you are and not forgetting the Aero Community
Me, me, me! But I have a question.
Anyone saw BitBay?
Basically its a copy of AeroME.
Take a look at ANN.And the product has not been released there either.
So, let me do some math.
Their IPO got 3000 BTC, so thats the marketcap, 3000 BTC.
Aero is around 150 BTC marketcap.
A 3000 marketcap for Aero would be at around 44,000 SAT.
We are currently at 2,000 SAT.
Thats a x22 gain.Do any of you have an idea why there is such a huge difference?
NOT trying to FUD on bitbay in any way, but from what I could see they have not released any product either.
Its a completely new coin, with nothing but the promise. Same as Aero offcours, AeroME is for now also only a promise.
There is a blackcoin dev on it (if I remember right). Think thats the reason?
I mean, Majika has also a good reputation, so I cant quite understand the investors here.
This is indeed the same sort of thinking which is so strange why it has not already been picked up by others!
Its very encouraging to see another project albeit a.. how do i put this.. a project that shares a close resemblance to AeroME to have made such a good round of investment