Hey Kebooz here.
Time is now arrived to discuss about what will be our next move concerning CAPTcoin. Time has come to gather a strong core team and think about our roadmap.
So, in this purpose, we're gonna have a IRC chat.
You can join the chat if you're willing to be really involved in CAPT's development. I mean seriously.
We won't only speak about ideas and dreams... The main purpose is to speak about real objectives and how to reach those.
We're looking for talented and involved devs, people skilled in promoting, graphic designers, etc...
I'dd like to recall you that CAPTcoin is NOT a fast BTC faucet, its primary objective has always been to bring crypto currencies to everyone. No need technical knowledge, no need dedicated and expensive hardware. All you need is a brain. CAPTcoin is a real thing that answer to many problem in crypto world.
There's so much to do in cryptoworld... So if you wanna be a part, active part, of this adventure join us on IRC tomorrow. And if you know skillled people that could be interested by our philospohy, talk to them. Spread the word.
See ya tomorrow !!