My SINCEREST apologies to the CAPTcoin community. We had a CAPT deposit issue at Coin-Swap this past week while I was on a rare vacation. The vacation was in the rain forest of Costa Rica for a wedding and I was not able access to the internet. While I don't go on vacation often (I have nothing planned for the next year) I am going to make sure that if I do have an extended time away from the computer that a system will be in place for trusted individuals to trouble shoot the wallets. It is certainly unacceptable to go a week without having access to your deposit and I will immediately begin work on a system that allows trouble shooting of wallets for trusted individuals.
All deposits have been processed and anyone who deposited CAPT to their Coin-Swap address should now have the proper CAPT balance. If for some reason you don't see your CAPT in your balance, please join our IRC channel (#coin-swap) for fastest support or email us support at coin-swap.net. Please do not request support in this thread, this is for CAPT discussion not Coin-Swap.
For your inconveniences, we are removing ALL trade fees for CAPT for a week. There will be no BUY or SELL fees for the CAPT/BTC market during this time.
Once again I sincerely apologize for the CAPT deposits and lack of communication while I was away.
I can not say to much about the owner other than he has some misguided priorities, in the middle of our customer support debate about the losses endured by his vacationing, he decides he will leave to go to Mcdonalds for lunch
[23:47] <@coinswap-ian> hey guys i gotta run up to mcdonalds and get lunch for the girls. back in 15 or so
his community of higher members or whoever this person (+aaronm_) im Not sure really, they do not really support this coin or its community wither and know very little about the trading industry or the coin he is commenting about
[23:45] <+aaronm_> price only went up because there was 0 supply
[23:45] <goldensun343> ^
[23:45] <+aaronm_> and everyone just came here to dump
[23:45] <goldensun343> If deposits were working, the price wouldn't have gone over 5,000 sat easily
[23:45] <+aaronm_> because lets face it 100% premine is classed as a shitcoin
[23:45] <+aaronm_> id say it woulda gone down a lot further and will still
[23:46] <+aaronm_> once users realise they have the coins ready to dump
Here is exactly how Coinswap customer support feels about our captcoin
<@coinswap-SiRuX> If its captaincoin you're worried about.. its only worth pennies and the max you can make on the exchange right now is $60 thats if you have thousands of captain coins.
<@coinswap-SiRuX> No one wants to buy captcoins
<@coinswap-SiRuX> Because no one wants to buy captcoin because its a fake coin like latium :p
I think a lot of us have High hopes here for CAPTcoin, but exchanges that do not value their cutomers concerns, and their community of higher members who degrade coins on their own exchange can never be a good thing, we must find a better,more professional exchange to putt Captcoin on, because clearly coinswap is not professional in any way.
Lets recap for coinswap, frozen deposits due to vacationing, not having a good route for customer service, all support emails were never answered, and he just felt the best he could do is deposit our coins and leave it at that, he accepted no responsibility for what happened to his business while he was soaking up the sun and drinking martinis on the beach, due to the fact he has collected so much cash on his exchange thru fees he had the ability to vacation, He then farther disrespects his clients by going to lunch during a heated debate about his absence and lack of customer support during his absence allowing his rude and clearly uneducated community of followers to carry the discussion on. Very unprofessional, not prioritized and shows exactly what coinswap cares about and thats his own pocket.