BCEmporium, you have some disturbingly illogical views on this subject. I respect your right to your opinion (so don't take personal offense), but I disagree with it. Here's why:
You were saying that anyone who falls into the corners of the chart is an extremist and therefore dangerous. Yet, you, refusing to evaluate individuals on an individual basis, but instead lumping diverse peoples into a single group and labeling them "extremist" and "dangerous", are being extremist yourself. To say that Fascist Right-wingers, and Authoritarian Leftists are the same as traditional Anarchists and "anarcho"-Capitalists is an
extreme position to take. The chart distinguishes between authoritarians and freedoms lovers, as well as rightist and leftist economic views. To say that Hitler (upper Right) and Rothbard (lower Right) are the same is utter nonsense.
So "absolute truth" does exists? Mind to give an example? Other than fallacies there is...
As it looks I'm talking to an extremist, and extremists are impossible to talk to (doesn't matter if from right or left wing, authoritarian or libertarian), taken everything they "believe in" is "the truth" and everything someone else's does or believe is "wrong"...
It seems like
you are actually the extremist as a lot of people have tried to explain concepts to you but you blindly proceed with your arbitrary classifications. Also, to say that there are no absolute truths in the world is illogical. A meta-analysis of your position will destroy it.
Consider, for you to state that "There are no absolute truths in the world" is in itself, a statement of the absolute. If there are no absolutes in the world you cannot actually be sure that your statement is correct. Therefore, there may actually be absolutes. The best that you could do would be to admit that there is
one absolute, and that is: that there are
no absolutes other than this statement. However, if you admit that there is at least one absolute, why could there not be others? To say that there is a single absolute in the world is arbitrary and arrogant. You cannot possess enough knowledge to say for certain something of that magnitude.
Your thoughts?