Hi HDD miners
I have a lot of questions to the new art of mining.
First of all i downloadet the wallet and the POCminer.
I read the instruction for windows and ist seems ok.
I made an testsetup with my 60GB SSD (g:\)and and an old dualcore + 2GB of RAM.
I see now the Burstserver, which is connected to my localhost:8125 and the run_generate.bat is running and also the run.mine.bat.
What for JAVA memory values i should use? Its @the moment an 32 Bit Win7. How could i calculate the value? Something like that, "2048MB-XMX1-XMX2"?
g:\Mining\pocminer_v1>Java -
Xmx1000m -cp pocminer.jar;lib/*;lib/akka/*;lib/jetty/* pocminer.POCMiner generate *ID* 0 51200 1000 2
Generating from nonce: 0
-Xmx750m -cp pocminer.jar;lib/*;lib/akka/*;lib/jetty/* pocminer.POCMiner mine ""%*
I get an extreme bad value for the deadline...what does it mean?{"baseTarget":"29701941","height":"6163","generationSignature":"ac2ade870e5e944fa7e3cf9fb9acc75b1e9081aedcb41b2362eb32a27e6fb0d8"}
Error reading file: ID_0_51200_1000
New best: ID:6700
Submitting share
What are the important things for mining burst? Could i mine with an old CPU and 2x2TB ore more? How much RAM is usefull? What is with the transferspeed? Could i use more USB Drives?
Is it better to use Linux? Questions over Questions...i hope someone hav answers for me...thanks al lot :-)