Portnoy checks all these sites every day to weed out scammers.
And not just me. There are many people who follow this thread and reports on any site that is doing something suspicious, or having problems etc.
And of course the forum mods watch things to make sure suspicious links are posted in any threads. Which makes this list, and the newbie version,
the safest way to get free BTC from the various sites that offer them.
I think most of these sites are scams. I have been doing them regularly, like 20 a day, for the last few weeks, but I have gotten maybe 4 payments.
Many sites don't payout until a minimum balance is built up and the procedures for requesting a payout can vary between the sites.
If you are having a problem with a particular site please feel free to report it here. Using a unique address for each site you check is
a good way to see which sites pays out and when.