Download and import CannabisCoin-qt pre-installed on Ubuntu 14.04LTS Virtual Machine
If your virtualisation software can handle the industry-standard Open Virtualization Format (OVF) you can import this ready-to-use virtual appliance.
Don't own any suitable software? No problem, Oracle provides VirtualBox for Windows, Mac OSX, Linux and Solaris hosts for free. you have or install VirtualBox then importing this ready-to-use Ubuntu installation is as simple as selecting the "File" menu and choosing "Import Appliance". From there you will be presented with a dialogue to select the file "Cann_on_Ubuntu_14-04-1.oca" that you download from the link(s) included here. filefactory link will expire in about 90 days, I'll try to make more permanent arrangements before that time.
Follow the prompts to select the file for import and make any changes you wish to the appliance settings. Don't worry about making an error because you can simply stop the virtual machine and adjust the settings at any time in the future.
As initially distributed the virtual machine has been allocated minimal resources - 1 processor, 1Gb RAM, 128Mb video with a low resolution monitor and small vHDD space. You should consult your virtualization software manual about increasing those settings should you wish to do so.
As supplied this virtual appliance has modest requirements and consequently delivers modest performance.
User name: cann, password: YesWeCannNot familiar with Ubuntu and want to change the keyboard, language or don't know how to change the default password? We have instructions for that,
here and
A few notes on this appliance (or virtual machine, if you prefer):
I have uninstalled the games and libreoffice suite that are part of the default Ubuntu install simply because I don't want to encourage general use but rather keeping the environment as pristine as possible for your CannabisCoin transactions. Think of it more like your bank's safety deposit cubicles where you put things into or take them out of your safety deposit box. You don't go there to do your correspondence, do you?
Similarly, don't think because you are using a more secure operating system in this virtual appliance that it is somehow then made safe to do so on a malware-ridden Windows box. That is like taking your safety deposit box to a seedy part of town during a power outage and counting piles of cash on the sidewalk, hoping nothing bad will happen.
Keeping your CannabisCoin wallet inside a virtual machine makes it more difficult to steal, not impossible and if your host machine is infected with key-logging malware then whoever controls the malware already has your passwords. On the other hand you have dramatically increased the amount of data the would-be thief has to handle in order to access your wallet so you are less likely to be targeted until CANN becomes much more expensive.
What does this all mean? It means you must take action to protect yourself, particularly on Windows host machines. Keep your ant-virus/anti-malware software up to date. Run scans regularly and frequently (once a year may be regular but once a week is just frequent enough). Use common sense about the links you click - is it normal for some enterprise to send you emails and how likely are they to ask for details by email? And please, try to refrain from clicking links in spam mail offering to take you to "" or some such. Basically, think before you click.
Finally, even though you keep a sparkling clean, superbly running machine you need to keep backups because, unlike true friends, devices will always fail you eventually. If you have multiple encrypted copies of your wallet.dat file stored in diverse, secure locations you can always get another computer, install a wallet by any of the means available to you and copy in your wallet.dat file to recover all your coins.
Hopefully the above has been sufficient to help you get started with your own fairly safe environment from which to make your CannabisCoin transactions.
Anyone having trouble can PM me here or email me at
As always, may the source be with you. Smile and wish someone a really nice day