Can someone here give me a rundown of where this coin stands in regards to development, both completed and coming soon.
Hi, below is an outline of where this coin stands in regards to development.
---------------------------------------UPDATE---------------------------------------------The OCUPY Cloud Platform Beta is ready.OCUPY Insight (Formerly LiteChain)insight.ocupy.netREST/JSON API - The OCUPY Insight API can be used to query blocks, transactions, addresses, receive live updates and broadcast transactions to the OCUPY P2P Network. See the below architecture diagram.
LiteChain - We can now develop wallets/clients that do not have to download the whole BlockChain allowing for mobile wallets, web wallets etc
Full Reporting - Reports on double spend attempts, outpoints confirmations, outputs spend status reports. Input and Outputs hyperlinks in transactions. Extended view in transactions to show advance details. .
Access the REST API at /api. Please see some of the available endpoints below.
Block /api/block/[:hash]
Transaction /api/tx/[:txid]
Address /api/addr/[:addr][?noTxList=1&noCache=1]
Address Properties /api/addr/[:addr]/balance
Unspent Outputs /api/addr/[:addr]/utxo[?noCache=1]
Historic blockchain data sync status/api/syncLive network p2p data sync status
/api/peerStatus of the OCUPY network
OCUPY Wallet v2.1.0.0 OCUPYSend v1 Transaction Obfuscation
TOR Connectivity enhancements
TOR/IP Connection selectable from the ocupy.conf file
TOR Proxy built into wallet. You can now browse the internet behind the TOR network all via the Wallet.
Restyling to improve the visual appeal and so to fit the new Blue coloured branding
New CheckpointsWindows:!9ZoxBBZI!-nToGnBIN_ce_ZI-Ncf4_9DMODyfWhtz1uyK-qb4J9o We have delivered everthing mentioned above, what's next:
----------------------------------Development Update-------------------------------------Hi
OCUPY Insight makes the OCUPY Blockchain more accessable than ever. Our dev team and anyone else can use the API to develop innovative and secure applications/clients for the OCUPY Blockchain. Web wallet, Mobile Wallets, Payment gateway's will all follow.OCUPY Trustless Web WalletWe have been working on a Multisig BIP32 HD Hierarchical Deterministic wallet. We have resolved many of the issues that arise from using this code with OCUPY, however there are still some issues that we are yet to resolve. We have a few developers looking into this issue, we may also bring in a freelancer if required. As this is all cutting edge stuff.
These are currently the most secure wallets as you do not have to trust a 3rd party with your coins. At no point is your private key available to the server or anyone else.HD Wallets are very very close..... Can anyone tell me what this is bVrGPvmS57QTs5iVixSuftjLyM4ux4ADRg
Decentralized MarketplaceWork started on the Marketplace over a month ago. It has been put on the back burner while I concentrated on the Cloud Platform. Starting next week we will have a Dev working on this full time.
More Details to follow.Decentralized ExchangeDevelopment work has not started on the Decentralized Exchange we are still in the planning stage. This is a very large project, it will require significant development time, bug testing, Security testing and auditing.
When development starts in Q2 2015 we will have a larger pool of developers with a variety of skills that can make our dream a reality.Mobile WalletsNow that we have our Cloud Platform expect to see many new OCUPY Blockchain Applications. We may employ an outside contractor to develop the mobile wallets, this will free up time for other dev work.
Keep in mind, this is just the information that we WANT to be public. There are other very innovative ideas and developments coming out of the OCUPY Camp. Our latest update!!!