Sr. Member
Activity: 308
Merit: 250
CEO FlawMiners TM®
November 17, 2014, 06:43:06 AM |

Activity: 66
Merit: 10
November 17, 2014, 06:44:39 AM |
And it's nothing innovative.
November 17, 2014, 06:48:19 AM |
Ok, I haven't yet read through all of it so I'm sure there will be better analysis done, maybe even by some brave soul on HT. But from what I'm seeing the number of coins in the ICO has been reduced to 5.5 million, total POW coins - 12.5 million. Staking will be ~0.4% per month (5% APY), Prime Controllers (not the same as Prime Hashlets though) will be staking at 5% (edit: looks like 5% in six months? confusing) but there is going to be a bidding process to become a Prime Controller, ant it isn't quite clear how that's going to benefit hashlet owners. We will outline the specifics next week. But rest assured, it will be a the greatest return ever seen in crypto There are going to be Orion Controllers, which seem to be making money from transaction fees. Possibly an Orion hashlet coming? Other bits: HashCoin will start with a 250mm market cap. Over half of it is already allocated to private investors, partners and HP customers :grinning: All HP customers and investors will be given their coins our of a pre-minted allotment. We thought that was only fair as they have already earned (purchased) those coins.
We (GAW) will continue to publicly compete for our own allocation of the coin. Like I said, we will show the world our belief in HashCoin by competing for it :grinning: Next push sell Orion controllers prior to ico.. watch. Still think primes are really sql servers
Sr. Member
Activity: 308
Merit: 250
CEO FlawMiners TM®
November 17, 2014, 06:53:02 AM |
And it's nothing innovative. I do not support this idea or company, just posted it for others to read it. Also in the news is: The Hash Power of ANTPOOL Owned by BITMAIN Over 17P on its First Day Author:Betty Date:November 17, 2014 Category:Fresh News 请输入图片描述 The fact that the Hash Power of ANTPOOL over 17P, would make ANTPOOL the third largest mining pools, just behind F2POOL and GHASH. At present, the competition of Bitcoin mining industrial chain is very fierce. Not long ago, the hash power of F2Pool topped the Ghash's, which was undoubtedly a big thing ( or we could say it's the first sign of global mining pool competition). On the one hand, the fierce competition of mining pools can effectively weaken the influence of 51% attack, on the other hand, miners may benefit a lot.
suchmoon (OP)
Activity: 3962
Merit: 9209
November 17, 2014, 06:54:19 AM |
Ok, this now deserves a separate post https://hashtalk.org/topic/18406GAW_CEO Admins Global Moderator Industry Innovator
250mm Market Cap
HashCoin will start with a 250mm market cap. Over half of it is already allocated to private investors, partners and HP customers :grinning:
That's 250 million USD, far cry from the lofty earlier estimates, since the number of coins was reduced to 12.5m from 1.2b. I'm not quite sure how "over half of it" can be allocated if the ICO is only 5.5 million according to the white paper, and only HP coins are pre-mined. https://hashtalk.org/topic/18407/decision-to-mine-update/7GAW_CEO Admins Global Moderator Industry Innovator
@Sash said:
How much was pre-allocated?
About 5.5mm or 110mm USD. Private investors, partners, and customers Right. 110 > 250 / 2
November 17, 2014, 08:18:16 AM |
Wow... Mr. CEO Boss has parted the seas once again. In reality, this "update" is another juvenile attempt at hyping up a dead- Hashcoin something before its unlikely release with run-on sentences and jibber-jabber. The header and footer takes up so much space, there is only enough room for two basic paragraphs per page and 90% of that content really doesn't say ANYTHING constructive or revolutionary. It reads like a failed project management power-point presentation where someone's copy/paste habit got the better of them before converting it to a word doc then a .pdf at the last minute. From what I can kinda see skimming through much of the nonsense, he is basically attempting to either copy SYScoin, which was a failure at launch due to its own all hype/no substance infrastructure or he is attempting to clone Blackcoin with its Halo features (using his own rebranding of course). Naaa... he would never do that...or would he???  More than likely, he is attempting to plagiarize the viable innovations developed in at least one of those projects with something he can peg to FIAT, like the USD, while keeping the actual pseudo "mining" behind the scenes (and under his control) with his mock POS mode of operation which is backed up by his virtual PRIME nodes. Well, he may have missed the memo, but someone else has already done that (minus the unscrupulous Mt. GAW tactics and centralized control) and it is doing very well in just its first few days. What is the name of this NON-GAW solution that actually has the technological features Mr. CEO can only talk about?? Here's a pic -  Yes, a proven coin concept that actually made it through normal vetting, peer review, and a real "ICO" because it could back up all its claims with facts, a real white paper, and direct uncensored developer interaction with the public. No, each BitBay is not worth much now, but it has 3000 BTC crowd sourced backing it and the utility side of it is very polished. Can GAW/Zen say that? Didn't think so. Scott-
November 17, 2014, 01:22:41 PM |
Looking at the hash market seems people are finally catching on that he may be full of it and tired of unfulfilled promises. Previously when he made an announcement such as this primes would go over $50. This time they are low $40s and many more were placed for sale.
November 17, 2014, 01:24:44 PM |
Ok, this now deserves a separate post https://hashtalk.org/topic/18406GAW_CEO Admins Global Moderator Industry Innovator
250mm Market Cap
HashCoin will start with a 250mm market cap. Over half of it is already allocated to private investors, partners and HP customers :grinning:
That's 250 million USD, far cry from the lofty earlier estimates, since the number of coins was reduced to 12.5m from 1.2b. I'm not quite sure how "over half of it" can be allocated if the ICO is only 5.5 million according to the white paper, and only HP coins are pre-mined. Even though GAW has already started mining their coin they can change how many coins can be mined when ever they want. That's kind of what I'm taking from that statement.
November 17, 2014, 01:31:20 PM |
Looking at the hash market seems people are finally catching on that he may be full of it and tired of unfulfilled promises. Previously when he made an announcement such as this primes would go over $50. This time they are low $40s and many more were placed for sale.
CEO better put his thinking cap on and rollup his sleeves. Eventually you deliver or you don't. That time is about here. Should spend less time worring about his rep and a little more time developing an exit strategy or maybe that was developed first.
November 17, 2014, 01:38:28 PM |
Haaa.. this is getting so sad, it's almost funny. No disrespect intended for those who are still victims of the Mt. GAW hype machine.
Edit: Everyone, just report "bitgeek" to the mods if you see him wasting time and bandwidth. Otherwise just ignore him.
I couldn't care less about being reported by a bunch of haters, who registered on this forum just to make stupid photoshopped pictures and write FUD. Better focus on reporting people who issue personal attacks and produce flame posts, like yourself.
November 17, 2014, 01:47:50 PM |
A quote from the white paper: Bidding is performed by making a bid payment to the blockchain from a wallet stored on an Orion ControllerTM.
Mind you I only scanned through the whitepaper document, this sentence caught my attention, does this mean that wallets will be under their control? It could be a poorly worded sentence, anyone seen any other references or suggestions that wallets would be stored on the controller side?
November 17, 2014, 01:52:01 PM |
A quote from the white paper: Bidding is performed by making a bid payment to the blockchain from a wallet stored on an Orion ControllerTM.
Mind you I only scanned through the whitepaper document, this sentence caught my attention, does this mean that wallets will be under their control? It could be a poorly worded sentence, anyone seen any other references or suggestions that wallets would be stored on the controller side? Not sure if they intentionally made this more complicated than needed on purpose or not... Kinda like Obamacare - They throw something so complicated agaisnt the wall, people just accept it and figure it out later... Then.... it's too late!
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
November 17, 2014, 02:23:17 PM |
" does this mean that wallets will be under their control?"
Look at their early Q&A. They mentioned that GAW would act as a central bank. Also mentioned that a central bank would be able to recover funds from someones lost wallet (example they gave was a deceased owner and their heirs needing to gain access).
Based on this along with GAW controlling, what they call prime controllers, I would guess that they either have full control over all wallets (acting as possibly the third party in multi-sig) or they have the ability to alter the blockchain.
November 17, 2014, 03:22:48 PM Last edit: November 17, 2014, 04:42:49 PM by KC6TTR |
He likes to use a service that fiies a TM for only $159. Much like his late night Go-daddy domain name shopping sprees. Surprised he waited this long. "Hashcoin" was available last week. Scott-
November 17, 2014, 03:22:52 PM |
A quote from the white paper: Bidding is performed by making a bid payment to the blockchain from a wallet stored on an Orion ControllerTM.
Mind you I only scanned through the whitepaper document, this sentence caught my attention, does this mean that wallets will be under their control? It could be a poorly worded sentence, anyone seen any other references or suggestions that wallets would be stored on the controller side? From what I can understand is that the wallet and the controller are not under their control. Think more in the lines of masternodes of (darkcoin)

Activity: 90
Merit: 10
November 17, 2014, 03:44:41 PM |
Haaa.. this is getting so sad, it's almost funny. No disrespect intended for those who are still victims of the Mt. GAW hype machine.
Edit: Everyone, just report "bitgeek" to the mods if you see him wasting time and bandwidth. Otherwise just ignore him.
I couldn't care less about being reported by a bunch of haters, who registered on this forum just to make stupid photoshopped pictures and write FUD. Better focus on reporting people who issue personal attacks and produce flame posts, like yourself. Someone who couldn't care less wouldn't of even responded? Why do you defend GAW so much? Only explanation for your blind faith is that you are part of their staff.. smh.. look what you made me do. I responded to the troll
Activity: 896
Merit: 1001
November 17, 2014, 04:03:47 PM |
Let's get this straight.
Satoshi works on bitcoin code since sometime in 2007 and releases bitcoin live in early 2009. It takes a to mid 2010 for coins to be worth more than electricity cost to generate them. Almost 6 years into bitcoin, bitcoin has a market cap of $5 billion. The bitcoin code is validated and updated by a decentralized community.
Josh / GAW creates a 'Hashcoin' in the last few months, it solves no major problem but to generate 'value' for the people creating hashcoins. The code is unknown. The whitepaper is being changed almost daily. Hashcoin is suppose to go live in a few weeks with 'major companies' accepting it and giving Hashcoin a market cap of a few hundred million to few billion.
suchmoon (OP)
Activity: 3962
Merit: 9209
November 17, 2014, 04:04:50 PM |
Here is some analysis: https://hashtalk.org/topic/18424I'm still heavily confused about the staking percentage. Is it 5% APY for everyone, or just for Prime Controllers, and where exactly that superior Prime hashlet profitability is going to come from (remember Prime Hashlet is not the same as Prime Controller, just to make things even more confusing).
November 17, 2014, 04:17:22 PM |
Let's get this straight.
Satoshi works on bitcoin code since sometime in 2007 and releases bitcoin live in early 2009. It takes a to mid 2010 for coins to be worth more than electricity cost to generate them. Almost 6 years into bitcoin, bitcoin has a market cap of $5 billion. The bitcoin code is validated and updated by a decentralized community.
Josh / GAW creates a 'Hashcoin' in the last few months, it solves no major problem but to generate 'value' for the people creating hashcoins. The code is unknown. The whitepaper is being changed almost daily. Hashcoin is suppose to go live in a few weeks with 'major companies' accepting it and giving Hashcoin a market cap of a few hundred million to few billion.
This. I love how market cap numbers are just being thrown around like they are something you can just create and maintain out of thin air.